Of all the spring plants, the primrose is perhaps one of the most tender and sweet creatures of nature. After a cold winter, he brings light and joy to the renewed world along with uncertain and quivering sprouts. Get acquainted with one of the options for how to draw a primrose, as well as with the instructions and accompanying clear sketches.
Special flowers
Before the timid spring sun warms up even more, the characteristic heralds of heat, primroses, are already gleefully cheering on the newly emerging forest thaw. Very often, many confuse them with snowdrops, which just as boldly dissolve their delicate buds, surrounded by a shaky, but already melting ice coat. But still, primroses are the first to break out from under the ground. They can look completely different, because more than five hundred species belong to the family of primroses. Among them are plants that are completely different in color, shape, period, duration of growth and flowering, and other properties. Therefore, no one can accurately answer the question of how to draw the primrose correctly. Let's try to fantasize and embody fresh spring thoughts, inspired by a joyful breeze, in the image of an unusual flower.
We do preliminary drafts
There are many ways to draw primroses with a pencil. We will analyze in stages the simplest one, involving the use of curls and wavy lines.
- Make the first line on the sheet, looking very similar to a half-eight.
- From the top of the curved outline, first point upward, and then, bending, downward oval lines. The end of each will tend to wrap itself in a spiral shape.
- At the bottom of the composition, place a semicircle wrapped to the right, also with curls at the edges.
- Decorate the stem as you wish, adding a little more liveliness and lightness.
- Approximately from the middle of the stem, draw up a line curved to the left.
- Place on it a primrose bud, consisting of three petals, sadly down.
- Mark the junction of the flower and the stem with a small circle.
Showing contours
When considering how to draw a primrose, do not forget that, in addition to buds, You also need to draw a few leaves. To do this, from the lowest point of the curved stem, draw up several wavy improvised lines. In style, they should be combined with the rest of the details of the drawing. After that, make all the resulting contours double, while making the distance between the twin lines different in different places. Suppose the contours of the flower will be wider than curls below or leaves. How to use this improvisation is described below.
Give liveliness to the drawing
In conclusion, we find out how to draw a primrose more natural. To do this, fill the hollow places that you left when doubling the contour lines, with a solid fill. Which tone to choose? You can perform the composition in one color scheme, or you can dream up a bit by painting it in contrasting shades. For example, shade the bud with a bluish or lilac background, and the stem and leaves with green. Also do not forget to fill out the rest of the free space of the composition with tints of colors. Make some elemental impregnations, and the primrose in all its radiance is ready! Having learned the nuances, you can create a bouquet strewn with buds and curls of stems, and please those around you with your creativity!
Agree that to draw a primrose flower is very simple. It is only necessary to have a little imagination, diligence, vitality and new thoughts in order to translate the spring mood into reality.