Alcohol in water or vice versa: how to dilute alcohol with water at home

And why, in fact, do they dilute alcohol? Most often in order to make an alcoholic drink.

Why alcohol is bred

Of course, he is bred at the factory. But the question of how to correctly pour alcohol into water, or vice versa, most often arises when preparing alcohol at home. It can be anything, not necessarily vodka. On the basis of alcohol, various liquors and tinctures are prepared. But before you dilute alcohol with water, you need to be well prepared and familiar with certain rules. Otherwise, alcoholic drinks will turn out not too high quality.

How to dilute alcohol with water

This process does not include any complicated procedures. You just need to do everything right. How to dilute alcohol with water? For this, only alcohol (96%) and water are needed. It is not recommended to take liquid from the tap. Boiled water is also best to immediately eliminate. Best of all, before diluting alcohol with water, purchase it in a store. It should be well chilled but not frozen. So what is pouring? Alcohol in water or vice versa? What do the technologists say? It is necessary to pour alcohol into water in a thin stream.

alcohol in water or vice versa

Why so? If you do the opposite, then with a decrease in strength, the solution heats up greatly, and all toxins and other harmful substances are released.

What to do next

The solution should settle. The minimum period is 2 days. But itโ€™s better to wait a week. It is necessary to defend diluted alcohol in a dark place. The bottle should be poured all the way to the throat so that the oxidation process does not begin. Another important point when diluting alcohol with water: if you pour water into alcohol, then the solution is likely to get a cloudy color, and the smell will be just alcohol, not vodka.

Chemistry alcohol dilution

If a person is even a little familiar with this science, then the question of what to pour is alcohol into water or vice versa, it will not even enter his head. After all, any chemist knows that it is the dissolving agent that needs to be poured into the solvent, and not vice versa. This reduces the amount of heat generated. It is always acid that is poured into water. And even lithium with potassium is thrown into the water, and not doused with liquid.

how to dilute alcohol with water

Since alcohol is one of the strongest oxidizing agents, when it is added to water, the solution heats up. And this will lead to the formation of peroxide, carbonic and acetic acids and various poisons, which cause a wild hangover. You also need to remember to shake the container with the solution periodically. Then the elements will interact better. Minimum amount of harmful components in the solution with the correct procedure will remain.

But again, we must not forget about upholding in a cool dark place. During this time, all components are mixed, and the gases formed will evaporate.

Correct proportions

How much water to add to alcohol? It is believed that the inventor of vodka is Mendeleev. Here on his calculations and is worth equal. The ideal proportion is 2: 3. These are 2 parts of alcohol and 3 parts of water. This ratio is considered ideal.

But then, in what proportions to dilute alcohol with water, is a private matter for everyone. Not everyone is happy with the fortress of 40 about . Someone prefers a sixty-degree drink, and for someone, 38 is a bit much. Therefore, it all depends on what kind of fortress you need to achieve in the end.

Do I need to shake

Scientists do not argue that the solution must be shaken. After all, if the procedure is carried out correctly, then the alcohol will dissolve perfectly. But if the composition of alcohol is not the most ideal, then with shaking, all harmful substances will decay into gas and water.

What to pour in - alcohol in water or vice versa, sorted out. The main thing is to take into account some nuances. Another important point in this process is water quality. Much depends on her too.

What should be the water

First of all, when diluting alcohol, the water should not be hard. That is, the content of magnesium and calcium in it should be minimal. From hard water, a drink can acquire a cloudy color, and its taste will not change for the better.

Tap water. It is better not to use it in this case. Firstly, its rigidity just rolls over, and secondly, it has a very high chlorine content. This will also negatively affect the quality of the drink.

dilution of alcohol with water

But if you still have to use just such water, then it must be properly prepared. In order for chlorine to evaporate from it, it must be allowed to stand for at least a few hours. After the water needs to be brought to a boil and cooled. Further, it is advisable to use a filter for cleaning. Only then can water be used.

Spring water

You can often hear that it is spring water that is ideal for diluting alcohol. But it is not so. Of course, spring water most often has excellent taste, but you can only determine how hard it is in a special laboratory.

how much water to add to alcohol

In addition, its quality also strongly depends on natural conditions: season, precipitation. So such water is also not the best option. For the sample, you can dilute a small amount of alcohol and look at the result. If the solution remains clear and the taste is acceptable, then you can continue to use this water.

Water from the store

This is exactly what qualified professionals advise. Here you can be sure of both the composition and rigidity. After all, all this is indicated on the label. It remains only to find water whose hardness does not exceed 1 mEq / L. It is worth noting that there are a lot of such products on the shelves of modern supermarkets. If the hardness is not indicated on the bottle, then you need to pay attention to the amount of calcium (not more than 10 mg / l) and magnesium (not more than 8 mg / l).

Distilled water

At first glance - an ideal option. Since there are no impurities, the solution will definitely not become cloudy. But here, too, has its own nuances. It is necessary to determine what the solution will be used in the future. If tincture or liquor with a pronounced taste is prepared on its basis, then distilled water is an excellent option. Such a liquid has no taste. Therefore, the properties of herbs or berries in the drink will be fully revealed.

in what proportions to dilute alcohol with water

But if you need to make vodka, then this liquid is absolutely not suitable. And the reason is the same - it has no taste. It is believed that the taste of vodka directly depends on the taste of water. After all, alcohol, whatever it may be, has the same palatability as liquid. Before diluting alcohol with water, it is necessary to take all safety measures and in no case carry out this procedure near an open fire.

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