Irritable colon syndrome: symptoms, treatment

Irritable colon syndrome (IBS) is a functional pathology that is chronic in nature. The peculiarity of the violation is that its symptoms are recurrent in nature and appear from time to time, depending on external factors.

Painful sensations and discomfort in the abdomen, the need to often go to the toilet, diarrhea and constipation - all these signs indicate that the patient develops irritable bowel syndrome. Treatment of the disease should be made mandatory. Otherwise, such a condition can lead to serious consequences for the body.

General information

Irritable colon syndrome, the causes of which can be very diverse, is diagnosed only if its inherent clinical presentation has been evident for at least 12 months.

The main signs of pathology:

  • difficulty emptying (the need for bowel movements occurs less often than 3 times in 7 days);
  • loose and frequent stools (the patient is forced to use the toilet 3 or more times per day);
  • muscle tension of the sphincter and abdominal cavity while visiting the toilet;
  • imperative urge requiring urgent emptying;
  • sensation of feces in the large intestine;
  • the presence of mucus in the feces.

These are only the most common complaints of patients diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. Symptoms of the disorder are more acute if a person experiences a stressful condition.

irritable bowel syndrome

As mentioned above, the disease is not biological, but functional. The following facts accompanying irritable bowel syndrome with constipation or diarrhea speak in favor of this statement:

  • the different nature of patient complaints;
  • repeated appeals to a medical institution;
  • non-progressive pathogenesis;
  • body weight preservation.

Additional Information

It can be difficult to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome, since its symptoms are similar to some other pathologies that occur in the human gastrointestinal tract. To distinguish between the described conditions, which is extremely necessary for choosing options for getting rid of the disease, many diagnostic procedures are used:

  • ultrasound (US) examination of organs and systems of the abdominal cavity;
  • gastroduodenoscopy;
  • study of biopaths of the intestinal system;
  • irrigoscopy.

Also taken into account are the results of laboratory studies of biological samples of feces, blood and urine and recommendations obtained after colono- and sigmoscopy.

irritable bowel syndrome how to treat

This whole complex allows with sufficient accuracy to establish the signs accompanying irritable bowel syndrome. How to treat the described pathology?

The choice of certain physiological and medicinal procedures directly depends on the symptoms of the disorder. Various diets and psychotherapeutic methods are widely used. The need for the appointment of pharmacological agents is determined individually, based on the external manifestations of the ailment. Mainly used:

  • antispasmodic drugs;
  • antidiarrheal agents;
  • laxative tablets;
  • antidepressants.

Types of Violation

Irritable colon syndrome in women and men is divided into two main types.

1. Pathology, accompanied by constipation. She has the following symptoms:

  • difficulty in bowel movement;
  • feces coming out of the anus, has a solid consistency;
  • retention of residues of waste products in the rectum.

2. Violation combined with diarrhea. It is characterized by:

  • loose stools;
  • sphincter tension when visiting the toilet;
  • secretion of mucus from the anus.

Disease spread

The irritable bowel syndrome described in this material in children and adults is observed in about 7-10% of the population of our planet. As for the countries of the Old World, here every fifth inhabitant has a pathology.

In addition, it should be noted that the fairer sex is about twice as likely to be affected by the pathology in question.

The average age of patients seeking treatment is 25–40 years.

Factors affecting the appearance of a violation

In some cases, irritable bowel syndrome, the symptoms of which are described above, appears more often. This is influenced by certain subjective and objective reasons listed below.

  1. Genetic predisposition. The risk group includes people whose close relatives have previously been diagnosed with this pathology. In addition, the occurrence of a disorder is often diagnosed in twins developing from one fetal egg. All this allows us to conclude about the genetic nature of the disease.
  2. Psychological disorders. A depressed person, constantly haunting his sense of anxiety, sleep disturbances, hysterical and mental deviations can provoke irritable bowel syndrome. Research in this area shows that the disease often develops in people previously affected by physical or mental violence, sexual harassment, and the like.
  3. Violations of the muscular functions of the rectum. This condition, leading to the appearance of the described symptoms, occurs after eating amid a stressful state due to the suppression of myoelectric activity of the fibers of the large intestine.
    irritable bowel syndrome symptoms
  4. Visceral hyperalgesia. This term refers to a decrease in the pain threshold below the level required by the body or a decrease in the intensity of pain perception. As a result, irritable bowel syndrome. The treatment in this case is somewhat different, it requires the elimination of the factors causing the pathology.
  5. Traumatic effect on the gastrointestinal tract or its defeat by various infections. As a result of such external influences, a situation may arise when discomfort and pain in the colon appear. They are a sign of the pathology considered above. Irritable colon syndrome and sphincter of Oddi dysfunction are diagnosed in approximately 30% of people who have previously had an intestinal infection.
  6. The effect of hormones. Symptoms of the disorder often occur in women during menstrual bleeding, when the natural balance of the normal hormonal background changes in the body.


As mentioned above, the signs accompanying irritable bowel syndrome are very similar to many diseases of the stomach and small intestine. Therefore, the main difficulty in diagnosing is to distinguish between these two conditions.

When diagnosing, it is necessary to take into account the whole complex of external symptoms that make up the clinical picture of IBS: pain in the abdomen, frequency and consistency of bowel movements, and so on. By the way, the presence of just this type of pathology is evidenced by other signs that at first glance are not related to the digestive system:

  • headache;
  • a lump in the throat;
  • lack or disturbance of sleep;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • frequent urination;
  • sensation of tinnitus;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • dry mouth.

irritable bowel syndrome with constipation

Methods for establishing signs of the disease

Diagnosis of SRTC consists of two main stages:

  1. Establishing an anamnesis of the disease (symptoms preceding the appearance of pain in the intestine).
  2. Direct research (includes many different medical techniques).

