Sport is becoming more and more popular, it enters the life of many people, it is difficult to refuse classes (and it is not necessary). Whatever kind of sport - climbing, powerlifting, other types - it should be safe. In the first, hands play a particularly important role. It depends on them whether the climber is safe. Itβs also easy to hurt your hands by clinging to something. For the safety of the hands of athletes and developed liquid magnesia. It is much more convenient to use than chalk or talc.
What is liquid magnesia?
This is a special cream. Many athletes, not only climbers, lubricate their palms or the entire surface of their hands. Liquid magnesia is created for the safety of the athlete. It is sold in tubes, which is very convenient - you can put it in a pocket of a sports uniform. Magnesia has the consistency of a cream and is easily distributed over the skin. Convenience lies in the fact that the tube is easy to open, being at a height.
How does it work?
Sports liquid magnesia is formulated to take into account potential stresses. It is evenly distributed over the skin, protecting it from moisture, improves adhesion to the pylon. Magnesia prevents sweating on the palms, which is the main safety criterion. Hands completely enveloped with the product, dry quickly, its action lasts for a long time. Magnesia, absorbing sebum, can significantly increase the friction between the athlete's fingers and the projectile. This increases the speed of advancement of the athlete, his safety.
Application features
Liquid magnesia, unlike powder, is very compact and convenient. It is easy to take it with you to the gym to occasionally lubricate your hands with it if necessary. Previously, climbers had to carry a bag of dry (powder) magnesia with them. With the advent of the liquid form of magnesia, this need has disappeared. The action of liquid magnesia is much longer than powder, there is no need to lubricate her hands so often. When practicing in the gym it is very practical to have liquid magnesia. Dusty traces remain from the powder, you can stain the mat. Liquid magnesia is different in that it leaves no residue on clothing and machine tools.
It is impractical to use liquid magnesia in climbing on long routes. The fact is that you have to wait a few minutes until it is completely absorbed and dried. And this is excluded at high altitudes and long distances, especially if the route passes at speed.
The benefits of magnesia
Liquid hand magnesia contains magnesium. It is able to absorb into the blood through the pores on the skin, thereby bringing additional benefits to the body. But the absorption rate is very low, so you are unlikely to feel any practical benefit.
Many people believe that magnesium contains calcium, which is very useful for nail growth. Liquid magnesia is used by some people as a nail polish. We hasten to upset everyone - there is no calcium in magnesia. The thing is that the greatest minds up to the eighteenth century confused magnesia and lime. Lime contains a lot of calcium, but in magnesia there is none at all.
Many will want to argue about this, citing climbers' nails as an example. Yes, these guys have really perfect healthy nails, but this is not related to the use of magnesia. Unknowingly, they nourish nails with the help of rocks, which contain many useful substances, including calcium.
On this basis, it is worth concluding that liquid magnesia does not benefit the body.
Harm from liquid magnesia
Do not assume that if magnesia is not beneficial, then it should not be harmful. She just does harm. The first is skin overdrying. Magnesia has the ability to absorb sebum, which leads to drying out of the hands. Many athletes who are forced to use magnesia consistently suffer the most. Drying of the skin may cause visible cracks and microdamages. When water or any means gets on hands, itching, burning sensation are felt.
After not only liquid magnesia was used for the pylon, but also dry, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and water to completely get rid of it. After washing, the skin should be greased with a special balm or a simple oily cream.
Magnesia is a strong allergen. The reaction to it can manifest itself with tearing, runny nose, redness of the skin, rashes. Many athletes are faced with this phenomenon.
Liquid magnesia is not as harmful as powder. The latter is able to penetrate the lungs, especially in closed rooms, where many people use this tool. This powder can adversely affect health, clogging the lungs, making breathing difficult. In the halls it is better to use liquid magnesia and recommend it to other athletes for use.
Where to buy liquid magnesia?
In various stores that specialize in the sale of sports goods and equipment, liquid magnesia is also sold. Moscow and the region are literally stuffed with such shops, as sports in this city are especially popular. If you need some special magnesia, then you can find it in online stores.
How is magnesia sold?
Liquid magnesia can be purchased ready-made, it is sold in convenient tubes. It will cost in different ways, depending on the brand and characteristics. With minimal odor and ultrahigh-speed drying, such magnesia will cost more than five hundred rubles per tube.
You can save money, as many athletes who consistently buy magnesia do. Powders for suspension, balls are much cheaper than their finished counterpart. You can use an empty package of creams, there to breed magnesia. Such a powder costs from five to thirty rubles, depending on the mass.
There is liquid magnesia for single use, it is sold in ampoules. This option is suitable for those who are not sure whether they will continue to play sports, but just decided to try it. Indeed, why buy an entire package that will no longer be useful in the future? Or the second option - you came to classes, and you forgot magnesia at home. Itβs also better to buy a single dose.
Liquid magnesia: reviews
There are many opinions on liquid magnesia. Basically they write that it is really convenient to use, much more compact and reliable than powder. Many who decide to change dry magnesia to liquid, do not regret their choice. In any case, as some professional athletes write, you need to have in stock not only liquid, but also dry magnesia. Dry is more convenient to use at long distances in climbing.
There are those who are unhappy with this form of magnesia. They write that it smells strongly of alcohol, terribly tightens the skin of the hands. Basically, such people prefer to use the powder version, the old fashioned way.
Athletes or simple amateurs sometimes climbing the climbing wall, suffering from allergies, note that it is better to use liquid magnesia. There is less reaction to it, and tears begin to pour from dry eyes.
Manufacturers have learned to adapt to the opinions of customers, so they are developing more and more new tools. They got rid of liquid magnesia to the maximum from an unpleasant alcohol smell, and added various dyes. For girls created a special liquid magnesia, painted in pink.