Sinabon buns: recipe and ingredients

While walking around the mall, you can catch the delicate and extraordinarily enchanting aroma of cinnamon. Many immediately have an appetite. You probably smelled French pastries, which is very popular now. Sinabon buns are sold today in every major supermarket, mall and many bakeries around the world. What is their secret? And is it possible to master the recipe for Sinabon rolls at home? We will talk about this in the article, as well as share some secrets.

sinabon bun recipe

Confectionery brand

Today, the Sinabon brand operates 1,100 bakery cafes in more than 50 countries around the world. This is a real sweet culture that shows a tendency to expand and systematically captures the countries of the Middle East.

Are ordinary buns really worried about the world? In fact, their taste is really great. The classic "Sinabon" with cinnamon resembles a pastry roll with cream cheese and icing. The preparation uses aromatic cinnamon of the Makara variety, which is grown in the mountains of Indonesia.

The history of the company began in 1985, when the Seattle Comen family decided to build a business on the world's best cinnamon rolls. The Sinabon bun recipe was invented based on many culinary secrets.

The brand’s first bakery opened in December 1985 at one of Seattle’s malls. Initially, only the classic version of the bun went on sale, but three years later the Minibon bun appeared. After it, the product line began to replenish livelier. There was chocolate Sinabon - Chocobon, Pecanbon - with pecans and caramel, Cinnabon Styx - from puff pastry and Cinnabon Bytes - miniature buns for one bite. Plus, of course, branded drinks with which buns are even more pleasant to absorb. These are Moccalata, Chillata, Frappe with cinnamon and many others.

Sinabon buns at home

Forbidden fruit that is too sweet

It's a shame, of course, but it is clear that the Sinabon bun recipe is kept secret, as it is officially patented. But at home, you can cook rich rolls with cream cheese, which will be no worse than the original. The main secret of branded French buns is the use of high-gluten flour. At home, you can add wheat gluten to the dough. With this bonus, pastries will receive extra splendor. But if you want to surprise your home batch of fresh buns, then it is not enough just to achieve splendor. Here you need a languid aroma of cinnamon, delicate creamy glaze. For an ideal result, you will have to spend at least three hours in the kitchen, but such buns will definitely not lie down for a long time.

cinnabon cinnamon rolls

Classic version

So, let’s take a look at the items of the Sinabon bun recipe. First of all, prepare the necessary ingredients. Dough is the main guarantee of the success of good baking. Make sure all products are of good quality. So you can get the buns of the highest class. To make the buns airy, sift the flour through a fine sieve several times.

For the test you will need:

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 50 grams of fresh yeast;
  • a pair of chicken eggs;
  • 70 grams of butter;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 600 grams of premium flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a glass of brown sugar;
  • a few teaspoons of cinnamon.

With the filling in the classic version, everything is simple:

  • 50 grams of oil;
  • two tablespoons of cocoa;
  • half a glass of sugar.

Now prepare everything for the cream:

  • 50 grams of cream cheese;
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of softened butter or low-fat cream;
  • some vanilla.

Process has begun

How to cook Sinabon buns at home?

Start with yeast - dilute them in warm milk with sugar.

Beat the eggs, gradually adding softened butter.

Introduce sugar and diluted yeast into this mixture. Knead the mixture thoroughly with a mixer.

Sprinkle the sifted flour with salt and add to the egg-oil preparation. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Leave it in a bowl covered with a clean cloth and let stand for an hour.

Until the dough comes in, get stuffed. Combine sugar with cinnamon, cocoa and butter. Remember to knead the dough from time to time.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer of rectangular shape and coat with oil. Sprinkle the cinnamon mixture evenly and roll into a tight roll. With a thread or a simple knife, cut the roll into pieces and place them on a baking sheet. It is better to close the bottom with baking paper so that the buns are not burnt.

Cover the rolls with a towel for a quarter of an hour so that they rise slightly. So it's baking time. Enough 20-30 minutes in the oven.

While baking Sinabon buns at home, there is time to do cream. Combine butter with cheese and powdered sugar. Cover the finished buns with cream on top with a silicone brush. You can sprinkle cinnamon on top.

calorie buns sinabon

Tasty experiments

Each mistress has every right to deviate from the original recipe, since she decided to bake Sinabon buns. A step-by-step recipe is quite simple and at the same time attractive. It allows you to show imagination in cooking. For example, if you let the dough infuse for more than an hour and hold a couple of times, then the Sinabon cinnamon rolls turn out to be more lush and do not stale longer.

