Vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents: causes, symptoms and treatment features

A few decades ago, no one knew about vegetative-vascular dystonia in children and adolescents. Now this disease is often diagnosed in the described age category. Let's try in the article to understand what affects the development of the disease, and what symptoms a person has. It is also necessary to understand whether this disease is dangerous, what are the consequences. Consider methods to get rid of this condition.

Depressive symptoms

What is vegetative-vascular dystonia?

Unfortunately, vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescence is common. She is diagnosed in 9 out of 10 children. However, to understand that this manifestation of this particular disease is difficult, because outwardly it seems that a person simply has an ordinary malaise. Vegetative-vascular dystonia combines several symptoms. In short, it is an unusual reaction of the body to stress.


Often patients complain that it is difficult to inhale, that they have increased irritability, fatigue, and also have heart pains. In adolescence, this disease can occur in acute or chronic form. The cause of this condition is overvoltage. Most often, VVD is diagnosed in children who are from 12 to 15 years old. Dystonia is not considered a disease, it is a general condition of the body. It is caused by a complex of specific causes that are associated with blood circulation.

Causes of VSD in boys

Dystonia never arises just like that, it is a reaction of a prolonged effect of negative factors on the body. Such should be called bad habits and the wrong lifestyle. As a rule, they are the main signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents.

Most often, the condition occurs due to excessive stress, stress, a sedentary lifestyle, serious diseases, hormonal changes in the body, as well as bad habits. This is if we talk about a more extensive list of factors in the occurrence of adolescent vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Most teenagers react very hard to some situations in life, respectively, they have strong emotional stresses. That is why the problem of the appearance of the IRR arises. Given that the psyche is more vulnerable, children are more easily influenced by. For example, conflicts at school or in the family, alcohol or smoking, and workload in sections or lessons can adversely affect the nervous system.

The main reason for the occurrence of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents is a violation of the nervous system, as well as a slowdown in its work, exhaustion.

In young men, this condition often appears due to the fact that rapid puberty leads to severe physical exertion, which affects the heart. In addition, at this age they try cigarettes and alcohol for the first time, which also negatively affects the central nervous system.

Family problems

Causes of VSD in girls

Girls are very emotional, therefore, to such a state they can lead to a banal deliberation of any of those that are unpleasant for them. This is especially due to public criticism, quarrels with a girlfriend or boyfriend. During menstruation, the condition of the girls worsens, so dystonia begins to develop even faster.

It is worth noting that the disease can be transmitted by inheritance. If the parents have disturbances in the cardiovascular system, then the child will have this problem. If the family has at least a slight predisposition to such diseases, it is necessary to temper the teenager from childhood.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Signs of VSD in adolescents are different. Most often, children begin to quickly get irritated, sweat, they have headaches, breathing problems, drowsiness or insomnia. High blood pressure, chest pain, and tachycardia may indicate the development of this condition. During puberty, hormonal disruptions and rapid growth of the body begin, so the nervous system is very stressed. Against this background, the development of dystonia is much faster.

Child's mood

If we talk about the mood of the child, then, as a rule, there is excessive tearfulness, as well as depression. A teenager may begin depression, panic attacks, various fears arise. Often there is hysteria. Dystonia is accompanied by both loss of appetite and its increase. The skin of the child acquires a marble shade, sometimes it can swell. Hands and feet are cold, even if the room is quite warm.

Conflicts with relatives


The process of diagnosing this condition is complex. Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents can talk about completely different diseases, given the fact that each has its own signs.

At the moment, certain methods or even medical devices that would allow to identify the condition in a child do not exist. That is why so many doctors do not use this diagnosis in life. Experts explain anxiety and dizziness by the fact that a person begins a transitional age. If there is a hereditary predisposition, then the reason lies in this.

In order to correctly diagnose, you need to contact several doctors at once in different directions, as well as make a large number of tests. You need to visit an ENT specialist, cardiologist, pediatrician, psychotherapist, endocrinologist and neurologist. Only after visiting these specialists can a correct diagnosis be made.

Therapist's visit

Drug treatment of the disease

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents involves complex therapy. As a rule, several specialists are immediately involved in helping to cope with this ailment. Today, it is possible to recover without the use of the drug method, although drugs are often used. They are necessary if a person already develops severe symptoms. In such a situation, the teenager’s nervous system should be restored. As a rule, nootropics are prescribed, for example, “Piracetam” or “Pintogam”. Vitamins and minerals are also prescribed. Particular attention should be paid to the amount of B vitamins in the body.

