Tonunts Elena Konstantinovna: biography, creativity and personal life

Tonunts Elena Konstantinovna successfully combines the career of an actress, filmmaker and producer. She also writes scripts for films. Want to know more about her? The article contains the necessary information.

Tonunts elena konstantinovna

Biography: family and childhood

On July 17, 1954, Tonunts Elena Konstantinovna (in girlhood - Kokalevskaya) was born. Her hometown is Magadan. What family did she bring up in? Lena's mother received a higher pedagogical education. And her father was an officer of morphlot. From an early age, he instilled in his daughter a love of sports.

Until the 5th grade, our heroine visited the section of rhythmic gymnastics and a ballet studio. The girl never complained about a lot of work. In secondary school, she studied at the "four" and "five", participated in the Olympiads in physics, chemistry and mathematics.

Faculty of Geology

After receiving the certificate, the girl went to Moscow. She managed the first time to enter the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Geology. Lena was a diligent student. However, already in her second year, she realized that geology was not her vocation. The girl still learned, because student life had its advantages: discos, exciting trips, summer practice in the sunny Crimea, in Astrakhan and the mouth of the Amur.

Tonunts Elena Konstantinovna husband

In 1976, Elena was awarded a diploma of graduation. By distribution, she came to the city of Divnogorsk, located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Kokalevskaya got a job at the All-Union Institute of Material Raw Materials. But she did not work there long. The girl had to live in an uncomfortable hut. Lena walked home from her work place on foot, and it got dark early in the evening.

One day, our heroine simply did not go to work. They searched for her for some time, and Elena was not going to return to Divnogorsk. She registered with relatives in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), then went to Moscow, where she got a job as a janitor.

Acting profession

Tonunts Elena Konstantinovna submitted documents to GITIS. She managed to enter this university the first time. A native of Magadan was enrolled in the course to K. Mikhailov.

Elena's film debut took place in 1977. A freshman student received a cameo role in the melodrama Confusion of Senses. Her name and surname were not even indicated in the credits. But this is not upset for our heroine. After all, she received invaluable experience in the frame.

In 1981, Kokalevskaya graduated from GITIS. By this time, the beauty managed to star in two more films - "The Orion Loop" and "Do not part with your loved ones."

Tonunts elena konstantinovna filmography

Her first great film work was the role of a sailor girl in the comedy “Take Care of Women”. Lena’s colleagues on the set were Igor Sklyar, Szymanska Marina and Algis Arlauskas. And in the film, the songs of Yuri Antonov, beloved by many, are heard.

In the 1980s, the actress actively starred in films. For many viewers, she was remembered for the role of Shaherizada in the film "And Another Shaherizada Night." In the fantastic comedy "Chance", Elena Tonunts (Kokalevskaya) brilliantly played Vanda Savich in her youth.

The following are her other film works for 1990-2015:

  • “I declare war on you” (1990) - Tamara;
  • “Diamonds of the Shah” (1992) - Elena, wife of Volodya;
  • "Under the Polar Star" (2001) - episode;
  • Garages (2010) - teacher;
  • "Time for Two" (2011) - saleswoman Catherine;
  • “Luba. Love ”(2011) - Valentina Ivanovna;
  • "Moscow. Three stations ”(2013) - the owner of the apartment;
  • “Women's consultation” (2015) - Larisa Borisovna.

Today, many people know who Tonunts Elena Konstantinovna is. Her filmography has not been completed. In the near future it will be replenished with new paintings.


Geologist and actress are not the only professions that our heroine has mastered. In 1992, Elena Tonunts (Kokalevskaya) graduated from the directing department of VGIK. When did she present her first film to the audience? This happened in 1990 (while studying at a university). Her first creation was a short film "One evening." The film was highly appreciated by both viewers and experts.

Tonunts elena konstantinovna personal life

In 1994, her second picture was released - the drama "I won’t let you go anywhere." The plot focuses on a 16-year-old girl who ran away from her guardian. She wants to become an independent and financially independent person. However, to achieve the goal, the girl will have to pass many tests of strength of character.

Tonunts Elena Konstantinovna: personal life

Our heroine is an attractive woman and a comprehensively developed personality. Many men would like to connect their destiny with such a chic lady like her. But is Tonunts Elena Konstantinovna free? She had a husband.

In her youth, she met a hot Georgian guy. Unfortunately, his name and occupation are not known. He beautifully and persistently courted Lena. As a result, the girl agreed to meet with him. And after some time, the couple played a wedding. This marriage lasted several years. The couple did not have children. After the divorce, our heroine retained the name of her husband - Tonunts.

Currently, the actress is carefully hiding her personal life from strangers. Therefore, we cannot say with 100% certainty whether her heart is free or not.


Now you know where Tonunts Elena Konstantinovna was born and how she built a creative career. We wish her good health, inspiration and peace of mind!

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