Biography of Shakhzoda Matchanova. Her creative path

The biography of actress Shakhzoda Matchanova is rich in vibrant events, despite her very young age. This fact can only speak about one thing - the girl is very talented, and in the future she may become famous.

Basic information from the life of an actress

The biography of Shakhzoda Matchanova tells numerous connoisseurs of the actress's work about interesting facts of her life. But as you know, true fans want to know everything about their idol.

Shahzoda Biography

  • Shahzoda was born in Uzbekistan, in Nukus. August 8, 1987 - the date of its birth.
  • The girl studied at a prestigious educational institution - the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.
  • Shahzoda is not married, but, according to the girl herself, her heart is occupied.
  • She is currently an actress in Uzbek cinema, although she does not have a special acting education.

How did an acting career begin?

Shahzoda biography

Shahzoda never dreamed of becoming an actress, because by her nature she is very shy. Becoming a public person was not her goal. Therefore, the girl was quite pleased with her studies at the university and the chosen specialty.

But it so happened that once the director of "Uzbekfilm" drew attention to her. He invited Shahzoda to participate in the samples. She accepted the invitation and came to the first photo tests accompanied by her parents.

The result of the first experiment was a failure - the girl did not pass the film test, since her appearance did not match the image of the heroine of the film. Shahzoda successfully continued her studies at the university, and information about her remained in the archives of the film company.

Two years later, filmmaker Zebo Navruzova used archival materials. She again invited the girl to film screenings, which this time were successful.

The debut picture of the actress was the film "April-May." Since that time, the biography of Shakhzoda Matchanova is inextricably linked with the cinema.

The series "Hostel"

Shahzoda gained great popularity in Russia and other CIS countries after filming in the series "Hostel". Many fell in love with the modest and naive Tahmina, whose image was conveyed by the actress.

The film raises the serious problems of combating the social prejudices that exist in modern life. They relate to the relationship of citizens and residents of provincial areas. Ethnic issues are just as acute in the film.

The heroes of the series give young people an example of determination and self-education. The film shows life as it really is: differences in people's living standards, corruption, lack of tolerance.

But a bright, pure, sincere love is shown that leaves no one indifferent.

Shakhzoda herself admits that she is as modest in life as her heroine, but she does not want to be naive like Tahmina.

The atmosphere of filming, working with partners left a very good impression. Participating in the filming, the actress gained professional growth, and Shakhzoda’s creative biography replenished with a bright page.

Creative plans of Shakhzoda Matchanova

In an interview with reporters, the actress admits that in addition to her acting career, she would like to try herself as a singer.

Shahzoda matchanova biography

Questions of a political nature are also of interest to the girl, and she does not exclude the possibility that someday they will hear about her as about politics.

The girl is seriously interested in literature, art, sports. This indicates the diversity of nature, the breadth of views, which will undoubtedly lead her to great achievements in life.

As for work in the cinema, Shahzoda mentions the existence of a period when she wanted to take a break in order to rethink and overestimate everything played. Rest has benefited, as now the actress is full of creative plans and ideas.

Shahzoda's personal life

Shahzoda photo

The questions of the personal life of actors and other popular personalities are always of great interest not only to fans, but also to those who do not like “stars”. On the one hand, this is a simple human curiosity, and on the other, perhaps people want to adopt something for themselves from the personal experience of a famous person.

Shakhzoda Matchanova, whose biography interests thousands of people, is no exception. Personal questions are often asked by journalists, fans of the actress on social networks.

Shahzoda herself tries to answer all questions openly, without hiding. Photos of the girl, which are in large numbers on the Internet, can also tell a lot about personal life.

Very interesting and informative are the entries in the diary, which from time to time Shakhzoda leaves on a personal website on the Internet. After reading them, you can not remain indifferent. At the same time, you are even more convinced of the true talent and depth of soul of the person who left these notes.


Shahzoda's personal life

Shahzoda, whose biography is getting richer every year, has about 20 films in his creative luggage. And this is just 7 years of their efforts on the set.

Colleagues and filmmakers who worked with the actress, note her hard work, commitment to excellence. She is a thinking person, always appreciates what she has done.

In the films, the heroines of Shakhzoda Matchanova raise problems that concern not only the youth of Uzbekistan, but also other countries. These are questions of creating a family and having children, relations between a man and a woman. These topics are especially relevant for women of the East. The issues of relations between the older and younger generations do not leave anyone indifferent.

The work of the actress was noted by many awards and incentive prizes of various levels, including state ones.

Shahzoda's biography interests many. Its authority among young people and the female part of the population of Uzbekistan is very high, since Shakhzoda Matchanova raises the most exciting topics through the mouths of her heroines.

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