For the parent, any illness of the child is perceived as a tragedy. In this situation, all mothers and fathers are divided into two types. The first can be attributed to those who, at the slightest disease, immediately call an ambulance. Parents of the second type, on the contrary, believe that they can cope with any ailment on their own. Each of these approaches, in essence, is wrong. As practice shows, many childhood diseases can be cured at home, but there are a number of serious ailments that cannot be dealt with without qualified help.
Each parent has experienced symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, and fever. This condition can be triggered by various reasons.
If your child has a stomach ache, vomiting, and fever, this may be a sign that you need to seek qualified medical help. Such symptoms may indicate intoxication of the body. If the vomit has an unpleasant odor, then the cause of the vomit reflex is undigested food.
Trying to determine the cause of the disease yourself is not worth it, as this can lead to the development of serious complications for the baby.
If a small child has a fever, vomiting, and a stomach ache, then this condition can be triggered by acute food poisoning. The cause of intoxication may be contaminated products that enter the baby’s stomach. At the initial stage, the disease manifests itself with acute symptoms, which is caused by bacteria that enter and develop in the digestive tract.
Signs of infection include nausea, vomiting, soreness, and diarrhea. These symptoms are primary. After them, there is an increase in body temperature, a complete lack of appetite and a breakdown. Vomiting can be repeated several times, after which there is a short relief.
When diagnosing a child with acute intestinal infection, doctors prescribe such drugs:
- sorbents;
- antibacterial agents;
- antiviral drugs;
- antiseptic agents.
SARS can also provoke the development of infection. With this course of the disease, the child has a stomach ache, vomiting, fever and a headache. You can cope with this ailment with the help of antiviral, immunomodulating and antipyretic drugs. In such a situation, it is very important to systematically replenish the lack of fluid and adhere to proper nutrition.
If the child has fever, vomiting, and stomach ache, then this may be a sign of rotavirus infection. It is characterized by a rapid course and acute signs of the disease. In addition to the symptoms listed above, the condition is characterized by severe watery feces. Most often, children bring such a disease from kindergarten.
When a child has a stomach ache at 3 years old, vomiting and high fever lasts for several days, then this may be a sign of rotavirus infection. Since such a pathology provokes dehydration in children with low weight, treatment should primarily be aimed at replenishing the fluid and preventing dehydration.
If the child has a stomach ache, vomiting, pain under the rib on the right, then these signs may indicate the development of cholecystitis. Symptoms in this case are very acute.
When the first signs of this disease appear, you must immediately contact a medical institution, since treatment is possible only in a hospital.
Another similar symptomatology with cholecystitis is appendicitis. In addition, the child has a stomach ache, vomiting and fever, stool is disturbed, and dry mouth appears. Vomiting does not bring relief, and pronounced pain appears in the back area on the right side. Pain is acute with piercing right leg.
When these signs appear, the child needs urgent hospitalization. It is strictly forbidden to take antispasmodic drugs.
If the child is not yet 5 years old, the stomach and vomiting hurts, but there is no fever, then at this age this can also indicate appendicitis. Often during this period, the symptoms of the disease are smoothed. In such situations, a doctor's examination is required.
When a child has a stomach ache, vomiting and fever without diarrhea, this may indicate gastritis. The disease is accompanied by inflammation inside the stomach. Most often, such a state can provoke a decrease in immunity against the background of failures in the diet, depression or severe overvoltage.
In addition to the listed symptoms, the development of gastritis is evidenced by a heavy sensation, as with a full intestine, a yellow coating on the tongue and tenderness of the epigastric region, which is acute during palpation.
Such a serious disease as a stomach ulcer can also develop in the body of a child. Such a disease is characterized by a rapid course and serious complications. Factors such as genetic predisposition and stressful situations can trigger an ailment.
Most often, the disease manifests itself in the fact that the child has a stomach ache, vomiting without fever. In addition, heartburn often occurs, especially in a hungry state. If such signs appear, you should immediately contact a medical institution. Only timely and qualified treatment will help prevent the development of negative consequences.
Mesadenitis is called inflammation of the lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity. The disease is characterized by the fact that there is nausea, vomiting, a child’s stomach ache and fever.
