Pitiriasis pink: causes and symptoms, treatment, prevention

Despite the level of development of modern medicine, specialists still cannot cure some diseases, the causes and mechanism of occurrence of which cannot be studied until now. Among such ailments include pink pitiriasis (Giber). The causes and treatment of it raise many questions. Despite dozens of years of research, there is still little information about him.


The pink pitiriasis (Giber) presented in the photo is also called lichen. This is an infectious-allergic disease, reflected on the skin. At risk are people aged 20-45. In childhood or the elderly, defeat is rare. Most often, regardless of the cause, pink pityriasis develops seasonally. As a rule, it manifests itself in the autumn-spring period. Doctors believe that this is due to the fact that during these periods the body's immune forces decrease, and it becomes more susceptible to viruses.

Depriving treatment


How are the symptoms of the disease manifested? This can be seen in the above photo of pink pitiriasis (Giber). Treatment and causes of pathology are interrelated. The provoking factors of the disease are still not completely identified. Experts only guess why lichen of this species develops on the skin. According to one theory, this happens when herpes of types 6 and 7 are activated. Against the background of their exacerbation, this ailment often appears. At the same time, there is no evidence base for this statement.

The following theory says that the development of pink pitiriasis (Giber) begins after a person suffers a respiratory viral disease, the flu. The skin is flaky due to the fact that the immune forces are weakened, and this is a symptom of intoxication of the body. It is also an allergic reaction of the body to an infection.

Special causes are called hypothermia, pink (Giber), hypothermia, stress, emotional stress, and nervous breakdown.


Finding out whether pink pitiriasis is infectious or not (Giber), it must be borne in mind that the clinical picture of fungal and viral infections of the skin for the naked eye is the same. Many are afraid that the disease can be picked up by airborne droplets.

Contagious diseases

But actually it is not. Pink pitiriasis (Giber) is not contagious. And even if a healthy body will come into the closest contact with the affected, the disease will not be transmitted to him. It is permissible to use common dishes, household items - the likelihood of infection is excluded.


In addition, this ailment does not pose any serious danger to humans. It will not cause harm to others or to the person himself. Impossible complications, the consequences of this disease. Often, to get rid of the disease, one does not even need to undergo treatment - the symptoms gradually gradually disappear on their own. Only rare cases are noted when the lack of treatment for pink pitiriasis (Giber) led to eczema, pyoderma, hydradenitis and a number of other lesions.

But such diseases never occur in those who do not have an initial predisposition to them. They can appear if a person has made illiterate attempts to treat pink pitiriasis. Persons who often rub the affected areas, wash their skin excessively, have hyperhidrosis, a tendency to allergies, and use inappropriate medications have a predisposition to these ailments.


Regardless of the causes of pink pitiriasis (Giber), the symptoms are always the same. On the skin - usually on the back, chest or neck - rounded spots of red color appear. As a rule, their initial diameter does not exceed 2 cm, and after that it increases. In the end, the spots turn pink at the edges, yellow in the center. They dry, an intense peeling process begins. As a result, spots are covered with scales.

Over time, the presented pink pitiriasis spreads throughout the body of the affected organism. About every 10-12 days, the skin is covered with spots that form lines or groups. They are all about the same, surrounded by a smooth border around the edges.

As the sick person recovers, the spots of pink pitiriasis are getting closer in color to yellow. Peeling only gets stronger. When the spots heal, a darkened pigmentation with flakes that still have not separated occurs in their place. A few days later they also disappear. Integuments again become usual, their structure is restored.

Identifying a treatment plan


A typical form of this ailment has a fairly vivid characteristic symptoms. Therefore, it is usually not difficult to diagnose it. It is enough for the doctor to conduct a standard clinical examination to make a diagnosis. Sometimes pink pitiriasis is disguised as other diseases - such as secondary syphilis, parapsoriasis, fungus. In this case, it is important to conduct an additional examination. It will exclude the presence of these diseases. To diagnose pink pitiriasis, a biopsy is performed, scraping the epidermis with bacterial inoculation. In addition, a luminescent study and a test for syphilis are also carried out. Without fail, a person is examined for the presence of fungus in the affected areas.

Diagnostics in medicine


Most often, treatment for pink pitiriasis is not required. The most important reason why you need to see a doctor to identify the first symptomatology is an accurate diagnosis and the exclusion of dangerous diseases. As a rule, pink pitiriasis itself disappears after a month. Rarely can he continue to annoy the patient for six months. But he never lingers for a longer period. If its presence is associated with discomfort, it is necessary to consult a dermatovenerologist. He will give recommendations on how to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

As a rule, they consist in leaving the affected area alone. You can not rub it, comb it. It is necessary to wash only in warm water, without using scrubs and washcloths. Lingerie should be free, natural. If you adhere to a hypoallergenic diet, the symptoms of pink pitiriasis will go much faster. In no case should you sunbathe in direct sunlight. It is best to stop physical activity, as they cause active sweating, which slows down the process of getting rid of skin lesions. It is worth using cosmetics for the body in a limited format - they may cause allergies.


It is important to consider the fact that the independent purchase and application of local medicines is fraught with great danger. This is especially true for corticosteroid hormones. It is important that every attempt to cope with an ailment is controlled by a specialist. Effective antibiotics, hormone therapy are used only in extreme cases, if it is noticed that the course of the disease is atypical and a secondary infection has joined. Otherwise, ointments are simply not prescribed. If excessive dryness of the skin develops, the doctor prescribes Lassaru, Bepanten.

