Former members and current members of the Gems group. Yuri Malikov, Elena Presnyakova, Oleg Sleptsov

The first dates of the ensemble's existence: from 1971 to 1992. And in 1995, the work of the truly legendary team - “Gems” was resumed. The ensemble was formed by the famous artist Yuri Malikov. He, by the way, in 2007 was awarded the title of national. The composition of the team was constantly changing. In the article, we will talk about the lives of both former participants and current ones.

The ensemble recently celebrated its 35th anniversary. In honor of this, the new project “NEW Gems” was launched, which included younger and more promising stars of the modern scene. But now this team is of little interest to anyone, neither the previous generation, nor the current one. They are more interested in the good old ensemble, the participants of which are discussed below.

So, the composition of the group "Gems":

  • Elena Petrovna Presnyakova.
  • Alexander Sergeevich Nefedov.
  • Oleg Minasovich Sleptsov.
  • Georgy Vasilievich Vlasenko.
  • Yuri Fedorovich Malikov.
  • Irina Vasilievna Shachneva.
  • Valery Vadimovich Belyanin.
  • Grigory Rubtsov.
  • Sergey Ukhnalyov.
  • Sergey Anatolyevich Kuznetsov.

Former members:

  • Vladimir Presnyakov Sr.
  • Andrey Sapunov.
  • Vitaly Bogdanov.
  • Vladimir Vinokur.
  • Anatoly Mogilevsky.
  • Arkady Khoralov.
  • Alexander Barykin.
  • Vyacheslav Dobrynin.
  • Alexey Glyzin.
  • Vladimir Kuzmin.
  • Valery Khabazin.
  • Sergey Belikov.
  • Valentin Dyakonov.
  • Dmitry Malikov.

Yuri Fedorovich Malikov

Yuri was born on June 6, 1943. He graduated from college in Podillia, and then a music school. From his youth he toured a lot and was always closely associated with art. For some period he was very interested in jazz and even participated in the ensemble.

In 1965, Malikov entered the conservatory. Almost 10 years later he graduated from it and after a short period of time became the director of the ensemble "Gems".

Dmitry Malikov is the son of Yuri, the successor to the musical dynasty, but he never was in the father's collective.

gems group composition

Elena Petrovna Presnyakova

Elena Presnyakova is known to many natives of the Soviet Union. Received secondary education in 1965; In the same period she began to work in the ensemble from the Philharmonic. She married Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. in 1966. And since then to this day their life has been inseparable. They participate in projects together.

She joined the group "Gems" in 1975 and still works as a soloist. But this was not the beginning of her career. Everything happened much earlier. Before Elena got into the "Gems", she performed in other ensembles. For example, she worked for Gully Choheli.

Yuri Malikov (creator) invited her to the legendary team together with her husband. In 2002, the artist received the title of Honored. At a time when the "Gems" did not conduct activities, she often helped her son Vladimir in his music programs.

Vladimir presnyakov senior

Valery Vadimovich Belyanin

He became a graduate of a creative workshop. He took vocal lessons from George Vinogradov. Previously, he was a member of the ensembles "Watercolors" and "Flames", and now works with the famous "Gems".

Born May 16, 1953. They started talking about him when he began performing with his colleagues in the ensemble “Vityazi”. He didn’t take part in Aquarelle for a short time — just a year in 1977. For ten years he worked at Flame — since 1979. And in "Gems" came in 1997 and is still in the team.

Alexander Sergeevich Nefedov

Alexander graduated from music school. He is a professional vocalist. Before Alexander Nefedov got into “Gems” in 1980, he performed in another ensemble called “Singing Guitars”. Able to play drums and rhythm guitar. At a time when the "Gems" temporarily stopped their activities, he confidently engaged in solo promotion. In 1992, a press poll was held about the best singers in Russia, Alexander entered the top ten list.

Yuri Malikov

Sergey Anatolyevich Kuznetsov

Born June 21, 1954 in the Russian capital. He worked as an aspiring actor in a puppet studio. The army took place in an ensemble of songs and dances.

