Meatball noodles are a win-win combination. A simple dish can become both a routine nutritious dinner, and the “highlight” of a gastronomic program at a family feast, a romantic dinner. There are hundreds of variations in the preparation of this classic treat, some of them are collected in this article.
Glazed cutlets? Unusual Asian traditions
You will be surprised to find out how varied the noodle dishes are! Among them are traditional pasta and thin buckwheat pasta ... But noodles can also be prepared from vitamin vegetables. How? A simple recipe below.
Used products (for meatballs):
- 560 g of turkey minced meat;
- 100 g chopped onions;
- 100 g almond flour;
- 1 chicken egg;
- sesame seeds, green onions.
For glaze:
- 80 ml of soy sauce;
- 30 ml rice vinegar;
- 20 g of corn starch;
- honey or sugar.
For garnish:
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Stir all the ingredients needed for meatballs. From the finished “dough”, make large circles, put on a baking sheet, bake for 18-20 minutes.
To make the glaze: add everything but cornstarch and water to a small pot. Bring to a boil and cook until the sauce has evaporated. In a small bowl, completely dissolve 2 teaspoons of corn starch in 8 tablespoons of water. Add the mixture to the sauce and mix immediately. Bring to a boil, cook until dressing thickens.
Cut zucchini into thin strips, fry in a pan. Grease the meatballs with the sauce using a pastry spatula. Serve all together, garnishing with sesame seeds.
An exquisite treat in 30 minutes. Meatball Noodle Recipe
Quinoa in meatballs? It may seem strange, but, believe us, such meatballs turn out airy and friable.
Used products (for garnish):
- 200 g of string beans;
- 110 g glass noodles;
- 60 ml of soy sauce;
- 30 ml of sesame oil;
- ginger, garlic, sugar.
For meatballs:
- 450 g minced meat for meatballs;
- 100 g quinoa;
- 60 ml of Hoisin sauce;
- red pepper flakes.
Cook the cereals in a small pan with boiling salted water until tender, 15-18 minutes; strain, set aside. Mix the sauce with spices, add minced meat and quinoa. Shuffle, form symmetrical balls. Bake for 16-20 minutes.
Cook the noodles according to the directions on the packaging. Combine soy sauce, garlic, ginger, sesame oil and sugar in a small bowl until the sweet powder has dissolved. Lightly fry the beans in a pan, add the noodles and pour the sauce. Simmer for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. Serve with roast meatballs.
Idea for a gala dinner
The recipe for noodles with minced meatballs will harmoniously fit into the culinary routine of lovers of simple and tasty food. Thin pasta and delicate meatballs are served with spicy tomato sauce, which smoothly complements the taste of the side dish and meat treats.
Products Used:
- 800 g canned tomatoes;
- 450 g of spaghetti;
- 400 g ground beef;
- 1 chicken egg;
- olive oil;
- breadcrumbs;
- parsley, grated parmesan.
Prepare spaghetti in accordance with the instructions on the packaging, drain the liquid, set aside. In a separate container, mix the minced meat with breadcrumbs to a homogeneous state, add parsley, parmesan, and an egg. From the finished mass, form 15-18 balls, fry them in a pan with the addition of oil. Add chopped tomatoes, spices. Cook until the sauce thickens, 8-10 minutes. Serve all together.
Mediterranean style meatballs
Dishes from noodles are not limited to the traditional "pasta with meatballs". Food lovers from around the world serve thin pasta as a side dish to a wide variety of ingredients, including fish.
Products Used:
- 500 g of potatoes;
- 225 g smoked mackerel;
- 60 ml of tomato paste;
- 1 chicken egg;
- butter;
- lemon zest, green onion.
Peel the potatoes, cook for 15-20 minutes. Combine boiled potatoes with mackerel meat, tomato paste, beaten egg and seasonings. Form meatballs from the mixture, leave them for 1 hour. Lubricate each ball with oil, fry in a pan or bake in the oven.
Korean classic - meatball noodles
Love Asian cuisine, looking for an easy and quick recipe for dinner? Relax, these Asian-style rice noodle meatballs are what a true fan of savory treats needs!
Used products (for garnish):
- 450 g of rice noodles;
- 1/2 carrots;
- 1/2 zucchini;
- jalapeno pepper.
