Violation of the outflow of bile today occurs in many people, the causes of this phenomenon may be different: liver pathology, high lithogenicity of bile, and so on. When choosing a choleretic drug, its pharmacodynamics must be considered. One of the most effective remedies is Berberine Bisulfate. The active component is an alkaloid that is obtained from the root and leaves of barberry and other plants. In medicine, its sulfate salt or bisulfate is used.
Description and description of the medication
“Berberine bisulfate” is a choleretic drug produced in the form of tablets having a yellow color. Each of which contains 0.005 grams of the active ingredient, which has the same name as the medicine itself. Fifty pills are placed in a jar.
Berberine bisulfate is a raw material of plant origin, it is obtained from the root and leaves of barberry. It has a pronounced choleretic and antispasmodic effect.
“Berberine bisulfate” found application in the following pathologies:
- Chronic hepatitis
- Cholecystitis.
- Hepatocholecystitis.
- Cholelithiasis.
- Pathology of the biliary tract.
- Chronic viral hepatitis.
- Peptic ulcer.
- Cholelithiasis.
- Gallbladder dyskinesia.
- Pathology of the liver in a chronic form.
Drug action
According to the instructions, “Berberine bisulfate” not only enhances the outflow of bile, but also reduces blood pressure, normalizes heart activity, provokes uterine contractions, and has chemotherapeutic activity. Previously, this drug was widely used in the treatment of malaria and leishmaniasis.
“Berberine bisulfate” helps to accelerate the outflow of bile through the bile ducts, prevents the formation of bile stones, enhances the motor and digestion activity of the small intestine. Also, the drug stimulates labor, has a negative chronotropic and hypotensive effect.
The active substance irritates the receptors of the mucous epithelium of the duodenum, promotes the activation of cholecystokinin synthesis, which stimulates the outflow of bile, the reduction of bile ducts, and a decrease in their tone.
Thanks to the drug, the production of bile increases, its viscosity decreases.
"Berberine bisulfate": instructions for use
Doctors prescribe patients to use the studied drug one or two pills three times a day. Tablets are taken before eating, washed down with clean still water. The instruction contains the same data. But the course of therapy is determined individually. It can be from two to four weeks.
Usage restrictions
The drug has some contraindications. These include:
- period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- high susceptibility to the components of the drug.
The medication can be used in conjunction with other drugs. It does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions, so it can be used while driving a car or other mechanisms.
Adverse Reactions and Overdose
Typically, the drug is well tolerated by patients, subject to the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. In rare cases, the following adverse reactions may appear:
- lowering blood pressure;
- increased tone of the myometrium;
- allergic reactions;
- bradycardia.
In medical practice, there were no cases of overdose. When using the medicine in large quantities, you need to rinse the stomach, take the sorbent and go to the clinic. Theoretically, when using a large number of pills, nosebleeds and bradycardia may develop.
If any negative symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
How to store medicine
Store Berberine Bisulfate recommended in a dark, dry place. Air temperature should not exceed twenty five degrees. Shelf life is three years from the date of issue. After this period, the drug must be disposed of. Children should not have access to medication.
Cost and purchase of medicine
The drug is dispensed in many pharmacies in the country. To obtain it, you do not need a prescription from a doctor, but it is not recommended to self-medicate. The cost of the medicine is about one hundred and ten rubles.
“Berberine bisulfate” is similar in pharmacological action to such drugs as:
- "Tanacehol" has a choleretic and antispasmodic effect, enhances the production and outflow of bile, normalizes its biochemical composition. The price of the drug is sixty rubles.
- Cholagogue collection - a choleretic agent of plant origin. In addition to choleretic, it has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antibacterial effect. Its cost is about forty rubles.
- Allohol has a similar therapeutic effect. Also, the drug helps to eliminate flatulence. Its cost is from eight rubles.
Reviews of doctors
In medicine, they talk about the beneficial properties of "Berberine bisulfate." This substance has a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system, contributing to the expansion of blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. Also, the drug normalizes lipid levels, lowers blood sugar concentration.
This drug also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It reduces pressure in the gallbladder, which helps to normalize the production of bile, increases the synthesis of cholecystokinin.
In medicine, the drug is often used for pathologies of the biliary system. Doctors often prescribe the drug to their patients.
Patient Reviews
Reviews about the drug are mostly good. Many note its high efficiency and good tolerance. When using the medicine for at least two weeks, an improvement in health was observed. Some patients note that the drug helped to get rid of constipation, pain in the right hypochondrium, bitterness in the mouth.
There are a small number of people who speak of the development of adverse reactions in the form of itching of the skin, so they had to abandon this drug. But, most likely, this is an individual intolerance to its components, therefore, before using the medicine, you need to study the instructions and get advice from a doctor.
“Berberine bisulfate” is a herbal preparation that practically does not cause the development of adverse reactions and has a small list of contraindications. The medicine is usually well tolerated by patients, it is quite effective in combating many problems.
Reviews of doctors and patients about the medicine are positive. They talk about the safety and effectiveness of the medication. He is prescribed courses if there is evidence or once, when there is pain in the right hypochondrium.