Home-made preparations for first courses: how to make borsch dressing

Among the spins that thrifty housewives procure for the winter, in addition to all kinds of pickles and jams, there will definitely be dressings for the first dishes. This is a semi-finished product of vegetables and roots that are added to cabbage soup, soups, etc., along with fresh ones or instead of them, to give food a better taste and aroma, and improve appearance. To some, such blanks may seem time consuming, but this is not so. Indeed, when cooking the same borsch, the business moves much faster when almost ready-made components are put into the pan. We’ll talk about them.

Sauteed vegetables

borsch dressing
The proposed borsch dressing contains almost all the vegetables that are usually placed in this dish. It is universal, because it is suitable for classical Ukrainian, that is, with beans, and for borscht “in Russian”. Moreover, the spin can be served to the table and as a salad appetizer (cold). In a word, it is very, very tasty! Preparing borsch dressing from beets, carrots, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes - each type of vegetables is taken per kilogram. This also includes hot pepper pod, head of garlic, 100 g of celery root and 100 g of salt, vegetable oil. Wash root vegetables and celery, peel, rub on a coarse grater. Onions, peppers (one and two), tomatoes, garlic also prepare and chop in small slices / circles. Put all the components of which borsch dressing is made into a cast iron, add oil, salt and put on fire. Let it boil, then simmer everything for about 5-7 minutes. Sterilize the cans in advance. Do not remove from the heat, pour the workpiece into a container and immediately roll up. Such borsch dressing is stored well, it is not covered with mold, especially if you keep it in a cool, dry place. If you like the sweet and sour taste of the first courses, you can add a little sugar to the canned food. And if you want to be sharper, then when you transfer the components to cast iron for sautéing, sprinkle them with ground pepper. With such additives, your borsch dressing will become even more appetizing.

Dressing with cabbage and pepper

borsch dressing with cabbage
Another convenient recipe for cooking should also please the housewives and be an excellent help in preparing meals. It, again, includes almost all the necessary components, and if desired, preservation is put on the table as an independent dish. Borsch dressing is made with cabbage and tomatoes (2 kg each), carrots, bell pepper (1 kg each) and onions (half a kilogram). Cut carrots and cabbage thinly (machine) or manually - with straws and slices. Chop the onion in half rings, tomatoes in small slices, pepper in slices. Cut and have your greens - a bunch of parsley, dill. Fold everything in a cauldron, add salt (100 g) and sunflower oil (70-100 g), boil. Then make the fire a little smaller, cover the cast iron with a lid and simmer the contents for 20 minutes. Pour the finished preservation into jars and close. With success, by the way, you can put dressing in vegetable soups, as well as in stew - it will always be out of place!
beetroot dressing

Dressing "Lick your fingers!"

And finally, lovers of delicious canned vegetables are such a great recipe. For it you need: tomatoes - one and a half kg, onions and bell pepper - 1 kg each, carrots - 300-350 g, 200 g dill and parsley (greens). Another vinegar (9%) and vegetable oil - half a cup each, salt - 2 tablespoons, and sugar - 1. And also spices (allspice, peas, bay leaf, coriander, fennel - to taste).

blanks for borsch dressing
Prepare the vegetables: grate the carrots, chop the pepper into strips, onions in half rings, tomatoes in large slices. Grind greens. Put everything, together with spices, sugar and salt (except vinegar) in a saucepan, let it boil and simmer over low heat for 20-25 minutes. 5 minutes before the end pour in the vinegar, then pack on the banks, roll up.

Tasty winter for you!

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