Kate Dicamillo: biography, creativity

In the USA, the work of the best writers for children is celebrated at the annual Newbury Medal. The names of authors awarded this prize are little known in Russia. Except Kate Dicamillo. The biography and work of the two-time winner of the prestigious American literature award is the topic of the article.

kate dicamillo books


The father of the writer was a dental technician. Mother is a teacher. Parents divorced when Kate Dicamillo was in college. The family lived in Florida. As a child, Kate loved to read, but did not dream of a career as a writer.

Book store

After graduating from college, Kate Dicamillo entered the Faculty of Philology. However, after she received a bachelor's degree in literature and English, I got a job at a bookstore. Probably, the future writer was subconsciously attracted to the print media.

Kate Dicamillo was thirty years old when she began to write fiction. Unexpectedly for the author of the story about the mouse Despereaux and Edward the rabbit were approved by professionals. The newly-made writer concluded a contract with the publishing house. Her books began to be sold in large copies, not only in the United States, but throughout the world.

“Thank you Winn Dixie”

Kate Dicamillo does not hide how cute and, at first glance, plain stories are born. Her books do not have a famously twisted plot. Rather, these are stories taken from life, endowed with fabulous motives. Once Dicamillo accidentally overheard a dialogue of strangers girls. One of them was telling a friend about her dog named Wynn-Dixie. On the same day, Dicamillo began writing a book about friendship, love and loneliness.

kate dicamillo rabbit edward

The heroine of this work one day goes to the store, but returns without shopping. True, she is accompanied by a new friend - the dog, who later received the name Wynn-Dixie.

The heroes of the works of Dicamillo are little philosophers. They observe what is happening around and expose simple worldly wisdom. The nine-year-old heroine of Thanks to Winn-Dixie realizes that life is made up of bitterness and sweetness. It is impossible to separate them from each other.

The soaring tiger

The writer was inspired by the event that took place in her city to create this story. A tiger escaped from the zoo. Kate Dicamillo suddenly came to the head that a terrible and dangerous animal can experience loneliness - a feeling that is not alien to every person.

The writer created a character who, like a runaway tiger, lacks love, affection. The hero of the book was a boy named Rob. His mother died when he was very young. Rob lived with his father. They often moved, and therefore, the boy was constantly changing school, which did not allow him to make friends with his peers. But one day he meets a girl Sistine, and they find a cage with a tiger in the forest.

"The Adventure of the Mouse Despero"

Heroes are often found in fairy tales. As a rule, they are strong and courageous. The little mouse making a feat is an unusual character. But in the books of Kate Dicamillo, strange encounters, non-standard fairy-tale heroes often happen. The story of the Despero mouse helps young readers find answers to many questions: what is a feat, what should a real hero be like?

An animated film was created for this work. It is worth saying that today very popular works in cinema are those created by Kate Dicamillo.

Rabbit edward

Dicillo was inspired to write this book by a toy she was once presented with for Christmas. An image appeared in front of her eyes - a porcelain rabbit at the bottom of the ocean.

kate dicamillo

The hero of the book was extremely selfish. But unexpected events changed, taught him to love. After all, as one of the book’s characters says, “without love, a journey called“ life ”loses all meaning.”

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