Ointment "Colbiocin": composition and instructions

For the treatment of certain diseases of the organs of vision, special preparations are used that are applied topically in the form of ointments or drops. One such drug is Colbiocin (ointment).

Release form

Some drugs, having one active substance, are available in various dosage forms. For example, in pharmacies you can see "Colbiocin" - ointment and drops. Both funds are used in ophthalmology. Medicines in the form of ointments and drops under the same name "Colbiocin" are made in Italy by S.I.F.I. S.p.A. The medicine is packaged in aluminum tubes of 5 grams each, having a plastic tip and a plastic cap. Each tube is equipped with a first autopsy control system.

colbiocin ointment

The composition of the drug

One of the sought after remedies for the treatment of certain ophthalmic diseases is Colbiocin. Ointment can be used topically, which ensures the high effectiveness of the drug. It consists of three active components:

  • sodium colistimetate;
  • rolytetracycline;
  • chloramphenicol.

As forming substances use:

  • petroleum jelly;
  • lanolin;
  • liquid paraffin.

colbiocin eye ointment

Pharmacological effect

One of the commonly prescribed pharmaceutical products that is used to treat ophthalmic diseases is Colbiocin (ointment). Analogues of this drug should have the same or similar active components, perform the same functions. "Colbiocin" works as an antibacterial and antimicrobial agent.

How does it work

"Colbiocin" (ointment) contains three active components that provide antimicrobial and antibacterial effects. The main substance is chloramphenicol. It belongs to the group of amphenicol. Its most common name, under which it can be bought as a separate drug in pharmacies, is chloramphenicol. Chloramphenicol is included in the list of vital and essential medicines approved by the Government of Russia.

This is a highly active antibiotic that can fight gram-positive and gram-negative microbes, rickettsia, spirochetes, chlamydia. This substance has a bacteriostatic effect, disrupting the synthesis of proteins, the vital activity of bacteria. Due to its high toxicity, chloamphenicol is used only as an external agent.

colbiocin ointment instruction

The second active substance of the ointment "Colbiocin" is rolytetracycline. As its name implies, it belongs to the group of tetracyclines, being a derivative. In addition to the fact that tetracyclines are broad-spectrum antibiotics, they are active against some protozoa.

The third substance of the working group, sodium colistimetate , is also an antibiotic that affects gram-negative bacteria and some fungi.

All active ingredients fight germs that cause serious health problems.

colbiocin ointment analogues

Indications for drug treatment

One of the effective antimicrobial agents used in ophthalmology is Colbiocin (ointment). Instructions for use of this drug contain a fairly extensive list of diseases requiring treatment with this tool:

  • blepharitis;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • bacterial keratitis;
  • conjunctivitis of various origins;
  • corneal ulcer.

The drug should be used only as directed by the doctor in accordance with the diagnosis.

colbiocin ointment


Like any other drug belonging to the group of broad-spectrum antibiotics, the eye ointment "Colbiocin" has contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • hypersensitivity to drugs;
  • fungal tissue lesions;
  • impaired liver and kidney function;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • inhibition of hematopoiesis.

The drug can not be used in the treatment of children under the age of 8 years, as well as pregnant and breast-feeding women.

colbiocin ointment instructions for use

Feasible side effects

Like all antibiotics, Colbiocin (ointment) can cause unwanted side effects when used. It can be:

  • bullous dermatitis;
  • hyperemia;
  • burning;
  • hives;
  • Quincke's edema.

Prolonged use of the drug can lead to irreversible aplastic anemia. Although the ointment is a tool for external use, the active components in small quantities still get into the systemic circulation, which with prolonged exposure can lead to adverse effects. Therefore, the ophthalmic medicine "Colbiocin" should be used for medical reasons in strict accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. Do not self-medicate!

colbiocin ointment

How to use ointment?

One of the antimicrobial and antibacterial agents for external use in ophthalmic practice is Colbiocin (ointment). Instructions for use of this drug stipulate the method of use: ointment is laid for the lower eyelid. This procedure will not cause questions if carried out in accordance with the algorithm:

  • wash hands and face;
  • throw your head back, you can lie on a flat surface without a pillow;
  • look up, as high as possible, "behind the head";
  • Pull the lower eyelid using a clean cotton pad so as not to touch the eyes with your hands;
  • squeeze a little ointment into the space between the eyeball and eyelid (conjunctival sac);
  • wait 2-3 minutes until the ointment spreads and absorbs;
  • close your eyes slowly, look straight;
  • eyes open.

The tool is used 3-4 times a day. If the disease is severe, and the doctor considers it necessary to increase the dosage, then the procedure is carried out up to 6 times a day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but prolonged use is contraindicated. If the effect of treatment with ointment does not occur, it is necessary to use other means of therapy with additional diagnosis.

colbiocin eye ointment

Additional Information

For various inflammatory diseases in ophthalmology, a broad-spectrum agent such as "Colbiocin" is used - an eye ointment. Analogs of this drug have a similar effect, but are available with different active substances. These are "Garazon", "Maxitrol", "Sofradeks", "Toradex". Drops and ointment "Levomycetin" are a generic that has a similar antimicrobial effect.

In ophthalmology , Colbiocin (ointment) is a commonly prescribed drug that helps fight various inflammations. The doctor recommends it for use if a multicomponent agent is needed for treatment. It is not worth it to combine this drug and other medicines for the eyes on your own, since tests of this kind have not been conducted. "Colbiocin" ointment should be stored in a cool place, not allowing heating tubes above 25 degrees .

If the preparation is very cold and because of this has become too thick, then the tube must be kept warm so that the substance acquires the necessary soft consistency. It is not recommended to store an open tube with the drug for longer than one month - the substance oxidizes and loses its healing properties. In the pharmacy network, Colbiocin medicinal ointment can be purchased at a price of about 250-300 rubles per 1 pack.

Any ophthalmic disease requires medical attention. Self-medication conducted without examination, making an accurate diagnosis, can be the result of serious health problems that require complex and lengthy treatment, hospitalization and, possibly, surgical intervention.

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