Treat skin


Medicinal pills are also not used in the fight against the disease. Most often, pink lichen has no prerequisites in order to cause patient discomfort. Due to the lack of information on why the disease appears at all, therapy has not been developed. The doctor will prescribe oral medications in only one case - when the case is atypical, and the patient is concerned about itching, irritation of the skin. Then antihistamines are indicated - we are talking about Suprastin, Zodak and other similar medicines.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine has not spared this topic. Traditional healers are not able to affect the development of pink pitiriasis. They can only alleviate the manifestations of pink lichen, and, according to reviews, this can be done in a short time and very effectively. With their use, all body systems are strengthened.

Folk remedies serve as prevention for penetration into the affected area of ​​a secondary infection, they stop the manifestations of itching and irritation, moisturize the skin. Before applying the funds in this category, it is important to make sure that the body does not produce an allergic reaction to the components of the healing drug.

Traditional medicine experts advise moisturizing the areas affected by pink pitiriasis using the following oils: sea buckthorn, peach, St. John's wort and several others. Vegetable fat will accelerate the process of disappearance of scales, it will nourish and moisturize the affected skin. Their drying out will end. In addition, vegetable oil has a positive effect on the rate of skin regeneration. You need to choose any suitable tool and apply it 1-3 times a day, depending on the scale of the problem.

Traditional medicine also contains advice on the antiseptic treatment of affected areas. For this purpose, you can prepare apple cider vinegar, make propolis tincture, chamomile broth.

Tool for choice

These means wipe the spots that appear on the skin. They help cleanse the skin. Due to this, there is no infection with their bacteria, viruses. In addition, such healing mixtures help strengthen the body's immune forces, they do not allow the appearance of a number of complications of pink pitiriasis.


Since the disease is still poorly understood, no specific preventive measures have been introduced regarding it. It is believed that avoiding hypothermia can help avoid a collision with such a nuisance. It is also worthwhile to engage in strengthening the immune forces, eat healthy foods, do not eat products that provoke an allergic reaction. It is necessary to introduce a healthy and balanced diet, nullify the infection with viruses, stop wearing synthetic clothes and underwear. It’s better to learn how to control your own emotional mood.

Should pink pitiriasis be treated

In cases where the disease is uncomplicated, doctors are advised to take a wait-and-see position. A special diet will help speed up the healing process. There are no particularly severe restrictions in it, you just need to abandon products that can negatively affect the body's immunity, as well as provoke allergies. We are talking about eggs, honey, chocolate, fish, nuts, hot spices, smoked food, alcohol, coffee, cocoa, marinades and citruses.

Trying to get rid of a boring illness as soon as possible, patients sometimes smear affected areas with iodine or other antiseptic solutions, which are based on alcohol. But many doctors prohibit a similar effect on the affected skin - in such products are extremely aggressive elements, and if used, recovery will be postponed indefinitely. The use of alcohol, iodine will only aggravate the situation of the patient with pink pitiriasis.

Nevertheless, the opinions of doctors may differ regarding the use of certain drugs. So, some experts recommend treating plaques with iodine. And some believe that the patient is unknowingly capable of harming himself with this powerful tool by treating the skin incorrectly. At a personal appointment, the doctor will tell you how to do this and whether it is worth using iodine in a particular case.

Use iodine

Severe Treatment

A serious form of this disease is considered a situation when an additional infection joins. Then be sure to use potent drugs. But only a specialist can efficiently pick them up.

Antiviral medicines, antibiotics, antihistamines, and sorbent are used. As a result, the concomitant infection is quickly destroyed, allergy symptoms subside, the body actively eliminates toxins. In addition, damaged areas of the skin are treated with local means. For these purposes, ointments are suitable, which doctors select based on the clinical picture and patient characteristics.

In this case, steroid hormones with antibacterial action are recommended. Actively used and pastes, ointments with zinc.

As an effective tool, tinctures according to the recipes of alternative medicine have proven themselves. They support a weakened body, contributing to a faster recovery. But keep in mind that they are never used on their own - this is additional therapy. It is believed that in the treatment of severe pink pitiriasis, elderberry broth and sea buckthorn oil help. But never patients begin to take these funds on their own, without first consulting a doctor - they risk in this case to harm themselves.

In pregnant

In women, pink pitiriasis is much more common than in men. The most dangerous situation is when the disease develops in pregnant women. Having discovered the first symptoms of the disease, you must immediately consult a dermatologist. Otherwise, there is a risk to the fetus, do not expect until the skin rashes pass on their own. If the disease is not treated, the weakened body of the pregnant woman begins to suffer from bacterial infections, and in this case, the therapy is already much more complicated.

For prevention, it is recommended to wear cotton clothes instead of synthetic and wool. Do not actively engage in physical activity, and you need to wash only with warm water. It is necessary to moisturize the skin in time if there are already areas of the disease damaged on it. They need to be processed.

A visit to a doctor is important, because when diagnosing a disease, a dermatologist will develop an individual therapy plan. It is he who will help to avoid unpleasant consequences, accompanying infections.


The prognosis of pink pitiriasis is favorable. In just a couple of weeks, damage from the skin disappears along with the remaining symptoms of the disease. If there are complications (infections, fungus), a person, as a rule, recovers after a few months.

A patient who has just been ill with this deprivation does not develop immunity, and he may well get sick again.

It is important for those who are initially prone to allergic reactions to timely adjust their diet. Do not forget about the role of hygiene. Only use your hygiene products for prevention. Indeed, the presence of pink lichen indicates a weakened immune system.

Thus, faced with the symptoms of pink pitiriasis, you must consult a doctor and not self-medicate. It will not be difficult to pass all the necessary tests.

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