Pancreatic fibrosis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

The gradual transformation of normal pancreatic cells into connective tissue is called fibrosis. This condition is not a separate pathology. It occurs as a result of the progression of other diseases. For example, changes in the organ parenchyma often occur due to a chronic inflammatory process (pancreatitis). Pancreatic fibrosis can affect different parts of it.

Pathology Features

This disease is diagnosed quite often. It is a consequence of the complication of a prolonged chronic organ dysfunction. The replacement of healthy tissues with connective tissue for pancreatic fibrosis adversely affects its activity. There is a gradual inhibition of the production of pancreatic enzymes - substances that are actively involved in the digestion process.

This pathology refers to irreversible conditions. However, subject to all the advice of a doctor and competent therapy, the patient can slow the progression of the disease. Ignoring recommendations and irregular medication aggravate the situation. Over the past few years, the number of patients suffering from pancreatic fibrosis has increased significantly. This trend is associated with an increase in the incidence of chronic and acute forms of pancreatitis, which leads to the development of complications.

There have been many medical studies that have shown that individuals who systematically drink alcohol, after about 15 years, malfunctions in the work of this body. In people prone to alcoholism, healthy tissue is replaced by connective tissue. With the wrong lifestyle, pathology can lead to death.

Types of disease

There are several types of ailment:

  1. Cystic fibrosis. It is characterized by the formation of a benign tumor in the ducts of an organ. At the first stage, the disease does not have pronounced symptoms. As a pathology develops in a person, its signs appear. A damaged organ produces a thick pancreatic juice containing a huge amount of enzymes. The cyst does not allow this secret to penetrate the intestines, as a result of which digestion is disturbed.
  2. With diffuse fibrosis, the pathological process spreads to all parts of the organ. In the absence of therapy, the pancreas is completely affected. The disease is accompanied by a decrease in the production of enzymes. Such a disease is characterized by a vivid clinical picture, it is severe.
    pancreatic pain
  3. Another form of pathology is focal pancreatic fibrosis. What it is? This term means damage to a limited area of ​​an organ. The lesion does not cover all tissues. Symptoms of the disease depend on the volume of foci. Small areas of fibrosis in the pancreas do not lead to the appearance of pronounced symptoms.

In addition, there are other types of ailment. For example, in the presence of connective tissue in one area of ​​the organ, fibroma is diagnosed. This tumor is benign. She is not prone to rapid growth and the formation of metastases. As a rule, the neoplasm does not worsen the quality of life of the patient (except in those cases when the fibroid becomes large and presses on closely located vessels, organs). In some patients, healthy tissues are replaced by fibrous and fatty. Then experts diagnose fibrolipomatosis.

Reasons for the development of pathology

This ailment usually does not occur against the background of full health. It is preceded by a long process of chronic inflammation or acute pancreatitis, leading to tissue necrosis. Such a condition can develop water under the influence of the following factors:

  1. The presence of obesity.
  2. Smoking.
  3. Drinking plenty of alcohol.
    alcohol consumption
  4. Ailments of the biliary tract, which are accompanied by an increase in pressure in the ducts.
  5. Infectious processes.
  6. Intoxication.
  7. Prolonged and uncontrolled use of drugs.
  8. Cystic fibrosis.
  9. Mechanical damage to the organ.
  10. Psychological overstrain.

The main symptoms of the disease

Even in the presence of large areas of damage and replacement of healthy tissues with connective tissue, the patient does not have symptoms of pancreatic fibrosis. There are no specific manifestations of this pathology. However, signs of an inflammatory process indicate the likelihood of its development, for example:

  1. Frequent burps of air.
  2. Fever.
  3. Feeling nauseous.
  4. Attacks of vomiting and hiccups.
  5. Flatulence.
  6. Discomfort in the peritoneum, which does not have a clear localization.
  7. Dry feeling in the mouth.
  8. Loss of appetite and severe weight loss.
  9. Frequent, watery stools up to eight times a day. During laboratory analyzes of feces, a significant amount of undigested lipids is found in them.

Additional signs of pathology

Most patients suffering from this ailment have manifestations indicating failures in the carbohydrate metabolism. About thirty percent of patients eventually exhibit symptoms of diabetes. Fibrosis of the pancreatic head leads to the development of sclerotic changes in this area of ​​the organ, the result of which is a violation of the outflow of bile and jaundice of a mechanical type.

Diagnostic measures

If there is a suspicion of an ailment, the patient must consult a specialist - a gastroenterologist. First, the patient is examined. Symptoms of pancreatic fibrosis, which can be replaced externally, are a pronounced deficiency of body weight, dry tongue and skin, red complexion, cyanotic spots in the peritoneum. In addition, the doctor performs palpation of the body, laboratory tests of biological material. The presence of the disease is indicated by a decrease in the activity of enzymes, insufficient protein content in the blood. An ultrasound scan is also necessary.

pancreatic ultrasound

In the process of such a diagnosis, increased echogenicity of the organ, an increase in the Wirsung duct, heterogeneity of the tissue structure, and a decrease in their volume are detected. If it was possible to notice signs of pancreatic fibrosis by ultrasound, computed tomography is recommended to confirm the diagnosis. There are times when this technique does not provide the specialist with the necessary information. Then the doctor performs an organ biopsy.