If a teenager has psychosomatic reactions, then you need to fight them. Psychotherapists prescribe antidepressants, antipsychotics, or tranquilizers. However, you can use these funds only under the supervision of a doctor. During the period of drug treatment, it is allowed to take herbal decoctions. It is advised to drink infusions of ginseng, lemongrass and licorice. These plants are often used in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents.

All of the above drugs have side effects and contraindications, therefore it is forbidden to use them without a doctor. In order for the teenager not to get used to it, he needs to drink medicines with certain temporary pauses.

Non-drug therapy

If we talk about non-drug treatment, it is advised to increase the number of hours of sleep, reduce the time spent at the computer, attend a massage, eat right, drink herbal tea, listen to soothing music, play sports, consult a psychotherapist, and also sign up for acupuncture. Many doctors advise attending classes of therapeutic gymnastics and relaxation. How long the course of treatment lasts depends on the condition of the person.

Medical treatment

Consequences of dystonia

How to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents, many have understood. However, it is very interesting what consequences after such a condition arise. As a rule, they are not very serious. Most teenagers are cured at a young age, and only about 20% of children suffer from this disease further. Those people who were given this diagnosis in their youth, by the age of 30-40 suffer from pressure surges and hypertension.

If the teenager was not given treatment, then this disease will only progress and develop. A person may experience more severe symptoms, so eliminating this condition will be much more difficult.

If you carry out the wrong therapy, completely refuse treatment, then in adulthood, a person may have fears and phobias. They can be eliminated only with the help of a highly professional specialist. The psychotherapist should be observed even for those people who, due to VVD, have received chronic fatigue, constant lack of sleep, tension, and depression.

Constant lack of sleep

Dystonia Prevention

The use of tablets in vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents eliminates the symptoms and the condition itself, however, later, preventative measures will still have to be followed. This will prevent relapse. To do this, you must observe the daily regimen, temper, give up bad habits, eat right, and also play sports. A teenager should have a calm lifestyle that will not affect the nervous system.

If he has relatives who suffered from vegetative-vascular dystonia, he will have to be observed by a neurologist. An important role is played by the psychological attitude based on self-regulation and auto-suggestion. Children who are able to master these two qualities can safely take matters into their own hands. That is why for many teenagers, vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a strong problem.

If a teenager observes the regime of work and rest, then his health will improve significantly, and the nervous system will recover. In order to avoid the development of dystonia, you need 8 hours to sleep, 2 hours to walk in the fresh air, and you can use a computer no more than 60 minutes. If we talk about proper nutrition, then it is necessary to reduce the amount of meat, coffee and strong teas consumed. Pastries and sweets also need to be limited. Vegetables and fruits, cereals should be introduced into the daily diet, and you must also drink about one and a half liters of water per day.

Family time

The opinion of doctors

Most professional doctors believe that vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents is the best thing that can happen to them at that age. That is why it is not worth worrying much. This problem with treatment and proper attention will pass quickly. Accordingly, the teenager will again be healthy and active.

The only danger in this condition is that the teenager's blood pressure rises, and this affects the work of the heart. That is why prevention should not be neglected. It is imperative to observe the daily routine, eat right and exercise. Thanks to this, a teenager will be able to avoid not only the development of dystonia, but also prevent many other diseases.


Vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents is a common condition. As has already been found out, it arises from stress, exhaustion of the nervous system. That is why a child at this age must be protected from all sorts of experiences. You should worry about their emotional state, as well as prevent the development of any secondary diseases against the background of dystonia.

Above have been described treatment methods that allow you to completely get rid of the symptoms. Among them:

  • compliance with the regime of work and rest;
  • less workload in the school;
  • stress resistance increase;
  • proper nutrition.

A child who has dystonia should definitely play sports, at least at home. This will strengthen his body, respectively, the symptoms will bother less.

If we talk about drugs, then a good tool is Tanakan. With vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents, it is prescribed quite often, since it positively affects the functioning of the brain. You can do yoga, auto-training, doctors advise you to surround children with bright colors. Orange shades will help to cheer up. Parents should spend more time with children during joint periods when they feel unwell or aggravated.

Treatment of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents is not very difficult. It is much more difficult to find the cause and eradicate it. The main thing is to see a doctor in time and understand what is happening with the child. Do not forget about visiting a psychotherapist or a psychologist, who can be called one of the main doctors in this situation.

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