Paracetamol for headache. "Paracetamol" (tablets): instructions

Headache is the most common ailment. This is because this symptom can indicate many pathologies. So, often the head hurts due to overwork, after hypothermia or prolonged exposure to the sun, due to increased or decreased pressure, during colds, and so on. Symptom is often quite treatable. However, you should always remember that such a correction will not save you from a true pathology. Most often, patients use the drug "Paracetamol" for headaches. It is about him that we will discuss later. You will learn about how to use this tool in certain cases. We will also talk about whether Paracetamol can be drunk for young children and pregnant women.

headache paracetamol

Product release form and dosage

Currently, manufacturers produce a lot of paracetamol-based products. It can be rectal suppositories, soluble powders, effervescent tablets, ordinary pills, syrups and so on. All this is provided for the convenience of the patient.

However, over time, the usual drug “Paracetamol" (tablets) does not lose its popularity. The dosage in such capsules is standard and is 500 milligrams.

How does the remedy work?

How does Paracetamol (tablets) work? The instruction says the following.

The drug has an antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. Once in the human stomach, the tablet dissolves quickly and is absorbed into the blood. After this, the drug is distributed throughout the body. After 10-30 minutes, the person feels relief.

The medication we are considering is valid from 6 to 8 hours. It all depends on what is required of the medicine. The removal of pain occurs quickly, and the effect persists for a long time. If you are trying to remove the fever, then the drug may be somewhat slowed down (up to one hour), while the action lasts from 3 to 6 hours.

paracetamol tablets instruction

Can everyone use the medicine?

Despite the popularity and safety of Paracetamol (tablets), the instructions indicate some contraindications. So, you can not use the medicine with hypersensitivity to the active substance. If there is a tendency to allergies, then you should first get a specialist consultation.

Paracetamol for headache is not recommended for use during pregnancy. However, many doctors safely prescribe this remedy, since it is as harmless as possible for the future baby.

Method of using the drug

For adult patients and children over 16 years of age, the drug is prescribed in full dosage. From one to two capsules (500-1000 milligrams) can be taken at a time. Reuse of the medicine is allowed only after 4 hours.

For children, it is preferable to use candles and syrups. However, it should be remembered that if there is no such possibility, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dosage. For 1 kilogram of body weight, 10-15 milligrams of the active substance can be used. Using elementary calculation, we can conclude: a child weighing 20 kg can be given from 200 to 300 milligrams of the drug.

Does Paracetamol help with headaches or not?

As you know, a head can hurt for various reasons. In most cases, the drug does its job and eliminates an unpleasant symptom. However, there are cases when the remedy is unable to cope with a sign of the disease.

paracetamol helps with headaches

High blood pressure

If discomfort in the temporal region occurs due to a violation of blood pressure, then Paracetamol will certainly relieve headaches. However, this can be quite dangerous. When a person ceases to feel an increase in their own pressure due to the accepted analgesic, this can cause unpleasant outcomes.

You should not use the drug if you know for sure that the cause of discomfort was pressure. It is better to make every effort to normalize blood circulation and treat pathology.


Often colds and flu begin with a person having a headache. In this case, taking the drug will not only remove the unpleasant symptom, but also reduce the fever. Take the composition as necessary, taking into account the calculation of the correct dosage.

It is preferable to drink "Paracetamol" from headache after eating, drinking a pill with plenty of fluids. You should not use carbonated drinks, coffee and tea for this.

paracetamol tablets dosage

Tumors of various etiologies

"Paracetamol" from a headache may not help at all if you develop a tumor in the brain. In some cases, when you take a double dose, you may feel slight relief. However, after a few hours, the discomfort will return.

It is not recommended to independently use higher dosages of the drug. It is better to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


The tool can quite effectively cope with migraines only if you took the pill before the onset of the attack. Later, the drug may simply not work. Everything is explained as follows.

During a migraine attack in humans, inhibition of the functions of the stomach and intestines occurs. Often, nausea and vomiting occur due to this. A tablet that has fallen into such a space simply cannot completely dissolve and be absorbed into the blood. If a migraine did not help you with a single dose of the drug (500 milligrams), then you should not increase the dose. Call a doctor and get a suitable appointment.

is it possible to drink paracetamol


You have read the instructions for use of Paracetamol tablets. Despite the effectiveness, safety and popularity of the drug, do not abuse its use. If necessary, contact specialists and only after that carry out the appointed correction. Otherwise (with the wrong use or overdose of the drug), allergic reactions to the drug may occur. Be treated correctly, and better - never get sick!

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