The information provided by the first stage is collected in the process of talking with the patient. It is necessary to find out the severity and frequency of pain in the colon, the name and amount of food consumed, the mental state, as well as previously taken medications.

When the patient is found to have blood in the feces, the body temperature is increased, a decrease in body weight is observed - most likely, it will be a question of a particular disease of the gastrointestinal tract, and not SRK.

During a direct examination, palpation of the abdominal cavity of the patient reveals an increased muscle tone of the anterior wall.

Methods for distinguishing between types of pathologies

Irritable colon syndrome and disorders associated with the gastrointestinal tract can be divided according to some so-called dangerous signs. If available, it is not necessary to talk about SRTC.

irritable bowel syndrome in women

Let us dwell on the main ones:

  • the appearance of the first cases of discomfort and pain in patients whose age exceeds 50 years;
  • constant elevated body temperature;
  • the presence of malignant (cancerous) tumors in close relatives of the patient;
  • the appearance of blood in the stool;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract at night;
  • weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • changes detected during the study of a human blood test;
  • polyfecal (abnormally large excretion of feces from the body).

For a more accurate diagnosis, many additional medical procedures are performed: blood tests, fecal examination, colonoscopy. The latter is especially relevant in old age, as it allows you to identify and remove formations of a different nature in the colon.

During the examination of women, additional consultation with a gynecologist is recommended.

CRT and pathologies not related to the gastrointestinal tract

Among other things, during the diagnosis, the violation in question should be distinguished from other diseases not related to gastrointestinal dysfunctions. These include:

1. Chronic diseases of an inflammatory and infectious nature. An example is Crohn’s disease, giardiasis, ulcerative colitis, tumors, ischemic colitis and chronic pancreatitis.

2. Pathologies associated with the normal functioning of the endocrine system of the body. Disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine glands cause diabetes mellitus of varying severity, some forms of which have the same external signs as SRTC.

3. Chronic disorders caused by constant exposure to external dietary factors : constant consumption of fatty foods, abuse of alcoholic beverages and coffee, carbonated drinks, a sharp change in the usual diet.

4. The impact of pharmacological agents. Symptoms of CPTK are often similar to side effects that occur with prolonged use of antibacterial drugs, laxatives, mineral complexes containing potassium, iron, calcium and other elements.


There are several different areas of therapy used to eliminate irritable bowel syndrome. Treatment with folk remedies, dietetics, drug therapy - a specific method of exposure is determined individually, taking into account the pathogenesis of the disorder.

Regardless of the methodology used, treatment should be aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • normalize food intake;
  • to restore the permanent composition of microorganisms whose habitat is the human colon;
  • normalize the processes of digestion of food and absorption of beneficial elements through the walls of the intestine;
  • stabilize the psycho-emotional state of a person;
  • ensure the intake of a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals needed by the body;
  • normalize the bowel movement.

Exposure without drugs

Consider specific types of therapy to eliminate irritable bowel syndrome. Diet in this case seems to be one of the most preferred methods.

When diagnosing SRTC, you should refuse to use various smoked meats, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, coffee and products that cause the formation of a large amount of gases. Favorably the intestines in this case are affected by fruits, vegetables and fermented milk products. It is also recommended to eat meat and fish cooked in a double boiler.

irritable bowel syndrome how to treat

Specific recommendations for consumed foods vary depending on the types of IBS: with diarrhea or constipation.

With loose stool, it is necessary to supplement the diet with jelly, cereals from various types of cereals, pasta, potatoes. Vegetables consisting of coarse plant fibers, fruits, peas and beans, hot spices, fresh pastries, raw milk, wine, kvass, beer and carbonated sweet drinks are absolutely contraindicated.

During problems with emptying, it is recommended to consume buckwheat porridge, dried apricots, prunes, baked apples. It is better to replace sugar with any analogues. Well helps seaweed, bran, vegetable oil.

Naturally, it is not recommended to eat foods that are used to combat diarrhea.

In addition to nutrition, moderate exercise, walking and other physical activity help normalize the work of the colon.


In particularly difficult cases, or when the disorder becomes neglected, it is possible to cope with the symptoms of IBS only with the use of certain drugs. In this case, the treatment is divided into several phases.

1. Getting rid of pain in the intestines. For this, various kinds of antispasmodic drugs are used (No-Shpa, Meverin, etc.).

2. The fight against diarrhea. Medicines containing loperamide (Imodium, Lopedium, etc.) help best. It reduces the manifestations of loose stool due to the effect of the active substance on intestinal motility. This allows you to increase the transit time of food through the intestines, improves the absorption of fluids and electrolytes. In addition, the activity of the sphincter increases, which helps to keep feces in the intestine. The dose of drugs containing loperamide is selected individually by the doctor.

3. Elimination of constipation. In this case, it is advisable to opt for herbal medicines. Well help preparations containing in one form or another the seeds of plantain. There are many popular tips.

4. Separately, treatment of the disorder is performed in patients who suffer from IBS caused by psychological disorders. Treatment is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a specialist, antidepressants or various kinds of inhibitors are used.

irritable bowel syndrome treatment with folk remedies


The symptoms accompanying irritable bowel syndrome, treatment, the diet recommended for it, and other ways to get rid of the disease have been described above.

However, it should be noted that, like any other violation, CPTC requires that you consult a specialist who will diagnose and prescribe specific treatment methods. Only in this case, the fight against the disease will be successful and will not harm the body.

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