"Diskus compositum": instructions for use, reviews

Diseases associated with disorders in the musculoskeletal system are one of the most common in the modern world. Heavy physical labor, malnutrition, injuries lead to intervertebral hernias, rapid wear of the cartilaginous tissue of the knee joints, osteochondrosis.

In order for existing diseases, as well as only developing abnormalities, to be more easily tolerated and have fewer negative consequences, experts prescribe a comprehensive treatment that includes analgesics, vitamin complexes, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). In addition, doctors prescribe medications to restore cartilage, one of which is Diskus Compositum.

Panacea or dummy?

Discus compositum application

The use of homeopathic and herbal preparations in the treatment of chronic diseases associated with the destruction of cartilage, many doctors do not consider it appropriate and use it as a last resort when other chemical drugs have been ineffective.

A rare exception is manual therapists who have been developing their treatment system for decades. It is worth remembering that any homeopathic remedy works, but has its own characteristics in use. Discus Compositum is no exception to the rule.

The composition of the drug

As homeopaths say: “Like is treated like.” The composition of any homeopathic medicine will include substances of natural, mineral and animal origin that can improve blood circulation, relieve the inflammatory process, and also stimulate cell regeneration.

Discus Compositum also has all of the above properties. The instructions for use indicate such components as:

  • Vitamins (ascorbic acid, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), nicotinamide.
  • Amino acids (lipoic; coenzyme A).
  • Acids (oxaloacetic, picric, salicylic).
  • Mineral salts (sulfur, silver, zinc, copper, calcium, ammonium, potassium, mercury).
  • Plant components (lumbago lumbago, Voronet racemose, marsh dried cinnamon, marsh rosemary, horse chestnut, uterine horns, bitter gourd, cinnamon, and barberry ordinary).
  • Animal origin (breeding from the adrenal glands, cartilage, bone marrow, etc.).

The properties

Discus compositum instruction

Due to such a rich composition, this drug activates metabolic processes in the body, which allows to naturally improve the general condition of patients not only with chronic diseases, but also during an exacerbation.

In the instruction "Diskus compositum" you can read that it has analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, restorative properties. But all the characteristics of the solution are associated precisely with the activation of their own immune systems at the cellular level.

Thus, the dosage form helps to relieve pain in places of injury, "makes" the cartilage tissue renew, and also improves the access of nutrients and oxygen. Helps to cleanse the body, relieve swelling and increase tissue elasticity.

Have you been to the doctor?

discus compositum injections

Any uncontrolled treatment can lead to a worsening of the patient's condition, as well as to the development of complications in the form of concomitant diseases. But, if the therapy is prescribed step by step by the attending physician, the effectiveness of these measures is obvious.

Doctors prescribe it for:

  • Degenerative salt deposits.
  • Violations of the formation of the spinal column in childhood.
  • Pain in the acute phase, as well as with incomplete paralysis of the limbs.
  • Periostitis, rickets, pustular acne, night pain in the bones.
  • Premature aging of cartilage, increased wear of cartilage in the joints.
  • The destruction of cartilage and bone tissue of various origins.
  • Cerebral palsy, intervertebral hernia.


Diskus compositum instructions for use

The most common contraindications for any drug is the individual sensitivity of the patient to the components of the drug. After all, if you are intolerant to one of the ingredients, side reactions in the form of skin rashes, itching, and redness are possible.

In addition, there are cases when the Discus Compositum gave such a reaction as an increase in salivation.

Therefore, it is not recommended, without the appointment of a doctor, to use during lactation and children under the age of six. But since there are no substances in the composition that affect the nervous system and reaction rate, motorists can use it.

Is it possible to "Diskus compositum" expectant mothers and children?

discus compositum reviews

A feature of the physiological state of pregnant women is that any drug taken can enter the bloodstream, and already with it into the body of the unborn baby. Therefore, many doctors take into account the benefits brought to the expectant mother, and the harm done to the fetus. If the doctor prescribes this drug, then he believes that the benefit to the mother will exceed the harm to the child.

The most optimal age for children to take "Diskus compositum" in the instructions for use is called six. But the control of the attending physician is desirable for children and adolescents, until they reach the age of eighteen.

How to use?

A comprehensive homeopathic preparation is made in the form of an injection solution. Treatment is carried out by intramuscular, subcutaneous injections from one to three times a week.

Given the concomitant complications, degenerative features, the doctor can extend the duration of the drug. The standard course of treatment is from one to one and a half months.

For children, the dosage is necessarily adjusted. So, from 0.73 ml to 1.1 ml are used per procedure. In addition, there are cases when the injection solution is used orally. The ampoule is bred in a small amount of water.

Application Features

discus compositum

It is worth remembering that homeopathic medicines can worsen the general condition of the patient at the beginning of treatment. Therefore, experts advise conducting it only under the supervision of a doctor. If the general condition has not improved over time, then taking the dosage form should be discontinued.

Moreover, it is worth clarifying the composition to be sure that there is no allergy to any of the components.


It is impossible to say that the use of “Discus of the Compositum” gives a momentary result. Many patients who have used this drug give mixed reviews after its use. This is primarily due to the fact that any of the homeopathic remedies works on an accumulative basis. A tangible effect is noticeable a month after the end of the course of treatment.

Satisfied were people who received “Diskus compositum” in injections in the order of systemic treatment, along with other specific medicines. Thanks to anti-inflammatory drugs, the pain syndrome was stopped, and this dosage form was used to restore cartilage and joint mobility.

It was also noted that one injection per week is not enough. Three intramuscular injections every other day for six weeks is the most effective treatment. The main thing is that the drug is well established in pediatric practice in children suffering from abnormalities in the development of the spinal column.

Using the drug strictly according to the instructions, reviews about the “Discus Compositum” of the mother give only positive ones. After all, homeopathic medicines provide more benefits for the body and do not harm other systems. The effect after administration is long, but it is recommended to undergo treatment once a year if the disease has severe complications.

discus compositum instructions for use reviews

But there are still more negative reviews at Diskus Compositum. Firstly, these are patients who used it as a prophylactic in monotherapy. They were injected once a week for a month, which already indicates an insufficient course of procedures.

Secondly, these are people who are waiting for the short-term result after the first ampoule, forgetting that the tangible effect of homeopathic remedies occurs not earlier than two, or even three weeks after the end of the course. In addition, it must be remembered that during the period of exacerbation, treatment is more complex and requires an integrated approach, and not a single application according to the instructions "Compositum Diskus". Customer reviews are therefore negative.

Thirdly, of course, the high cost of the drug. On average, its cost ranges from 815 rubles to 1,500 rubles, depending on the region. This significantly reduces the number of people who want to use it.

Osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias are quite painful diseases. If it is correct, and most importantly on time, to approach their treatment, it is possible, although incomplete, but sufficiently effective therapy for recovery. The main thing is to approach this issue carefully and patiently fulfill all the appointments of the attending physician.

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