Musical woodwind instrument. Wind instruments of a symphony orchestra

An orchestra is a large group of musicians. In these groups, musicians play in unison. There are various in composition, musical direction orchestras. It can be: symphonic, wind, string, pop, jazz, military, school, folk instruments.
Instruments of the symphony orchestra are combined into groups: strings, winds, percussion. In turn, wind instruments are copper and wood - depending on what material they are made of.

About woodwinds in general

woodwind instruments of the symphony orchestra
The woodwind instruments of a symphony orchestra are the bassoon, oboe, flute, clarinet and, of course, their varieties. Woodwinds include saxophone and bagpipes with their own variations, but they are rarely used in this orchestra.

Basically, any of these instruments plays its part. It is generally accepted that batches of woodwind instruments should be placed on the top lines of the score. The general timbre of woodwind instruments is very bright, compact, but also powerful. This sound is more like the voice of a man.

The name of the woodwind itself came about as a result of the fact that initially all of them were made of wood. Over time, another material began to be used in their manufacture, but the name of the wooden ones was preserved.
Shortening the sounding column of air through opening the holes is the principle of sound extraction of these instruments. The holes are located on the body.

Wooden wind instruments, according to the method of directing the air stream, in turn, are of two types: labial - flute and duduk - and reed (with a single cane - saxophone, clarinet - and with a double cane - duduk, zurna, oboe, bassoon, shalmey).

And now in more detail.

The flute

Flute - a labial woodwind instrument. It appeared a long time ago when people on a cut reed with a closed end made holes and made sounds from it. In the Middle Ages, two kinds of flutes were common: straight - it was held straight like a clarinet, and the transverse, which was held at an angle. Over time, already on the threshold of the 19th century, the transverse flute became more in demand and eclipsed the straight line with its practicality.

woodwind instrument
In the group of woodwinds, it is the flute that has the highest sound. This is the most technically mobile tool of all. It is difficult to play slow melodies and seasoned notes, since a large amount of air is used when playing on it (the air breaks against the sharp edge of the hole and partially disappears). This forms the characteristic flute sound. The transverse flute range is from the first to the fourth octave.

The main varieties of flute

Recorder - a longitudinal flute of the family of whistles. In the head part, an insert is used. A distinctive feature is 7 + 1 finger holes. The timbre is soft.

Piccolo flute - transverse flute. Two times shorter than usual. It has the highest sound. The timbre is very bright, and with Music dynamic forte.svg it is very piercing.

Flute - Russian woodwind instrument, longitudinal flute. It can have two trunks of different lengths, tuned together in a clean quart.

Syringa is a longitudinal flute. It happens single-barreled and multi-barreled. In ancient times, shepherds played on it.

Panflute is a multi-barrel flute. This is a bunch of several tubes of various lengths.

Dee is an ancient Chinese woodwind instrument. It is transverse and endowed with six holes.

Kena is a longitudinal reed flute. Used in Latin American music.

Irish flute is widely used in the performance of Irish folk motifs. This is a transverse flute.

All of these flutes are woodwind instruments. The list can also be replenished with family members such as fawn, whistle and ocarina.


double cane woodwind

The next instrument from the woodwind section is the oboe. It is known that the oboe does not lose its tuning, and therefore the entire orchestra is tuned to the mood that this particular instrument serves.

Oboe is also a woodwind instrument with a double cane. Like the flute, this is an old representative of the flute family. His ancestors were the bombardment, bagpipes, duduk, zurna. Oboe, due to its melodiousness and soft timbre (although it is sharp in the upper case ), is a favorite instrument of both professional composers and musicians, and amateurs. In technical terms, he is also mobile, but inferior to the flute in this matter. Outwardly, it is a tube in the form of a cone, the upper end of which is a double cane, and the lower end is a funnel-shaped bell.

The main varieties of oboe

Modern oboe: musette, oboe with conical bell, baritone horn, English horn.

Baroque oboe: baroque oboe d'amur, oboe yes kachcha or hunting oboe.


reed woodwind musical instrument
Clarinet is the most common reed woodwind musical instrument. It has a single cane and a wide range of sound. It looks like a wooden tube in the form of a cylinder, on one end of which there is a single cane, and the other end is a corolla-shaped bell.

The timbre of the instrument is soft and somewhat dramatic. No other woodwind instruments of a symphony orchestra have the ability to change the strength of sound like a clarinet. Due to this quality, clarinet is considered one of the most expressive instruments of the orchestra. The scope of clarinet in music is wide and diverse. In addition to a symphony, wind and military orchestra, it is actively used in jazz, pop and even folk music.

The main varieties of clarinet

Large or soprano clarinet - the main variety, the instrument of alto and soprano registers.

Small clarinet - rarely used, has a loud timbre.

Bass Clarinet - Its sound is an octave lower than a large clarinet. This low-pitch woodwind is often used in an orchestra to enhance bass voices. It has dramatic power. The bass clarinet is widely used in jazz.

Bassethorn - to expand down the range of a regular clarinet. It has a calm and solemn timbre.


woodwind instrument with a low voice
Bassoon is a reed woodwind instrument. Its range covers low registers: incomplete alto, tenor and bass. The bassoon replaced its predecessor - the old bass flute bombard. Unlike the bombardy, which has a hoarse sound, the bassoon has a gentle, melancholy sound.

The trunk of the bassoon is wooden, long and therefore folding. A metal tube with a cane on is attached at the top of the barrel. It is hung on the neck of the musician using a cord.
In an orchestra, the bassoon can serve as support for bass string instruments, as well as have an independent part. Large-scale airflow is required when playing this instrument, especially in low register with loud sound.

The only bassoon variety

The only version of the modern bassoon is the contrabassoon. This woodwind instrument with a low voice is considered the orchestra’s lowest range instrument and is second only to the organ’s pedal basses. It has a thick organ timbre.


The above instruments with their varieties are woodwind instruments. The list can be replenished with perhaps another representative of this group - the saxophone.

Saxophone is rarely used in a symphony orchestra. It is often played in a brass band. It has a powerful sound. This is one of the central instruments in jazz and pop music. Has a singing timbre. From a technical point of view, it is very mobile. It reaches from 15 centimeters to 2 meters. The saxophone is made of copper, and this is another proof that the name of woodwind instruments does not always coincide with the material from which they are made.

The main varieties of saxophone

woodwind instruments
Soprano saxophone. May be straight or curved. Not recommended for beginners. It has a piercing and strong timbre.

Alto saxophone or classic saxophone. A curved, frequently used type of tool. Recommended for those who are just starting to learn the game. It has the smallest mouthpiece. Endowed with a bright and expressive timbre. It is mainly a solo instrument.

Tenor Saxophone. This type is most used in jazz. Its size, the size of the mouthpiece, holes and rods is larger than that of the alto saxophone. Has a hoarse, juicy timbre. It is easier to play technically complex passages.

Baritone saxophone. As large as possible in size, therefore more susceptible to damage than others. It has a thick and strong timbre.

The range of any saxophone is two and a half octaves. With good technical preparation, it is possible to extract higher notes.


name of woodwind
Bagpipes are a kind of traditional wind instrument. In appearance, the bagpipe is a leather bag covered with fur and filled with air. Several wooden tubes are inserted into it. One of the tubes has holes, a melody is played on it, the other (smaller in size) serves to pump air. The rest provide continuous sounding of several sounds, the height of which remains unchanged. Has a strong piercing sound. Bagpipes are accompanied by the performance of many European (and not only) folk dances.

Thus, woodwinds are multi-genre, with different timbre and range, instruments used in different musical compositions.

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