Today, a huge number of people suffer from attacks of vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) . This pathology is also often called vegetoneurosis. Mostly middle-aged women suffer from it. However, VVD cannot be called a full-fledged disease. By and large, this is a whole complex of deviations in various body systems that lead to a wide variety of symptoms.
Therefore, before determining how to relieve an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is important to understand the background of what such crises occur. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand what constitutes an ailment, a little more.
What is an IRR attack
Vegetative-vascular crisis is a sudden failure in the autonomous work of the human nervous system. Simply put, during an attack, the work of the brain and spinal cord, as well as other organs, is disrupted. This leads to the fact that a person loses working capacity, stops thinking logically, is not able to concentrate. Serious memory problems appear.
An attack of vegetovascular dystonia is also called a panic attack. When such problems arise, the vital activity of the patient is completely disrupted, this affects his family and friends. If crises are repeated with an enviable frequency, then this can lead to serious consequences.
It is also worth noting that today VVD is diagnosed in people aged 20 years, however, barely noticeable primary signs of the disease are often manifested in early childhood.
General symptoms
As a rule, for a long time a person does not even suspect that he has an IRR. However, there are several factors that can trigger a crisis. For example, if a person does not sleep well, is under heavy stress, or he has a sharp change in hormonal levels, then all this can lead to the appearance of such problems.
Symptoms of an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia are manifested quite clearly. When a crisis occurs, a person suffers from:
- Feeling that the earth is literally floating from under my feet.
- Heart palpitations.
- The appearance of cold sweat.
- Sudden pressure drops.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Speech loss.
Of course, such symptoms of an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia cause severe panic in patients. A person is afraid to die and exacerbates his condition even more. In such situations, it is very important to calm down, but without outside help it is very difficult to do. Especially dangerous is the condition in which a person suffers from an asthma attack during vegetative-vascular dystonia. If you do not quickly reassure the patient, this can provoke oxygen starvation in the brain, which will entail a series of additional ailments.
Additional symptoms
It is also worth paying attention to signs that may portend an imminent crisis.
Long before the first attack, patients begin to suffer from:
- Headaches, lethargy and drowsiness.
- Dizziness and fainting.
- Prolonged insomnia.
- Numbness in some areas of the body.
- Fatigue.
- The appearance of a constant "lump in the throat."
- Weather dependence.
- Often the appearance of herpes on the lips.
- Depressive conditions.
- Increased irritability.
- Distraction.
- Shortness of breath.
Due to so many possible signs and symptoms of an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia, treatment can be complicated, since it is not always possible to diagnose a pathology in a timely manner. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor any changes in your well-being. Especially if a person began to suffer from pain.
Pain with vegetovascular dystonia
Considering the features of attacks of vegetovascular dystonia, it is worth paying special attention to the fact that people suffering from VSD almost always complain of pain. First of all, there is discomfort in the head and heart. In this case, the pain may be temporary or permanent. Sometimes patients experience prolonged migraines. A person is constantly experiencing stress. There is a feeling that the head is squeezing in a vice.
As a rule, such unpleasant sensations begin to appear after a serious moral upheaval, strong feelings, stress or long work, which requires maximum concentration from a person. As a rule, unpleasant symptoms pass after rest and massage in the collar area.
If we are talking about migraine, then it can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, trembling, photophobia, cold extremities, intolerance to loud sounds, etc. As a rule, severe stress or excessive physical exertion leads to this condition. Usually the patient's condition improves significantly after a long rest and a cold shower.
Also, people suffering from attacks of vegetovascular dystonia often complain of cluster pain. Mostly unpleasant sensations appear at night, due to which patients suffer from insomnia. As a rule, pain appears in the area of ββthe head or face, usually only on one side. The first 10 minutes the pain is unbearable. With such attacks, a person has watery eyes, sweat appears, it is difficult for him to lower his eyelids. After some time, the discomfort disappears.
Patients may also show heart pain. In some situations, patients complain only of discomfort, but sometimes the pain becomes simply unbearable. Against the backdrop of such attacks, many develop a fear of death. Pain in the heart can be very different. Some note a pressing, aching, aching, or stitching feeling. In this case, a sensation may appear that there is a foreign object in the sternum. As a rule, this symptomatology manifests itself if a person has been drinking alcohol for a long time, has experienced intense physical exertion, or has been forced to endure a severe moral shock.
The attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia: causes
VVD crisis can be caused by numerous factors, which are primary and secondary. In the first case, we are talking about the genetic predisposition of the patient. Perhaps he inherited certain problems associated with the work of the autonomous nervous system.
Secondary factors include phenomena that could serve as an impetus for the emergence of crises. For example, attacks of this type can develop against the background of:
- Frequent and prolonged stress or severe depression.
- Excessive physical overload.
- Mental overvoltage.
- Weakening of the cardiovascular system, which often leads to dysfunction of certain organs.
- Imbalance of hormones.
- Unstable psyche.
- Hereditary diseases that are accompanied by a defect in mitochondria.
- Osteochondrosis (mainly of the cervical region).
- Some pathologies of the internal organs.
- Brain injuries.
- Allergic reactions.
- A sedentary lifestyle.
There are a huge number of causes of attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the symptoms of which are not always manifested in the early stages of the development of pathology. However, most often, people who are too susceptible to stress suffer from VVD. At risk are those who suffer from frequent mood swings, suspiciousness and increased anxiety. It is also worth being careful of those who often have to deal with conflict situations, problems at work, study, etc.
An exacerbation of chronic pathology can also lead to VVD, or if a person has suffered from serious toxic poisoning.
