Vaccinations for and against

For many years now, the issue of “vaccinations for and against” has been actively discussed among mothers and fathers. The polemic does not subside even for a minute, the opinions of various specialists are added to it, and it is far from always a medical profile, both in favor of vaccinations and those who deny them. If we add populist statements about the dangers of “interference with the forces of nature”, frightening stories of side effects up to the death of children, it will become clear why more and more parents are starting to refuse vaccinations. But the question of “vaccinations for and against” is a matter of children's health, requiring the most thorough and balanced approach.

First of all, what are vaccines and why are they needed? Vaccination or vaccination is a method of protecting the body from dangerous infections by introducing into the killed or weakened pathogen (its components). As a result of this introduction, the immune system responds with the production of antibodies, that is, a person becomes "already ill" with this disease and is immune to it further. In this case, the benefits of vaccinations are obvious. There are many deadly diseases (polio or epidemic childhood paralysis, diphtheria, tetanus, etc.), which are very common earlier and incurable so far, but it was vaccines that prevented their massive “triumphant” procession. As for interference with the “natural defenses of the body,” alas, we no longer live in natural conditions, but rather, we live in metropolitan cities, which, in essence, are an “ungrounded” congestion of people, very favorable in terms of distribution various infections.

Like every medicine, vaccines have a “reverse side of the coin” in the form of side effects, which are mainly emphasized by opponents of vaccination. The most formidable complication is the development of the disease, from which the vaccine is designed to protect. Yes, using a live vaccine is possible. So it was, for example, in America in the forties, when they developed a drug against moliomyelitis. But, firstly, it was at the dawn of the development of this area in medicine, and modern vaccine production technologies minimize this risk, and secondly, the disease still occurs in a much milder form and in the vast majority of cases in children with reduced immunity .Therefore, often sick children have a solid medical practice against vaccinations. Statistics figures say that the frequency of such complications today is 1 case per approximately 100,000 vaccinated. Another complication is a possible allergic reaction to the components of the drug. But modern medicine has an arsenal of potent anti-allergic drugs of almost instant action, therefore, timely medical assistance can successfully cope with this "misfortune".

If you still doubt whether vaccinations are worth it, then you just need to think and imagine what terrible diseases they protect against. Recently, in discussions of vaccination for and against, it is often believed that since there is no spread of diseases, they are already defeated and it is not necessary to defend against them, but this is a very dangerous misconception! The fact is that among the population there must be a so-called "immune layer" that restrains the mass manifestation of the disease. In practice, this means that at least 80% of all potentially at risk of getting sick should be vaccinated . Refusal of vaccinations reduces this saving layer, making possible outbreaks of infections and the very first victims of it are unvaccinated children.Practice shows that in recent years such cases of the disease, for example, diphtheria with fatal outcomes, have become more frequent.

Given all of the above in the controversy of "vaccinations for and against," you can put a bullet, as their need is obvious. The exception is only children with reduced immunity, which the vaccine can really hurt. But in each case, only a doctor should decide the need for medical attention.

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