Hand scratches are one of the most common household injuries. Superficial damage to the skin can be obtained during walks in nature, games with pets and in many other situations. Usually we are not serious about scratches, and in vain. What you need to know about superficial skin lesions and how to treat them properly?
Why are scratches dangerous?
Every child gets new scratches almost daily. For some, they are a “serious injury”, and for someone they are signs of military prowess. Adults try to be more careful and careful. But even they sometimes can not avoid the appearance of scratches. And not everyone likes this, because crimson stripes do not adorn the image of a respectable person at all. How to remove scratches on a hand quickly? This question worries everyone who is accidentally scratched. But do not forget that any scratch is not only a cosmetic defect. Any damage to the integrity of the skin is an open gate for infections. For this reason, every cut or scratch needs timely antiseptic treatment. Even those that seem insignificant at first glance.
First aid for superficial damage to the skin
How to handle scratches on the hands and face? Start by washing the wound with an antiseptic solution. Any remedy from your first-aid kit will do: alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin.
Please note that alcohol-free antiseptic solutions have a gentle effect on the skin and, at the same time, qualitatively disinfect the wound. Alcohol and alcoholic lotions can also dry out and burn sensitive skin. If you are "lucky" to scratch while working in the garden, it makes sense to start by washing the injured limb in plain water with antibacterial or laundry soap. After that, use an antiseptic. Then grease the scratch with iodine or brilliant green.
For deep or large skin lesions, a bandage is recommended. If the scratch is small, but is in an “uncomfortable” place, it makes sense to stick it with a band-aid.
How many scratches and cuts on the skin heal?
The healing time for superficial skin lesions depends on many factors. One of the most important among them is the individual ability of the body to regenerate tissues. It is believed that abrasions and scratches on the hands heal most quickly in childhood. Quite quickly and without consequences, superficial skin lesions pass in people with good immunity, leading a healthy lifestyle. Do not forget that the healing time also depends on the depth of the scratch and its type. Shallow wounds heal in a matter of days without special care. How long does an average scratch on a hand heal? If you disinfect the wound in a timely manner, after about 3-7 days there will not be a trace from it. It is believed that the scratches left by domestic and wild animals last longer. There are many folk and pharmacological agents that can accelerate the process of tissue regeneration. How to help a scratch heal faster?
Folk recipes
It is not worth scratching while walking in nature. What to do if you forgot to bring a first aid kit? Find a juicy leaf of plantain, rinse it and attach to the wound. The aloe indoor plant also has antiseptic properties. Cut its sheet lengthwise and attach to the wound. Hand scratches heal faster if a person boasts good immunity. Prepare an infusion of birch buds to maintain health and speed healing. Take half a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of raw materials. Instead of buds, young birch leaves can be used. Pour boiled water over the selected raw materials and insist in a thermos for 2 hours. The finished infusion should be taken orally by 2 tablespoons three times a day. The course of taking this remedy is 5-7 days.
Pharmacological preparations
In a home medicine cabinet, there must be antiseptic solutions for external use. On trips and long walks it is much more convenient to take sterile alcohol wipes with you. After the initial treatment of the wound, the use of healing ointments and creams is allowed. The most popular among them are: “Rescuer”, Actovegin ointment and “Methyluracil”. Accelerating healing can also be done by applying any agent to the site of damage, in which panthenol is present. To prevent scarring, the scratch can be treated with castor oil. How to use creams and ointments for superficial skin lesions? If there is a scratch on the hand or face, apply generously the selected product overnight. Apply a bandage with an insulating layer on top to prevent the composition from absorbing into the bandage or patch.
Cream "Rescuer": instructions for use with scratches and abrasions
“Rescuer” is a healing balm made from natural ingredients. You can buy this cream today in all major pharmacy chains in our country. The product can be used for abrasions, scratches, cuts, bruises, as well as skin irritation and dryness. What is especially pleasant, the drug has practically no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. How to use “Rescuer” cream for scratches? Instructions for use suggest applying a moderate amount of balm to the affected area and rub it into the skin with light movements. When the product is absorbed, you can spread it again. Also, "Rescuer" is suitable for application to the skin with subsequent application of a bandage.
How to avoid the appearance of scars with deep scratches?
Deep or very long scratches can heal for a long time. Often after their complete healing, scars and scars remain on the skin. How to prevent this phenomenon and make the scratches heal without a trace? The first rule of care for superficial skin lesions: never peel off the crust formed on the wound. If the scratch is on a moving place or constantly rubs on clothes - be sure to seal it with a plaster. Never cover up superficial skin lesions with makeup. Most likely, qualitatively hide them all the same will not work. So why bother the wound again? At the healing stage, you can use chemical peels and masks. Please note: abrasive scrubs should not be used for damaged skin. But products based on fruit acids will help to gently renew the skin.
Are scratches an occasion to see a doctor?
If there is a scratch on the arm, what should I do? Superficial damage to the skin, few take seriously. In what cases do such injuries require specific treatment? It makes sense to consult a doctor if the scratch is very large or deep. Sometimes with such damage, even suturing can be shown. Do not postpone the visit to the hospital even if, after receiving an injury, the general condition of the victim has worsened. If minor scratches on the hands they are rotten, swollen and sore - this is also an occasion for visiting a doctor. Probably, an infection has got into the body and it is immediately worth starting taking antibiotics. Be careful about your health, because even the smallest scratch in the absence of proper care can cause big problems!