Strawberries ripen in early summer. This is a very delicate berry with a bright taste and aroma, rich in vitamins and acids. Fresh strawberries cannot be stored for a long time, therefore, in order to preserve precious berries, they make various preparations for the winter. In this case
It is necessary to preserve the aroma and unique taste of strawberries. This is possible if strawberries are prepared in their own juice. Experienced housewives know many recipes for
strawberry preparations and are able to find application not only for selected berries. The best copies go for jam and stewed fruit, mashed and overripe - for jam and jam. Such blanks are a piece of summer on cold winter days.
Homemade winter recipes from strawberries in their own juice
Strawberries are very tender, easy to boil, so to preserve their natural appearance, the regime and time of cooking should be observed. And if for jam this is not so important, then a compote with boiled berries will look ugly.
1. Strawberry compote in its own juice
For a kilogram of berries you need to take a glass of sugar. Peel the berries from the leaves, rinse thoroughly, let the water drain (in a colander). Strawberries need very wide dishes so that the berries do not crumple. A wide enameled basin is suitable. Pour the berries into it and sprinkle them with sugar. Cover with gauze and do not touch for 10 hours. Under the influence of sugar, juice begins to stand out from the strawberries, and we need the berry to float in it. Prepare cans, lids and a container for sterilization. Pour the strawberries and juice into the prepared jars and sterilize for 10 minutes. After that, close the lids and turn the jars upside down. Leave to cool in this position. It is recommended to store
strawberry compotes in a dark place so that the berries do not lose color.
2. Canned strawberries in their own juice
Consumption is about the same: a glass of sugar is needed per kilogram of berries. Washed strawberries should be dried by laying on the table. Banks are better to take small, half-liter or six hundred grams. Arrange dry berries in prepared clean jars. Having laid one layer, fill it with sugar, on top the next layer of berries and so on to the very top. Sterilize half-liter jars for ten minutes, of a larger capacity - minutes 13. During sterilization, juice will start to stand out from the strawberries and the berries will slightly settle. After sterilization, close the lids tightly and set to cool by turning the lid down.
According to this recipe, strawberries in their own juice for the winter will remain in banks as bright and fragrant as fresh.
3. Strawberries in strawberry juice
This method of harvesting is completely sugar free. But you need natural strawberry juice. A kilogram of strawberries needs a glass of juice. Prepared berries are poured with boiling juice and pasteurized for 10 minutes at a temperature of 80 degrees. Pasteurization is a one-time heating of a liquid at a temperature below 100 degrees, which increases the shelf life of liquid products. But cooked in this way, strawberries in their own juice should be stored in the refrigerator, unlike the first two options.