Foot disease. Proper foot care

foot disease

Common diseases of the legs are thrombophlebitis (phlebitis) and varicose veins. Diseases of the legs associated with phlebitis and varicose veins can occur in people of different ages. Even twenty young men can see swollen veins and knots on their legs.

With thrombophlebitis, superficial veins are affected. There is inflammation and blood coagulation. Phlebitis, as a rule, is acute, painful. Blood clots fit snugly against the walls of the vein and the probability of their detachment is small, unlike thrombosis.

Symptoms of Thrombophlebitis

Swelling and redness of the skin over the vein are observed, local pain occurs. Due to the coagulated blood in the vein, it feels like a solid cord under the skin. On this basis, the doctor will immediately make a diagnosis.

An increase in the superficial veins in the legs is a varicose vein. The exact cause of this leg disease has not yet been identified. It is believed that hereditary factors or weakness of the walls of the veins affect. Weakened veins stretch, lengthen, wriggle like snakes, causing the skin to swell over them. Dilation of the veins leads to the rapid filling of their blood when a person is standing. Thin, convoluted veins lengthen even further.

foot disease

Symptoms of this foot disease

Varicose veins are most often accompanied by rapid leg fatigue and pain. However, many people have no pain even with severe varicose veins. After the patient removes the sock or stocking, itching of the lower leg and ankle occurs. Combing causes redness and skin rashes. Varicose veins can be complicated by thrombophlebitis, dermatitis and bleeding. They diagnose varicose veins with the help of palpation, ultrasound and X-ray examination.

Skin diseases of the legs

Mycosis (fungus) is one of the most common skin diseases of the feet. This disease causes a parasitic fungus. You can get it when you visit bathhouses, saunas, pools, showers, as well as when wearing someone else’s shoes. Walking barefoot in common areas contributes to the development of skin disease of the legs.

skin diseases of the legs

Symptoms of Mycosis

The appearance of painful cracks, vesicles, pustules, redness, diaper rash, peeling, unpleasant odor and intolerable itching indicates that you need to see a dermatologist.

How to care for your feet?

To prevent diseases of the feet, you need to learn how to properly care for them.

1. Every day, inspect the feet for the appearance of corns, cracks, ulcers and wash them with warm water and soap, preferably mild or baby, wipe dry.

2. Lubricate with cream for dry skin.

3. In order to prevent sweating, you can use powder without perfumes and medicinal additives.

4. Cut nails straight and not very short to prevent ingrowth into soft tissues.

5. Do not warm your feet with heating pads or hot water bottles.

6. Socks, tights, stockings should be changed daily.

7. In no case do not wear squeezing garters or stockings with a tight upper part (elastic band).

8. Shoes should be selected according to size, not narrow, so that there is enough space for the fingers.

9. In case of foot deformity, consult an orthopedist.

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