Canned Cucumbers with Vinegar: A Winter Recipe

There are few housewives who do not cover vegetables and fruits in reserve, in the off-season. In the cold spins are in great demand among the family and help to reach new crops. The first place in popularity, of course, is taken by canned cucumbers for the winter. Recipes with vinegar are the most applicable. This additive gives an almost one-hundred-percent guarantee that the jar will not explode and will retain its contents until served. Each cook has its own compositions and secrets. We suggest you try some very interesting variations on the theme of winter sunsets.

canned cucumbers with vinegar recipe

Basic conservation rules

In order for the cucumbers to succeed and survive until winter, the proper preparation of both vegetables and dishes is important. Let's start with the last one. Banks and lids must be carefully washed and sterilized in any way. There are several processing options.

  1. Fry containers in the oven. To prevent the glass from breaking, the jars are placed in a cold oven, which gradually heats up to 180 Celsius. Soak the dishes for about a quarter of an hour. They cannot be pulled out right away, you need to wait until they cool. And take only with a dry mitten or towel.
  2. Steam sterilization. A special circle is bought, water is poured into a pan of the appropriate diameter, a purchase is placed on top, a bowl is placed in it with a neck and boiled for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Using a microwave. A little water is poured on the bottom, and the jar is put in a miracle oven for five minutes. You can’t sterilize the covers, they will have to be boiled separately.

Now for fragrant herbs. The set can be anything. Essential ingredients are dill corners, horseradish, laurel, garlic, peas. The ratio is determined by the cook.

And finally, the object of conservation itself. Each new recipe for canned cucumbers measures vinegar on a liter jar in different ways. And the liquid is of different concentrations. If we take vinegar of 70% strength, then about a third of a teaspoon is measured for the indicated volume. Although usually cucumbers are salted in three liters. It’s easier to pour on them: a whole spoon - and the thing is openwork.

Cucumbers canned recipes without vinegar

In most cases, when canned cucumbers with vinegar are rolled up, the recipe prescribes pouring it “under the lid” when the cans are already filled with brine. However, there are variations and preparations of brine with vinegar. Choose the one that inspires you more confidence, but remember: when boiling, the vinegar is exhausted, so in this case you need to take it in a larger volume.

Easiest recipe

The secret of luck is that cucumbers are kept in cold water for a couple of hours before being rolled up. Many people think that this should be done only if the summer is hot, but in fact this step will never be superfluous. In the described case, in order to make successful canned cucumbers with vinegar, the recipe suggests taking dill umbrellas, branches of currant and cherry as spices. Peeled garlic, cucumbers and greens are distributed in banks, pour boiling water for ten minutes and cover with lids (do not roll!). Then the water is drained, and a brine is poured in its place at the rate of two tablespoons of non-iodized coarse salt per liter of water. All containers are poured with a marinade, vinegar is distributed over them, the cans are immediately clogged, wrapped and left to warm until cool.

Mustard marinade

What is interesting in this way of how to cook canned cucumbers with vinegar? This recipe, almost the only one, suggests using cold pickle. Vegetables with herbs are laid out in banks; in addition to the selected spices, half a teaspoon of mustard seeds is poured into each. Two tablespoons of salt dissolve in a liter of water, five - sugar. When it is thawed, half a glass of vinegar is poured. The filled cans are steamed in boiling water for 3 minutes and immediately rolled up. You can eat in a week, but they can stand until spring.

canned cucumbers without vinegar for the winter recipe

Spicy tomato marinade

Canned cucumbers with vinegar come out very spicy, the recipe of which is based on tomato filling. It is widely used for dipping or rolling tomatoes, but few people know that the cucumbers with it turn out just marvelous. Small ones after soaking are cut in halves along, large ones are cut in quarters. The head of garlic is squeezed, mixed with a liter of water, a glass of vegetable oil, two tablespoons of sugar, three - salt and a third half-liter can of tomato paste. From seasonings - a tablespoon of ground pepper and a teaspoon - hot paprika. The sauce is boiling, it is filled with cucumbers laid out on sterile jars, the containers are rolled up, turned over and covered with a blanket.

Gooseberries Cucumbers

The proposed method of salting is good in that the banks never explode, and the brine does not cloud. In any case, so assure those who have already made such canned cucumbers with vinegar. A recipe for four kilograms of the main product provides for a pound of gooseberries. All greens (leaves of cherry, horseradish and currant, dill umbrella, chopped garlic and horseradish root) are laid to the bottom. Cucumbers come up denser on top and sprinkle with berries. Banks are poured with boiling water twice, each time for a quarter of an hour. The last drained water is boiled with peppercorns, cloves (ten each), salt (2 tablespoons per liter), sugar (three for the same volume) for about ten minutes. Banks are poured to the top so that there is no clearance to the lid, they are corked, turned over and covered. After a couple of days, they are put into a normal position and wrapped up for another day or two.

canned winter cucumbers recipes with vinegar

Redcurrant cucumbers

Not everyone favors vinegar taste and smell. So we can offer cucumbers, canned without vinegar for the winter. The recipe suggests replacing an unloved liquid with berry juice. Preparing for a roll is usual: at the bottom - spices and herbs, then cucumbers, on top - a little red currant. The brine is made from a liter of water, a spoonful of sugar, two and a half - salt and a glass of all the same berries. After 5 minutes boiling, the marinade is poured into jars, they are sterilized with the contents and clogged.

Aspirin pickle

Another simple way to make canned cucumbers without vinegar for the winter. The recipe differs from the usual ones in the way of filling. Packed according to all the rules, cucumbers are poured with clean boiling water. When it cools to such an extent that it will not scalp hands, the water is drained, supplemented to a liter and boiled again. In a liter jar of cucumbers, a spoon with a good slide of salt and crushed one and a half tablets of acetylsalicylic acid is poured. Then boiling cucumber water is poured, and the container immediately rolls up. Wrapped, it should stand for at least a day.

recipe for canned cucumbers vinegar per liter jar

Sorrel offer

Those who do not mind experimenting can roll up very unusual canned cucumbers. Recipes without vinegar, offering a worthy alternative, can be very interesting. In this, ordinary sorrel is cooked and rubbed through a sieve. Mashed potatoes should get about 300 grams. It is mixed with salt and sugar (two full spoons), boiled and poured into jars, where cucumbers are already laid. Before packing, they must first be doused with boiling water, and then with very cold water. In winter, you will have very tasty canned cucumbers on the table, crispy. A recipe without vinegar, with sorrel, gives a result that is somewhat reminiscent of the taste of classic barrel cucumbers.

canned cucumbers crispy recipe without vinegar

Another alternative

Those who can’t stand the vinegar flavor can still serve canned cucumbers on the table in the cold. Recipes without vinegar offer a variety of substitutes. One of the most famous is citric acid. True, a little tinker. Prepackaged cucumbers with herbs are poured with ordinary hot brine and left for four days - to wander under the lid. Then the brine is drained, a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of citric acid are added to it. The contents of the cans are carefully, several times, washed with cold water, poured with boiling marinade and rolled in a traditional way.

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