When serving, the buns are ideally combined with coffee, tea or hot chocolate. True, you should not get too carried away with buns and sweet drinks, since the dessert is too high-calorie. So experiments are more relevant in the morning, or at least in the afternoon.

Still, fragrant air cinnamon buns "Sinabon" is an amazing confectionery composition. No wonder they are included in the list of the most important pleasures of life according to one of the most respected Mexican magazines.

sinabon cream bun

What's the secret?

If consumers had access to the factory, they would clearly see that you could not make a factory roll with your own hands. Here, a strict roll spinning pattern is observed - each roll should have no more than five turns, and all cuts are made strictly perpendicular to the surface. The width and height of the buns is identical. Dessert baking in many restaurants takes place right in front of the guests, as the buns are served with hot, drenched cream sauce. To the table - straight from the oven.

The dough in this baking is yeast with a high content of gluten in flour. The classic recipe uses brown sugar and soft cream cheese. Such components can be found in the supermarket, but cinnamon will have to be content with the usual, as the original recipe uses a too unattainable option.

For top coat you can use not only cream for Sinabon rolls, but also melted chocolate or any other fruit sauce or caramel syrup. Chocolate, by the way, will successfully shade any sauce.

If you cook the traditional version, then you can use any soft cheese. Very fragrant buns "Sinabon" with "Mascarpone". This cheese is distinguished by tenderness and beauty of the shade, so that the cream as a result will get the color of baked milk. When whipping, add a portion of powdered sugar and vanilla to the cheese, as well as a pinch of salt to color the sweetness. Soft butter is added to the cream gradually. The sauce should be moderately liquid. At the end, you can add a portion of melted chocolate. If you prepare the sauce in advance, then leave it warm, otherwise the cheese will let the mass harden. It is best to keep the container next to the oven. One tablespoon of sauce is enough for each bun. By the way, you can pour the buns with melted chocolate, icing based on milk, cocoa powder and grated chocolate.

Sinabon buns from yeast dough “fly apart” very quickly, especially when they are supplemented with berry and fruit syrups, honey, crushed pecans, peanuts or walnuts. If you plan to pour the pastries with chocolate, remember that it will completely harden. Therefore, add cream and a slice of butter to the icing.

sinabon rolls without cheese

It's all about the test

Why are these buns scattered literally “like hot cakes”? Yes, because they are made from the highest quality ingredients and baked immediately before serving. The dough for Sinabon rolls is lush and airy, and thanks to the gluten in the flour, it becomes elastic and uniform. Gluten or gluten is a plant protein abundant in cereals. It is a binder. If it is not enough, then the dough does not rise well and the baking is stiff. Gluten, by the way, can be added to the dough in the finished form. For health, he is not a danger.

In fact, you can add gluten to the dough. To do this, knead the dough out of flour and water, and then rinse the lump under water. This is the gluten that needs to be added to the bun dough. By the way, Sinabon buns made of puff pastry are the most tender. The mass, however, has to be rolled out many times and added more oil during the kneading process. However, in the end, it is more magnificent with a characteristic unobtrusive sourness and its own pleasant aroma.

For cooking you will need:

  • three glasses of flour;
  • a glass of fat milk;
  • bag of dry yeast;
  • a pack of butter;
  • one egg;
  • sugar and salt in a ratio of 3/1.

In room water you need to dissolve a teaspoon of sugar and all the yeast. Leave warm for a quarter of an hour. Sift flour well and combine with salt and sugar. Grate the butter and add it to the flour. Drive the egg into the yeast and introduce warm milk. Mix everything and combine with flour crumbs. Now you can knead soft plastic dough, wrap it in cling film and send for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

Chocolate chocolate

If you really want sweets, then choose Sinabon buns with chocolate or the so-called Chocobon. Here the recipe and method of making the dough are not subject to special changes. But chocolate pouring and filling can be original. In fact, it all depends on the preferences of the mistress of the house, since each bun is obtained in its own way.

For the filling you will need:

  • half a glass of sugar;
  • two tablespoons of cocoa;
  • a quarter packet of butter.

