If you are not a designer, sometimes the specific terminology used by professionals may seem complicated. This applies not only to styles in the interior, clothing, any special methods of processing materials or structural elements of the product. We can talk about the simplest and most common concept of the tone of an object. Often you can hear the term magenta. What color is it, many do not even know. The article will help answer the question.
Spectrum tones
From school drawing lessons, most residents remember that there are three primary colors: red, blue, yellow. Perhaps someone knows that they cannot be obtained by mixing other colors. All other tones are created just by combining the elements of the main triad in various proportions. If a person in his childhood went to an art studio or art school, then he probably remembers the color wheel, which is often called the rainbow.
It is in special creative schools that children begin to get acquainted with the basics of color science. The child learns that there are actually many shades and colors, and they all have their own names. Indigo, carmine, siena, ocher, cinnabar are the simplest words a budding artist should know.
For professionals, the dictionary is much wider. It can be difficult to understand what tone of wallpaper or your future trademark, for example, offers a specialist. People often ask what the word magenta means. What color is this, in ordinary language? In fact, it represents a whole group of shades. Now you will find out what the magenta looks like and where it is applied.
Types of color models
All shades can be attributed to one of two groups: subtractive or additive. The former are obtained by subtracting the secondary colors from a common ray of light. In this system, white indicates the absence of any tone, while their presence is characterized by black.
On the monitor screen, image reproduction is based on light emission. In this case, the RGB model is applicable. A sheet of paper can only absorb color, which is why the print system uses just a system of subtractive tones - CMY. Abbreviations are represented by the first letters of the English names of the components of the triad. In the field of printing are used: Cyan (cyan), Magenta (magenta), Yellow (yellow). In the field of screen playback technology, they use: Red (red), Green (green), Blue (blue). In printing, cyan is called blue, and magenta is called purple. The photo shows what kind of shade it is. An analogue exists in the color system of web pages.
Designers working in these fields of activity usually perceive all tones in the numerical characteristics of each component. It can be from 0 to 100%. If you need to make Magenta's tint for on-screen viewing, converting the color to another model is easy. It is necessary to write the corresponding numerical code.
Scope of the term
The word magenta is used to denote color in the following areas:
- interior design;
- design of clothes, shoes, accessories;
- web programming;
- printing.
Each of the listed industries may face a layman. If you are updating a wardrobe or wallpaper in a room, knowledge of terminology may be required. The most common area is the printing industry. Most homes now have a printer. In this case, you definitely need to know the paint designations.
Printed products
Ordinary users at least once had to deal with a shade called Magenta. What color is it and how does it differ from light magenta, not everyone understands.
Most often this question arises when using conventional printers. In printing devices, the following colors are used: cyan, yellow, black, magenta. A photo of the color palette shows an example. The model is called CMYK. The last letter of the abbreviation indicates a black tone, which is also taken as the main one. If a person had to change, recharge the printer cartridges, clean the heads, then he, of course, saw what ink was inside the device. You do not know what is the shade of light magenta? The color is light pink. In many printing systems it is used to give greater photorealism. If we compare four- and six-color printers, the latter have a finer transmission of facial tones, for example. When choosing a printing device for the home, this is worth considering.
Magenta: what color
So, Magenta is a magenta tone, a synonym for Fuchsia's HTML counterpart, indicated by a special code. According to the RGB model, it is characterized by the following numerical parameters: 255, 0, 255, which indicate the maximum amount of red and blue component. According to the CMYK system, the shade of the magenta is set as a percentage. This is one of the subtractive colors, except for yellow and blue, which graphic designers use.
Magenta is the primary color. It can not be obtained by mixing other colors. If you try to do this with red and blue, the desired effect will not be. This situation is explained by the peculiarities of the perception of shades by the human eye. The easiest way to understand what color is by looking at the corresponding ink on your printer. It is from them that you can pick up paint, for example, for the interior.
Thus, it is not difficult to understand the terminology of professionals, remember the names of colors and use them in your vocabulary. This process can provide a lot of useful information and significantly expand the vocabulary. You yourself will be pleased to say the names of the corresponding shades correctly.