Gourmet recipes for the marine language

Recipes for cooking the sea ​​language can be very different - it can be deep-fried or in a pan, grilled on a wire rack or steamed. It can be simmered in broth or stuffed and sent to the oven. Depending on the size, the fish is cooked whole or cut into large pieces. Breaded in breadcrumbs, seasoned with various sauces, served as a side dish or with your own side dish in the form of stewed vegetables, you cannot but like such dishes.

Seasonings for such dishes should not be too sharp so as not to drown out the wondrous delicate taste of the fish. Instead of hot ketchup or garlic sauce, it is better to take aromatic spicy herbs - marjoram or basil, as well as a variety of seasonings - pepper and salt, fresh dill and parsley, lemon juice. Pine nuts and nutmeg will perfectly complement the taste of this variety of fish. In addition, all recipes for the preparation of the sea ​​language converge in one more point: the product for them should be selected of the highest quality, fresh or at least chilled. The "meat" should be resilient, the smell should be fresh and thin enough, not too much giving away fish.

As for heat treatment, the marine language loves only quick and sparing options, because at too high temperatures the fish breaks into pieces and loses half of its taste and healthy qualities.

Do you know how to cook marine in the fastest and most delicious way? For this purpose, a recipe for food in cheese batter is intended, for which you need to take fish (500-600 gr.), Egg (1 pc.), Parmesan (15 gr.), Dry white wine (100 ml.) And herbs with spices to taste . First of all, you need to defrost the fish, but not completely, so that it does not become soft, and it would be convenient to cut it into pieces. At the same time, batter should be prepared - all the ingredients for it (cheese, egg, wine and herbs) must be thoroughly mixed, and it is best to use a mixer for this. It is very important that the mixture is thick, as the sea language is one of the “watery” fish that easily breaks up. If necessary, you can add flour to the batter to thicken it to the desired consistency. After that, you can put grated Parmesan cheese into the prepared mass and mix everything thoroughly - you can lower the pieces of fish into the finished batter and send them to the pan. Like many other dishes from the sea language, this dish should not be fried in a pan for too long, only until it is covered with a crispy golden crust on all sides.

Refined and tender - sea language in red wine, which, no doubt, will appeal to everyone. To prepare this dish, you should take fish (600 gr.), Flour (30 gr.), Red table wine (350 ml.), Herbs and spices, a little oil. Greens (parsley, onion and dill) need to be chopped, put on the bottom of the pan, sprinkle with spices to taste, add a bay leaf, and then pieces of fish, cut into small pieces. Pour everything with wine, as well as broth or water (350 ml), and then put the pan under a closed lid on the fire - for 15-20 minutes. After this time, the broth can be poured into another pan and boiled until its volume is reduced by half, and turns into a wonderful tender sauce. With it, pieces of fish and served to the table.

Recipes for cooking the sea language include such original ones as stuffed rolls. For them, you will need pieces of fillet (850 gr.), Eggs (2 pcs.), Shallots (1 pc.), Crab meat (100 gr.). In addition, you need to prepare white dry wine (150 ml.), A little olive oil, herbs, seasonings and spices to taste. First you need to boil the eggs, cool them, peel, mix with chopped crab meat, onions and herbs. Pieces of the sea tongue need to be slightly beaten off - very carefully so as not to damage or tear into pieces. Further, on this filet, you can lay out the above mixture, carefully roll it into rolls and fix it with skewers or toothpicks. Such blanks are then sent to a baking sheet, oiled with olive oil, poured with wine and transferred to the oven. Like other recipes for the preparation of the marine language, this involves cooking the fish for no more than a quarter of an hour.

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