For glaze use:

  • a glass of milk;
  • 50 grams of oil;
  • half a glass of sugar and cocoa.

This is a classic list of ingredients, but chefs with imagination can refine it. For example, return cream cheese to the filling or replace the excess sugar with condensed milk. It is very tasty in the filling to feel pieces of grated chocolate. By the way, at home, you can arrange a dessert with a surprise and wrap whole pieces of chocolate in a roll. Those sweet tooth who find a clot of chocolate in their buns can claim an extra serving of sweets.

If you made too many buns, wrap the excess in cling film or parchment paper and put in the refrigerator. But do not get carried away, even in the cold buns remain tender only a couple of days. Eat faster, and the next time it’s better to cook fresh!

sinabon buns with chocolate

Caramel Dreams

When you have mastered the recipe for classic miracle buns, it's time to get down to more interesting recipes. For a festive feast, treat your homemade nutty version of the most delicate French buns. They have an incredibly pleasant taste, a bewitching aroma, but a high fat content, so be careful. A hearty dinner with such a dessert can affect the shapes of your guests.

How to cook the famous caramel "Pecanbon"? In fact, these are all the same buns, but saturated with caramel sauce. For ease of preparation, you can combine creamy icing with caramel topping.

For the cream you will need approximately:

  • 100 grams of nuts;
  • 50 ml of caramel;
  • 50 g cream cheese;
  • 40 grams of butter;
  • a bag of vanilla;
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar.

The consistency of pecans is very soft, but before use they need to be slightly fried in a dry pan, and then cooled. It is not forbidden to replace pecans with walnuts.

Caramel topping is easy to do with boiled sugar and butter. A pleasant color depends on the degree of sugar calcination. The longer it cooks, the more brown it becomes.

Homemade caramel tastes tender, but here you need not to overexpose it on fire. In stores, a product from condensed milk, water, sugar and thickeners is offered.

Combine the creamy icing with caramel and mix in a circular motion. In the cream, the threads of creamy and caramel colors will be clearly visible. Apply this delicious icing to the cooled buns, and decorate the dessert with pieces of toasted nuts on top and finish the picture with a caramel syrup net. Such Sinabon rolls without cheese can be made if you want to make dessert a little easier. In this case, you can simply replace cream cheese with applesauce or combine jam and cottage cheese.

For those on a diet

If you follow the figure, then it turns out that on the buns you can put an end to? Still, Sinabon buns are considered almost the most harmful fast food. Up to half the daily norm of adult calories is allocated per bun, that is, about 1000. At the same time, 15 cubes of sugar are left per serving. There are more terrifying data, according to which, by eating one bun daily, a person can gain up to 44 kilograms of fat per year! Well, how do you keep calm and enjoy the enchanting dessert?

Eating a bun daily is actually not worth it, but sometimes you can treat yourself. Moreover, at home you can cook a more dietary version of buns. For example, with apples. In this case, the calorie content of the Sinabon bun will drop to 443 calories per 100 grams. It’s also a lot, but the figure is not so scary.

It will take about forty minutes to prepare, and you will need approximately:

  • 300 grams of chopped apples;
  • 20 grams of butter;
  • 20 grams of cinnamon;
  • 200 grams of sugar.

If desired, sugar can be replaced with honey.

For glaze use:

  • 10 grams of potato starch;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • a glass of apple juice;
  • a third of a glass of thick applesauce;
  • a glass of sugar.

Apples need to be peeled and cut into slices. Warm them up a bit in the microwave, and then combine with butter and sugar. Apples are perfectly combined with the taste of cinnamon. Spread cooled icing on buns.

Serve buns immediately or make them on the eve of the arrival of guests and a little before serving to warm in the microwave. They will be fresh again. Do not abuse, but still this option of dessert can be afford quite often.

With some adaptation, you can still “lighten” the buns by getting rid of white flour, sugar and butter, but these will not be Sinabon buns, but their healthier counterpart. If your goal is light buns, then experiment further.

But if you like the product of Sinabona, then indulge yourself with goodies. After all, at the same time you raise the level of endorphins in the blood, improve your mood. Allow yourself buns in the early morning in addition to fresh coffee or milk. By the way, this is a very satisfying dessert, so it can replace a full meal. Enjoy your meal!

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