When diagnosing such a disease, surgical intervention and observation of the child for a certain time in stationary conditions will be required.
Acetonemic Syndrome
When a child has vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, as well as cramping pains in the abdomen, this may indicate an increase in acetone level. In this condition, the baby may show excessive excitability, or vice versa - lethargy and drowsiness. To diagnose the disease, you need to conduct a special test and pass a urine test for the presence of acetone.
Other reasons
The cause of vomiting, diarrhea and fever can be ordinary poisoning. Signs of poisoning are very similar to flu, measles and diphtheria. In order to accurately diagnose, you must consult a doctor.
Intestinal obstruction, which can occur both at birth and after invagination, can also provoke the symptoms listed above. In this situation, there is a delay in the release of feces, insomnia, spotting in the feces. If the child has a stomach ache, vomiting, what should be done in this case? Only a doctor can prompt this after a thorough examination.
As practice shows, there are many reasons that can provoke pain in the abdomen, which are accompanied by temperature and vomiting. If a child of 6 years has a stomach ache, vomiting, but there is no temperature and such manifestations are simultaneous, then this is a consequence of simple overeating. When such symptoms are repeated several times a day, this can signal serious pathologies that require qualified treatment.
First aid
With the appearance of such symptoms, many parents do not even know what to do and how to proceed further. If a child, regardless of age, has vomited, his stomach begins to hurt and the temperature has risen, then first of all it is necessary to call a doctor, clearly explaining all the symptoms to the dispatcher.
Before the doctor arrives, it is necessary to provide the baby with help, which should be as follows:
- The child needs to be constantly given a drink. It can be tea, water or broth. It is necessary to achieve that the baby regularly drank the liquid in small portions. Thus, the required amount of fluid in the body is maintained. It is especially necessary to carefully monitor the condition when the child is small. If the child is 4 years old, his stomach hurts and vomiting often manifests, this is very dangerous. And it is at this age that the risk of dehydration is highest.
- If the body temperature has risen above 38.5 degrees, then it must be tried to bring down. The child should be given medications that include paracetamol or ibuprofen.
- The baby needs to provide rest and bed rest. The upper body is recommended to be raised. This can be done with a few pillows. Such actions will prevent the likelihood of choking on vomit.
- If the child complains of very strong pain, then in this case it is allowed to give him one No-Shpa pill before the doctor arrives.
In no case should you give your child pain medication without a doctor’s prescription, as they can significantly aggravate the baby’s condition. Such funds are prescribed only by a qualified specialist after a full and thorough examination.
What can not be done with first aid?
If a child complains of malaise and all of the above manifestations, then in such a situation, parents at home are strictly prohibited from the following actions:
- rinse the stomach, especially for children under three years of age;
- apply a heating pad to the stomach;
- against the will of the child to force him to eat;
- give all kinds of medications, except for antipyretic and No-Shpy.
When the first signs appear, the doctor should be called immediately. Upon arrival, the doctor must carefully outline the whole picture, as well as be sure to say what kind of medications were given to the child.
If, after the examination, the doctor suggests hospitalizing the patient, then you can’t categorically refuse it, since even the slightest delay can lead to serious complications. Vomiting and pain in the abdomen may indicate viral diseases.
Treatment methods
If vomiting, abdominal pain and fever occur, you should immediately contact a medical institution. It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication. This can provoke the development of complications and lead to dehydration.
Treatment is prescribed only after establishing the exact cause. All doctor's recommendations should be followed implicitly. During treatment, the condition of the child should be monitored closely and the changes to be reported to the attending physician.
Possible complications
If you ignore the symptoms and self-medicate, then such actions can cause irreversible harm to your child. The most common complications include:
- significant deterioration in general condition;
- dehydration of the body;
- the occurrence of internal bleeding;
- rupture of the appendix;
- cramps
- heart failure.
Systemic and persistent vomiting and diarrhea lead to adverse effects. As a result, dehydration occurs. Without timely assistance, death is possible.
So, we examined what problems there may be with a child’s body when abdominal pain, nausea and fever occur. When a baby has these symptoms, there can be many reasons for this. To avoid negative consequences, seek qualified help on time. The main treatment is always prescribed by the attending physician. But if the child’s condition is very poor, it is recommended to give him first aid.