Types of attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia
In medical practice, there are several varieties of VVD crises. Doctors also pay attention to the frequency with which relapses occur and their severity. Based on the main indicators, the IRR crisis can be:
- Sympathoadrenal. In this case, we are talking about a panic attack. The sympathy department ceases to work properly, which causes a rather strong release of catecholamine. The vessels are narrowed. Additionally, the patient may manifest tachycardia, severe pain in the head or heart, tremors and blanching of the skin. Against the background of constant excitation of the nervous system, a person may begin to experience an unreasonable feeling of fear or intense anxiety.
- Vagoinsular. In this case, a failure occurs in the parasympathetic department. As a rule, the condition occurs against a background of a strong adrenaline rush. As a rule, at the very beginning of the crisis, patients complain of severe weakness. After this, suffocation, vomiting occurs, blood pressure decreases. However, speaking about how to relieve an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is worth noting that it is quite simple to alleviate the patient's condition, for this it is enough to lay him in a horizontal position.
- Mixed. This type of seizure includes the symptoms of the two types described above.
It is worth noting one important pattern. The fact is that regardless of the type of crisis, the more often the attack occurs, the more difficult and longer it is necessary to stop unpleasant symptoms. If you start an ailment, then the form of pathology will take on an increasingly severe form.
Seizure duration
Experts classify crises of this type based on their severity. Thus, an attack can be:
- Easy. Typically, such attacks last no more than 15 minutes. As a rule, they indicate that only one system of the body is affected (for example, respiratory or any other).
- Average. The duration of the attack is about 1 hour. During a crisis, post-crisis asthenia is often observed, which can drag on for two days.
- Heavy. In this case, the attack lasts more than an hour. During this time, the patient may manifest a wide variety of symptoms. Patients are often in a painful state for up to several days.
If a person manifests a similar condition, it is important to clarify what to do with attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
How to deal with the crisis
If you call an ambulance in a timely manner, the doctor will try to remove the unpleasant symptoms with medication as soon as possible. However, even before the ambulance arrives, the patient's condition can be alleviated if you know how to stop an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia. To do this, you must adhere to several recommendations and help the patient:
- Do not panic. It is necessary to explain to the victim that this syndrome is not deadly, however, if he is very nervous, it can harm him.
- Take a break. It is necessary to switch the patient's attention to something else. For example, you can discuss with him the weather or the latest news, offer to play or watch a movie. But he must not be allowed to concentrate on unpleasant symptoms and succumb to panic.
- If the patient has shortness of breath, then you need to unzip his clothes and open the window so that he gets the maximum oxygen.
- Treating an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia may include taking mild sedatives. For example, you can give him some Corvalol or Valerian. If an acute attack occurs, it is recommended to use Veroshpiron.
- If the patient suffers from a severe attack, it is important to provide the brain with the necessary blood flow. To do this, lay the patient in a horizontal position and raise his lower limbs.
- If during a seizure the patient has a severe migraine, then you need to make sure that he rests as much as possible and is away from bright light and other irritants. It is advisable that the patient sleep a little.
- When chills appear, it is recommended to wrap the victim in a warm blanket, and lower his legs into a bath of warm water.
- It is recommended to perform a massage in the neck. This helps bring pressure back to normal.
It is also worth measuring the pressure of the patient. If it is increased, then it is recommended to give the patient a drug that will help normalize these indicators. Sweet helps a lot. Therefore, you can make weak tea and dessert.
Unfortunately, this pathology is very difficult to diagnose, since there are a huge number of symptoms that appear in a person during seizures. Nevertheless, pathology can be identified thanks to several signs, as well as using instrumental diagnostic methods.
The highest efficiency is shown by an ECG. In this case, a specialist can exclude heart problems, which are often manifested by similar symptoms. Additionally, studies using ultrasound, radiography, EEG and other studies can be used.
The doctor also eliminates the likelihood of developing myocarditis, coronary heart disease, or rheumatic disease. Based on the data obtained, makes up a course of therapy. As a rule, the principles of treatment of attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia are in an integrated approach.
Therapeutic measures
Treatment of crises and pathology itself is primarily aimed at getting rid of dysfunction in the work of the autonomous nervous system. In this case, usually apply:
- Herbal preparations. They have a calming effect. Such funds include valerian, ginseng and motherwort.
- Sedatives. As a rule, they are recommended to be taken with fairly serious neurotic disorders. Typically, such funds are used in conjunction with other medicines.
- Complexes. In this case, we are talking about several drugs that stimulate blood circulation in the brain.
If a person suffers from quite severe attacks, then in this case beta-blockers may be prescribed. However, it is not recommended to start taking such medications on your own. The dosage of these medicines is prescribed by the doctor based on the situation, as well as after a detailed diagnosis of seizures.
In the treatment of VVD, it is equally important to adjust the patient's physical activity. He must also avoid emotional stress. Do not forget about proper nutrition. Meal should be balanced. Have to give up bad habits.
Considering the varieties and features of attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia, what to do when a crisis occurs, etc., you should also pay attention to how acute manifestations of VVD can be avoided.
The patient is recommended to attend massage procedures, it is advisable to go to a sanatorium. If this is not possible, then it is worth spending more time in nature. If we talk about nutrition, it is important to exclude fried, smoked, spicy and pickled foods from your diet. It is not recommended to have dinner late in the evening.
If a person has already had an attack of VVD, then he should always have painkillers or sedatives on hand.
Equally important is a timely examination by specialists. If the doctor draws up a program of physical strengthening exercises for the patient, then this will help reduce the likelihood of a second attack.
In addition, patients need to avoid the open sun, especially for those who live in an arid region. Every day it is recommended to take a contrast shower and, if possible, perform collar massage. However, it is first necessary to check with the doctor how best to perform such manipulations.