Narsharab sauce: recipe, use in cooking

Those who first heard the word "Narsharab" have very different associations. It reminds someone of the name of a distant southern resort or the name of a fabulous shah. Someone even remember "Massaraks!" - a favorite curse of the inhabitants of the "Inside Out", invented by the Strugatsky brothers.

In fact, narsharab is a wonderful sauce made from pomegranate seeds. It is worth trying it only once, and he will surely be remembered forever. The first acquaintance with its rich taste makes one think of the most sophisticated technology and the multitude of ingredients that made it a wonderful thick consistency and rich bouquet. But narsharab sauce, the recipe of which came to us from Central Asia, can be prepared independently. To do this, it is not at all necessary to travel around the world in search of exotic products or to finish cooking classes. This article will help you understand all the intricacies and features.

narsharab sauce recipe

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If you give this tasty sauce to someone for the first time, they will probably suspect anything but pomegranate juice. Someone in his taste fancies wine, someone has berry or fruit syrups. But apart from fresh and ripe pomegranates and a pinch of favorite spices, we do not need anything.

delicious sauce

When buying grenades, carefully consider their quality. It’s great if the seller allows you to incise the skin to make sure that the grains inside the fruit are not unripe and whitish, but poured with ruby-red juice, ripe and fragrant.

Azerbaijan cooking method

In Azerbaijan, narsharab sauce, the recipe of which has been inherited for many centuries, is customary to cook immediately in huge portions. On average, one bookmark takes about 10 kg of pomegranate seeds! Think about how much you need such a huge amount of sauce. Perhaps you should start with a small portion? Perhaps for the first time a kilogram of fruit will be enough. From this amount, you will get 200-250 grams of sauce, that is, a full gravy boat.

Put the pomegranate on the board, make 5 cuts on the fruit, as if you were going to divide the orange into slices. Then it can easily be divided into parts, and you can easily select all the grains without losing a drop of precious juice in the process.

pomegranate sauce application

Put all the grains in a saucepan, crush with a wooden pestle to let the juice flow. Place the container on a small fire and start boiling narsharab sauce.

A recipe common in Azerbaijan implies a small amount of seasoning and salt. But in no case do not add them immediately!

Boiling will last a long time, from one to two hours. A signal about the completion of the process will be surfaced whitened bones. By that time, all the flesh will completely separate and juice will completely come out of it. Strain the sauce through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, put on the fire again and wait until 2/3 of the original volume remains.

It was the turn of spices. You can add a little cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, dried herbs to the narsharab. Try not to overdo it - this sauce is perfect on its own.

Turkish Narsharab

In Turkey, this sauce is simply adored. But they cook it a little differently. Local chefs are convinced that the wonderful taste of pomegranate does not need any additions, so they simply boil the juice until the cream is thick and do not even salt the resulting sauce. Try to follow suit.

By the way, this method can significantly save time. If you have the opportunity to purchase natural pomegranate juice, just boil it in 1/5 part. Please note: nectar in a tetrapack is not suitable for this purpose!


Narsharab sauce, the recipe of which does not contain any chemical preservatives, is well stored. To save yourself from unnecessary worries, make sure: pour jars of boiling water or steam. Use sealed utensils to store narsharab. Pomegranate sauce can be sent in the refrigerator, cellar or cellar.

Narsharab in cooking: meat and fish sauce

How to use pomegranate sauce? The use in cooking is very wide. It goes well with meat, fish, poultry and game. In the homeland of this sauce it is served with lamb, veal, homemade bread. You should definitely try narsharab with grilled vegetables.

It tolerates heat treatment, meat can be watered with it during baking. But most often this sauce is served already to ready-made dishes, in a sauce-boat or by pouring it directly onto a plate.

Take a look at how appetizing a plain dish of baked meat just flavored with narsharab looks.

parsnip narsharab

Even a bachelor who does not shine with culinary talents can do this culinary masterpiece. It will certainly impress the chosen one or make a splash on the bachelor party.


Many people know that pomegranate is a wonderful ingredient for marinade. It is enough to add a handful of crushed grains, and the meat will acquire a unique aroma and sourness in taste. Narsharab sauce is also suitable for these purposes. The recipe for the marinade is a matter of taste, some people like the vinegar base, some wine, some kefir. Disputes of lovers of various marinades do not subside, but it is unlikely that any of them would be against adding a couple of spoons of pomegranate sauce to their favorite recipe.

Benefits and contraindications

It should be remembered that a delicious narsharab sauce, like pomegranate juice, is rich in acids. In small quantities, they are useful, but you should not abuse this sauce even healthy. It is even more dangerous for those who have problems with high acidity. Everything is good in moderation.

natural pomegranate juice

Narsharab sauce contains many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants. It is deservedly considered one of the most useful.

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