Cherry Pie, Apricot and Grated Recipe

People who know how to bake pies have a real talent. After all, this is a noble and ancient art. It can be called noble because of the action that it has on a person. Everyone noticed that when the aroma of freshly baked pies soars in the house, a special feeling appears. It seems that peace and comfort have settled in such a house forever. Ancient is an art, as various recipes for pies were also known to Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt.

Rights Russian proverb

It says that it is not red hut corners, but red pies. In Russia, pies have always been one of the most beloved dishes. Russian people celebrated all the festive events with pies on the tables. Wanting to cook such a product, Russian people decided what to choose: a cherry pie recipe or a cabbage pie recipe . Or some other. And most interestingly, for each holiday prepared its own special cake. Thanks to this, now you can observe a huge number of not only different fillings, but also different forms.

Most often, Russian people made pies on sour yeast dough. For sourdough, they took yogurt, whey, and sour cream, and even beer, and mash. The combination of acidic components in different proportions makes it possible to create unique tastes. Most often, the cherry pie recipe was based on sour dough.

Two main types of pies

There are two main forms of cake: open and closed.

Open cakes are usually baked in the summer, while closed cakes in the cold season. After all, getting fresh berries in the winter is not easy. But if you have frozen cherries, for example, find any cherry pie recipe and make an open pie from it. It will be no worse than with fresh berries.

Closed cake has a distinctive feature - first there is a layer of dough in it, then the filling and ends with one more layer of dough. The main property of closed pies is called a huge amount of filling. After all, the larger it is, the tastier the pie.

Closed pies can be made with the most complex fillings. For her, meat, fish or mushrooms are most often used. Also popular are such fillers as onions, eggs, rice. That is, products that contain a small amount of moisture. It should be noted that for the bottom the dough should be rolled out a little thicker than for its "roof". The cake needs to be tucked on all sides. Otherwise, the filling may simply dry.

If fruits or berries are used as the filling, they usually prefer to bake a pie with an open top.

Open cake - a type of cake with a sweet or salty filling. At the same time, it is not covered with a layer of dough, but remains open. The fruit and berry filling is simple, at the same time it has an excess of moisture, which will evaporate from the open pie. Most likely, it will not work to bake such a cake with complex filling. It will deform and break.

Cooking yourself

We will not take a cherry pie recipe. Most likely, he is already known to many. But apricot pie whose recipe is not so popular, it is worth trying to cook. We will do it with chopped dough.

So, what will be needed for the filling:

  1. Gram 700 apricots
  2. Honey - 4 tables. spoons
  3. Powdered sugar - 2 tables. Spoons

Wash, cut in half and take out the seeds from the apricots. Add honey and powdered sugar. If the apricots are unsweetened, you can also add sugar. Mix it all and let it stand for 30 minutes. We lay out the rolled dough on a baking sheet, put the apricots inside. Wrap with an envelope. We put in a preheated oven with a temperature of 180 degrees. Bake for half an hour.

Now we will prepare the grated pie whose recipe is most liked.


- dough: flour - 2 cups, butter - 200 grams, eggs - 2 pcs., 1 cup sugar, half a spoonful of soda, which is dissolved in two tablespoons of kefir.

- filling: 3 apples, cottage cheese, jam.

To start, rub the eggs and sugar, add the butter and other components. Knead the dough. Having prepared it, we divide it into two parts: one we grate on a baking sheet. We put in the oven for a couple of minutes. After that, take out the dough, add the filling and rub another piece of dough on top. Bake until ready.

These are simple recipes!

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