In "Gems" came in 1977, where he still works. He performed with a huge number of parodies of many artists. He is an honored worker of one of the republics of Uzbekistan.

Irina Vasilievna Shachneva

Irina Shachneva was born 65 years ago, on January 30. She was educated at the school and at GITIS. Malikov initially invited her as a soloist to Gems. After the collapse of the first authentic ensemble, it took part in its development in 1995 and to this day has been working in this collective. He is also an honorary member of the Russian Union of Musicians.

Dmitry Malikov

Sergey G. Belikov

Honored Artist of the Federation was born in the Moscow Region on October 25, 1954. After he graduated from music school, he began to work in the theater. He was accepted into the "Araks". Around the same time, he entered the Institute of Culture as a music teacher.

He was invited to the Gems in 1976, but a year later he left the band and returned to the previously abandoned group. From 1974 to 1980 he participated in the famous theater productions. Closer to the 81st returns to "Gems". Four years later, begins solo activity.

Good for football. He is a member of the pop star team, where he plays the role of a scorer.

Oleg Minasovich Sleptsov

Oleg Sleptsov began his career at the age of 3, when he took part in fashion shows from the USSR and France. This happened for the first time in 1957. Already in 1960, he got a role in the film “Three Hours on the Road,” which was shot by Mosfilm. He has a fairly large number of diplomas behind him: he graduated from the academy, college and graduate school. All his specialties are related to music. In 1991, he decided to create the “Tele-pop show” group, while at the same time he works with the team of Dmitry Malikov. And he joined the Gems group in 1981.

Oleg blind

Vladimir Petrovich Presnyakov

Vladimir was born in the Lviv region. His parents were musicians, so he is a follower of family traditions. Now he is 70 years old (born March 26, 1946).

The 1970s, Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. experienced hard. A provocative article was published about him that spoke of his "vile" repertoire. As a result, the artist was not hired literally anywhere, even in amateur performances. Salvation for him was Malikov. He invited him to VIA Gems. Yuri could not do without such a talented saxophonist and arranger as Presnyakov, so with great pleasure he and his wife took him to the team being created.

However, the artist did not stay in the ensemble for long and left it without unnecessary scandals in the late 80s. This is due to the son’s attempts to start a solo activity. Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. decided to help him and began to work with him as a saxophonist.

Irina Shachneva

Andrey Borisovich Sapunov

Andrei is now 59 years old (born October 20, 1956). From childhood, he and his brother played in the ensemble. After he graduated from high school, he entered the Institute of Fisheries, and later continued his studies in energy. But after a while he threw it. He served in the army, where he fell in love with playing the guitar, like Alexander Nefedov. After the demobilization, he worked for a little less than a year in the team of Stas Namin. In 1979-1983 studied at the school. At the very beginning of training, he began working in the Sunday group. After the band broke up, Andrei finally decides to get a higher musical education. For two years since 1984, he worked at VIA Gems. After the termination of the contract, he participated in the activities of the Lotus group.

Vitaly Anatolyevich Bogdanov

Vitaliy has become the member every Russian knows about now. He is now 62 years old (born October 6, 1953). The years in which Vitaly was in the group, unfortunately, are unknown. And the biography itself remains a mystery, only some facts periodically appear in the press. Now Bogdanov works in the State Duma. He is one of the members of the Council of the Russian Federation. Communicated well with such an artist as Alexander Nefedov.

Valentin Mikhailovich Dyakonov

He was educated at the Gnesins School. Has been working with Gems since 1971. After the collapse of the team, he collaborated with VIA Flame. In 1978, he began a solo career.

alexander nefedov

Vladimir Natanovich Vinokur

Vladimir Natanovich comes from a Jewish family. His father was quite famous in the artist’s hometown - Kursk. Vinokuru - 68 years old (born March 31, 1948).

They first talked about Vladimir in 1962, when he sang a song at an international competition and won first place for it. By the way, Yuri Gagarin himself handed him the gold medal.