Drug therapy

The following groups of drugs are prescribed to patients with pancreatic tissue fibrosis:

  1. Anti-spasm agents (Drotaverinum).
  2. Medications that stop gagging (Metoclopramide).
  3. Nonsteroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory effect (Diclofenac).
  4. Enzymes to improve the digestion process ("Creon", "Pangrol").

Of course, all of these medications should be used only as directed by a specialist.

the doctor's consultation

As a rule, this disease does not require surgical intervention. In exceptional cases (when the tissue affected by fibrosis is transformed into a tumor), the doctor regularly monitors the patient, and if the neoplasm begins to grow rapidly, it is removed.

Nutrition recommendations

Diet is an important condition for maintaining well-being of a person with pancreatic fibrosis. With chronic inflammation of the organ, its functions are violated. There are failures in the digestion process. Eating heavy, fatty foods causes discomfort in the peritoneum, nausea, bouts of vomiting, belching, and gas. The patient should change his diet. It is necessary to abandon foods containing a large amount of lipids, dishes that stimulate the release of pancreatic juice (pickles, marinades and seasonings, meat broth, smoked meats, fried). It is recommended that the patient eat up to 5 times a day, in small portions, in order to reduce the load on the affected organ.

In addition, a person suffering from this pathology should be excluded:

  1. Fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream, condensed milk).
  2. Canned food, convenience foods and fast food.
  3. Lipids of animal origin (fat, bacon).
  4. Baking, desserts (cakes, cakes, chocolate, pies, ice cream).
  5. Alcoholic drinks.
  6. Strongly brewed tea, coffee, soda, cocoa.
  7. Berries and fruits with a sour taste.
  8. Garlic, onion.

The diet for pancreatic fibrosis should include such products:

  1. Vegetables (pumpkin, eggplant, turnips, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, cauliflower).
  2. Fruits (strawberries, kiwi, sweet apples, mangoes, melons and watermelons).
  3. Rice, buckwheat and semolina, oatmeal.
  4. Lean meats (rabbit, beef, chicken, turkey).
  5. Skinny fish.
  6. Non-sour dairy products with low lipid content.
    diet for patients
  7. Vegetable and butter (in small quantities, for cooking).
  8. Juices from sweet fruits and berries, rosehip broth, weakly brewed tea, kissel, dried fruit compote, mineral water without gas.

Patients are not recommended to eat too hot or too cold dishes. It is better to bake food, steam, boil, grind with a blender. Sweets are allowed in minimum quantities 1 time per day.

Unconventional methods of therapy

With pancreatic fibrosis, treatment with folk remedies involves the use of the following medicinal plants:

  1. The roots of elecampane.
  2. Oats
  3. Fennel.
  4. Peppermint.
  5. Centaury.
  6. Rosehip (roots).
  7. Stonecrop purple.
  8. Dill.
  9. The violet is three-colored.
  10. Hypericum perforatum.
  11. Cudweed.
  12. Coriander.

Folk remedies should not be used as the main method of therapy. Before using them, you should consult a specialist.

How to prevent the development of pathology?

The main way to prevent pancreatic fibrosis is to regularly monitor the condition of the organ. In addition, it is necessary to exclude factors that may lead to a deterioration in its functions. This is smoking, drinking alcohol and foods containing large amounts of lipids. The inflammatory process in the pancreas, as you know, occurs due to addictions. In addition, it is necessary to conduct timely and competent therapy of pathologies that can provoke the development of fibrosis (for example, disorders of the gallbladder).


Unfortunately, treatment methods that are able to completely repair a damaged organ do not exist. Medications and alternative methods of therapy do not transform connective tissue into a parenchyma. This process is not possible. Patients often ask specialists a question about the prospects for a disease such as pancreatic fibrosis, prognosis. How many live with a similar pathology? It is impossible to answer unequivocally in this case. The prognosis is determined by such factors as features of the functioning of the damaged organ, the distribution of lesions, the individual characteristics of the patient (for example, the presence or absence of addictions). Strict adherence to all doctor's recommendations gives the patient a chance for a normal and long life.

To avoid the recurrence of chronic inflammation in the pancreas (pancreatitis), smoking and the use of alcohol-containing products should be completely eliminated. With exacerbations of the disease, it is necessary to take the medications prescribed by the doctor (means for eliminating cramping, drugs to improve the digestion process, and so on).

cure for pancreatic fibrosis

Changes in the structure of the organ alone do not lead to death. However, to avoid complications, it is necessary to regularly undergo examinations, ultrasound diagnostics of the pancreas, follow the recommendations of gastroenterologists.

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