For meatballs:
- 500 g minced meat for meatballs;
- 90 g breadcrumbs;
- 1 chicken egg;
- green onions, garlic, ginger.
For the sauce:
- 120 ml of water;
- 90 ml rice vinegar;
- cilantro, sesame seeds.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Stuffing mix with spices, breadcrumbs and beaten egg. With wet hands, knead the “dough" from which you will form delicious balls. Bake meatballs for 7-8 minutes, turn over, continue cooking for about 10 minutes.
Cut zucchini with a scoop or a peeler, set aside. Boil rice noodles in salt water. In a different container, mix all the ingredients for the sauce. Fill the prepared noodles and vegetables with aromatic liquid, put meatballs on top.
Jamie Oliver Tips
How to make stuffing? A question that worries many housewives who decided to cook loose meatballs on their own. Jamie Oliver is a world-renowned chef who knows exactly how to make meat treats impeccable!
- Combine several types of minced meat, such as beef and pork.
- Prepare the breadcrumbs yourself by removing the crust from the bread, grinding the product by hand or in a blender. Some housewives soak the bread at night so that future meatballs are softer and more tender.
- Add egg yolk, spices (rosemary, sage, lemon zest) to the mixture.
- Shape balls with wet hands. This manipulation is necessary so that the meatballs do not fall apart, and the minced meat does not stick to the hands.
Jamie is advised to stew meatballs in tomato sauce. The chef serves a nutritious treat with crispy toast, crumbly rice or fresh green peas. The finishing touch is a leaf of cilantro or basil. Spicy props will not only visually decorate the dish, but also make the aroma brighter and richer.
Want to experiment? Make stuffed meatballs by adding a little grated cheese, chopped vegetables or crumbly cereals (rice, couscous, bulgur) to the minced meat.
Roast with Teriyaki Sweet Sauce
Cooking such a dish will not take much time, but the process and result of cooking will definitely please even the noble choosers. A simple recipe is suitable for both daily meals and a luxurious dinner with your family.
Products Used:
- 470 g minced beef;
- 200 g thin noodles;
- 180 g bread crumbs;
- 120 g of champignons;
- 100 ml of soy sauce;
- 90 g of honey;
- 60 ml peanut butter;
- any vegetables.
Cooking Processes:
- In a large skillet or wok, heat 1 tablespoon of oil over medium heat.
- Stuff the minced meat with crumbs, from the sticky mass, make 10-15 round cutlets.
- Fry the balls for 6-8 minutes until their crust turns a light golden hue.
- Transfer the meatballs into a large bowl, fill with a mixture of soy sauce and honey, set aside.
- Fry your favorite vegetables in the same pan, add the noodles. Pour the rest of the soy dressing.
Season the fragrant noodles with meatballs with a heap of fragrant spices. The taste of crumbly cutlets can be emphasized with the help of ground coriander, mustard seeds, allspice peas.
Vegetarian Recipe
The usual meat delicacy can also be prepared from ingredients of plant origin. This dish will appeal to both vegetarians and people who just want to diversify their usual diet a little.
Products Used:
- 230 g of finished chickpeas;
- 100 g chopped white onion;
- 100 g breadcrumbs;
- 60 ml of tomato paste;
- 50 g parmesan cheese;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- Italian herbs.
Cooking Processes:
- In a large deep pan, fry the onions and garlic until transparent, about 3-4 minutes, set aside.
- Whisk the chickpeas in a food processor, then add the roasted garlic, onions and the remaining ingredients.
- Dial "dough" with a tablespoon, roll into small balls.
- Combine the remaining breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese together in a shallow dish. Dip the meatballs in a mixture of dry ingredients before frying.
- Cook vegetarian meatballs for 5-8 minutes in a pan, after 12-15 minutes bake in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees.
Serve the noodles with meatballs, seasoning the dish with plenty of aromatic sauce before serving.
Marinara - juicy sauce for your meatballs
The delicate texture and rich aroma of this sauce will make any dish bright and unique. However, the most advantageous spicy marinara "looks" with rosy meatballs.
To prepare this traditional Italian sauce, fry chopped celery and carrots in a pan, add tomatoes, wine and spices. Cook over low heat for 28-40 minutes until the mixture thickens.