Studying at the assembly college, I tried to enter GITIS. Although he went through all the vocal tours with a bang, but was not finally accepted due to the fact that he did not have documents about secondary education. Repeatedly entered in 1969, while in the army. The decisive years in his life were 1973-1975. It was during this period that he met Yuri Nikulin and worked in a circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. In the fourth year, he gets a job at the Moscow Operetta Theater.

Vinokur joined the Gems collective in 1975, as did Elena Presnyakova. Two years later, he received an award at the All-Russian competition of artists. And since that time he has been conducting solo activities.

Arkady Dmitrievich Khoralov

Now Arkady is 65 years old (born January 26, 1961). He went to first grade in Melitopol. He graduated with honors. Along with compulsory education, he also received additional - musical. Knows how to play the piano. In the same village he graduated from the Institute of Agricultural Mechanization. Khoralov is a budding athlete. He was involved in athletics and football at a young age.

Before working in the ensemble "Gems", he led activities in several not so popular groups. Here he has been a soloist since 1976. After the collapse of the collective, he did not return for the second time.

Anatoly Isaakovich Mogilevsky

Anatolia is now 69 years old. Born November 19, 1943 in Mongolia. The artist’s childhood passed in Riga.

He studied at the local music school since 1995, but, unfortunately, was expelled. This was due to the fact that Mogilevsky tried to combine study with work. In 1964 he got a place in one of the best restaurants in the Baltic States "Lido".

In the summer of 1967, Anatoly was invited to audition for the VIO-66 Orchestra. And already this fall, he became a full-fledged soloist.

The father of such a famous artist as Dmitry Malikov, Yuri, took Mogilevsky to "Gems" in 1972. He recorded several hits with the team, but by the end of 1975, due to strong disagreements with the leader, almost all the soloists left the ensemble and founded their own - VIA "Flame".

Alexander Alexandrovich Barykin

Unfortunately, Alexander Barykin left our world at the 53rd year of his life (born February 18, 1952). From childhood he was associated with music. He graduated from music school, and in high school organized his own group.

The institute was already graduating in absentia, because I could not study full-time because of employment.

He joined the Gems collective in 1976, but a year later left him, even before the arrival of such an excellent artist as Oleg Sleptsov. Work in this ensemble was one of his first attempts to break into the stage. It was after this that Alexander was able to stand up and worked tirelessly. Often wrote poetry. Even being seriously ill, he still never refused to speak. In 2011, after a concert, he had a heart attack, and by morning the artist died. According to eyewitnesses, he hardly finished the last songs.

Georgy Vasilievich Vlasenko

Georgy Vlasenko worked with many once-famous Soviet bands who performed on stage. He is a talented graduate of one of the Kharkov conservatories. He always makes arrangements for songs; plays the keys, and is also engaged in tutoring. His first professional appearance on stage was in 1975 at the Philharmonic. Often wrote music for films released by Mosfilm. George joined the Gems group twice. The first - from 1985 to 1987, the second - from 1995 to this day.

Elena Presnyakova

Vyacheslav Grigorievich (Galustovich) Dobrynin

The national artist, known as a soloist and composer, this year celebrated his 70th birthday (born January 25, 1946). His parents were military. It so happened that the father of Galust Petrosyan (at the front he was called Grigory), he never saw.

After leaving school, Dobrynin entered Moscow State University. After some time, he began to teach at the same educational institution.

Vyacheslav began his career as a singer in 1989. Yuri Malikov invited Dobrynin to his team. He wrote for a long time songs for the ensemble "Gems", some of them he performed. The solo career of the singer also developed quite successfully.

Alexey Sergeevich Glyzin

Glyzin is now 54 years old (born January 13, 1954). Along with general education, he also received a piano in music. I did not finish school, after 8th grade I went to college. This institution dropped out and began to work in the ensemble.

He studied full-time at the Institute of Culture. Before going to work in "Gems", he was a soloist in the ensemble "Good fellows." He joined Yuri Malikov in 1977, but did not last more than 12 months. After he went to the "Rhythm", which accompanied the pop star - Alla Pugacheva.

For nine years he was the lead singer of the Fun Boys. In this team, he performed a lot of hits. His career is very successful: he has released many albums and several collections of songs.

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