Pork chops do not need advertising at all. Almost everyone knows about this popular product. To make the meat tender and very tasty, many fry pork chops in a batter in a pan. But few people know that this seemingly simple way has many different options. For example, you can consider some of them.
Chop in egg batter
To make good chops, one does not have to be a chef from God. You just need to stock up on the necessary products and clearly follow the advice of specialists. So, experienced chefs say that it’s not at all difficult to cook, for example, pork chops in a batter in a pan. Even a novice hostess can do it. To work in this case, you will need:
- 400 grams of pork fillet 1 egg, salt, 50 grams of flour, half a glass of milk, ground paprika and pepper, as well as vegetable oil.
Making pork chops in a batter in a pan is not at all difficult:
- The meat must first be washed, dried with a napkin, and then carefully cut into portions. The knife must be placed across the fibers. The thickness of the pieces should not be more than 1 centimeter.
- After this, the workpiece must be marinated. For this, you can use any seasonings and spices. Mustard, balsamic vinegar, honey or soy sauce are also good pickles. Here the mistress herself must choose the composition she liked. Prepared pieces of meat should be processed with spices and generously greased with marinade. After that, they should stand for about 30 minutes.
- While the meat is pickled, you can freely do batter. To do this, mix the egg, milk and flour in a bowl and beat with a whisk.
- Heat the oil well in a pan. It should crack slightly.
- Each chop first lower in the batter, and then put in a pan and fry on both sides. The first time the fire should be strong. But after the formation of a characteristic crust on the surface of the meat, it should be made a little less.
Garnish for such a dish can be almost anything (mashed potatoes, pasta, boiled rice or fresh vegetables).
Double "fur coat"
There is another interesting way. With its help, pork chops in batter in a pan turn out even softer and more tender. What is the secret of this method? The fact is that before frying the meat is breaded twice. An additional layer is formed, which prevents the loss of natural moisture. For this option, you will need the following products:
- 0.6 kilograms of pork fillet, salt, a glass of flour, black pepper, 3 eggs and vegetable oil.
In this case, the cooking technology will be slightly different:
- First of all, washed and dried meat should be cut into pieces with a thickness of 0.5 cm. If the workpieces are made thicker, then after frying the chops will be too stiff.
- Fight each piece on both sides with a normal kitchen hammer, and then add a little salt and a little pepper.
- To make batter, eggs must first be mixed with pepper, salt and a quarter cup of water. After this, add flour and beat thoroughly.
- Now each piece of meat must first be processed in flour, then dipped in batter, and then roll again in flour. Only then can the workpiece be sent to a pan with boiling oil.
Ready chops must first be folded on a paper towel so that excess fat can flow freely. After that, they can be laid out on plates and served on the table with your favorite side dish.
Lovers of crisp will certainly enjoy the pork chop fried in a pan in a batter. To prepare it, the following ingredients will be required:
- for 3 pieces of meat 2 eggs, flour, salt, breadcrumbs, seasoning (marinade), vegetable oil.
The cooking method of this dish is slightly different from the previous options:
- First, as usual, the meat must be beaten off. So that the spray does not fly in different directions, it can be put in a plastic bag.
- Sprinkle the prepared pieces with marinade and leave them for 30 minutes. This time will be enough for the product to be saturated with aromatic seasonings.
- Roll each piece in flour first. Then it should be dipped in an egg, and then - in crackers.
- Heat the oil in a hot frying pan and fry the chops on both sides until golden brown.
- Then you need to make the fire smaller and bring the meat to readiness under the lid.
Such chops can be used both as a dish alone, and as a component for a complex sandwich with herbs and vegetables.
Cream Cheese Meat
If you show imagination, you can make the original pork chops in a batter in a pan. The recipe is quite interesting and not at all complicated. It differs from the classical version only in the composition of the batter. To prepare it, you must have:
- 200 grams of fat cream (33%), 100 grams of breadcrumbs, 200 grams of hard cheese, 20 grams of salt, 15-20 grams of melted butter, 10 grams of ground pepper and lemon, and 5 grams of white, black and red ground pepper .
The whole process of chopping consists of three stages:
- First you need to prepare the meat.
- Prepare batter by mixing grated cheese and all the other ingredients mentioned above in a deep bowl. The mixture should stand for a while.
- First, dip the meat in batter, and then put in a pan and fry, as usual, on both sides.
It turns out a delicate product with a wonderful creamy taste and a pleasant cheese aroma. A variety of fresh vegetables are ideal for him as a side dish.
Special composition
The meat will turn out tastier if the batter is cooked on mayonnaise. Such a composition will simultaneously play the role of a marinade. You’ll get excellent pork chops in a batter in a pan. The photo of the finished product will be a vivid confirmation of this. To work, you need to prepare the following set of products:
- 700 grams of pork pulp, 120 grams of flour, a pinch of salt, 2 eggs, vegetable oil, a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise and a little greens.
The dish is preparing very quickly:
- The first step is to wash the meat (tenderloin, neck, bone, or carbonate) and cut into slices 1 centimeter thick.
- After that, it must be recaptured, and then salt and send briefly to the refrigerator.
- In a bowl, collect the remaining ingredients and mix them well until smooth. Grind cheese separately on a fine grater.
- Heat vegetable oil in a pan.
- A piece of meat must first be rolled in cheese chips. Then it must be dipped in batter, and then fry until the crust on the surface is browned. The remaining pieces should be dealt with in the same way.
All meat can be processed in just 30 minutes. This is very convenient when there is very little time left for cooking.
Meat with onions
To make good pork chops in a batter in a pan, cooking can be done in the usual way. In any case, the taste of the product will depend not only on the composition of the batter, but also on which products are additionally used in the work. A vivid example of this option is a recipe that uses the following ingredients:
- 700 grams of pork, 4 eggs, ground pepper, 3 tablespoons of sesame seeds, salt, 100 grams of flour, 4 onions, vegetable oil.
Chops are prepared very unusual:
- Cut the washed meat into pieces and beat them well. After this, the preparations must be salt and pepper properly.
- For batter, you first need to beat the egg with a fork. After that, it remains only to fill the flour with sesame seeds.
- Fry in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil. Fold the products on a plate covered with a napkin.
- Cut the onion in half rings, pour into a pan and lightly sauté.
- Place meat on top. After this, let the products fry for about 5 minutes together.
The original taste of such a chop will not leave anyone indifferent.