In medicine, such a problem as hyperandrogenism in women is known. Causes, symptoms, treatment with such a diagnosis require the evaluation and participation of qualified doctors. And although this ailment is extremely difficult to overcome completely, it is better to contact doctors immediately.
The essence of the disease
When it comes to a disease such as hyperandrogenism in women, the causes of symptoms, treatment and preventive measures are always associated with a problem such as the effect of adrogen on the body. This process leads to the appearance of masculine traits in the female appearance and other not very pleasant changes. In more detail, we are talking about such manifestations as the appearance of vegetation on the face and body, a low voice, as well as changes in some elements of the figure.
It is worth noting the fact that this pathology of the female endocrine system is common, and can not only lead to unpleasant external changes, but also cause infertility. Therefore, when the first symptoms of hyperandrogenism appear, you need to immediately plan a visit to the doctor.
Why does pathology develop?
Theme "hyperandrogenism in women: causes, symptoms, treatment" very important for the fairer sex, since this problem manifests itself in approximately 20% of patients. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention to those factors and processes that lead to the development of this disease.
As the main reason, you can determine the AGS - adrenogenital syndrome. The bottom line is that the adrenal glands are capable of producing many other hormones besides hadrogens, such as glucocorticoids. The latter appear under the influence of a specific enzyme. The basis for their occurrence is the accumulated androgens. Sometimes women already have an enzyme defect at birth, as a result of which male hormones do not transform, but accumulate on an ongoing basis, causing unpleasant changes in the female body.
There is another process due to which hyperandrogenism of the adrenal genesis develops. We are talking about adrenal tumors. They are also formed against the background of an increase in the concentration of androgens.
The risk of developing the aforementioned pathology also appears in the case when the production of male hormones in the ovaries of a woman occurs. Moreover, cells that produce adrogens can cause tumors to form in the ovaries.
Hyperandrogenism syndrome is sometimes the result of exposure to pathologies of other endocrine organs, such as the pituitary gland.
Signs of androgen excess
If we talk about the clinical symptoms of an increased concentration of male hormone, then they can be described as follows:
- acne;
- hair loss and bald patches in the forehead (hadrogenic alopecia);
- the sebaceous glands begin to produce an excessive amount of secretion, as a result of which the oily skin rises;
- baryphony, which means lowering the timbre of the voice;
- hair appears on the stomach and chest.
It is worth noting the fact that hirsutism, an excess growth of terminal hair on the female body, is diagnosed in 80% of patients with a problem such as hyperandrogenism syndrome.
With a similar disease, some women can have a menstrual cycle, a complete absence of menstruation, as well as myocardial hypertrophy, obesity, infertility and hypertension.
The concentration of male hormones can cause a increase in the susceptibility of the female body to infections of various types. Fatigue and a tendency to depression are also possible.
Acne and sebaceous glands
To clearly understand what to do with such a problem as hyperandrogenism in women, the causes, symptoms, treatment and diagnosis should be considered thoroughly. Since the factors causing the development of the disease were considered above, it makes sense to study the characteristics of symptoms.
If you touch on such a problem as acne, it is worth noting that they are a consequence of keratinization of the walls of the follicle and increased production of sebum, which is stimulated by the concentration of androgens, including in plasma. With such symptoms, as a rule, COCs or antiandrogens are prescribed, which can significantly improve the patient's condition.
Also, under the influence of male hormones in androgen-dependent zones, pigmented, thick, coarse hair appears instead of fluffy. This usually occurs in the puberty. At the same time, the effect of androgen on the area of โโeyebrows, eyelashes, temporal and occipital parts remains minimal.
Adrenal Hyperandrogenism
It is worth recalling that the adrenal glands are two endocrine glands that are located directly above the kidneys themselves.
They are the source of 95% of the produced androgen (DEA-sulfate). The complexity of hyperandrogenism associated with these glands comes down to the fact that the pathology is congenital and makes itself felt against the background of androgenital syndrome. It leads to a critical decrease in the female body's level of enzymes necessary for the production of hormones such as glucocorticoids.
Hyperandrogenism of the adrenal genesis is conditioned it is this deficiency, which leads to an increase in the concentration of other hormones - pregnenolone, progesterone, etc. Such changes result in increased production of androgen in the female body.
Sometimes a pathology is diagnosed that was caused by adrenal tumors secreting male hormone. According to statistics, such a form of the disease as adrenal hyperandrogenism is recorded in 30-50% of women with problems with androgen.
Ovarian Impact
A high concentration of male hormones can affect the functioning of the ovaries. In most cases, this problem makes itself felt through two forms: hypertosis and polycystic. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the risk of developing this pathology in women increases with regular exercise in power sports.
Ovarian hyperandrogenism is the result of a slowdown in follicular growth under the influence of androgens. Since the ovaries consist of them, the result of such processes is the infection of the latter. The medical name for this problem is follicular atresia.
But this is not all the difficulties that accompany ovarian hyperandrogenism. The bottom line is that male hormone plays the role of a factor, against the background of which a pathological formation of fibrous connective tissue develops, which leads to polycystic. In this situation, the good news is that only 5% of women face a similar problem.
It is also worth noting that this form of hyperandrogenism in the weaker sex is the cause of the failure of the central regulation of androgen levels. This process occurs at the level of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. As a result, the hormonal background changes significantly.
Signs to watch out for
There are a number of symptoms that indicate the appearance of the problem described above. The fact that there is such a pathology as hyperandrogenism of the ovaries of genesis can be found by the following manifestations:
- osteoporosis;
- seborrhea;
- on the face, in addition to acne, peeling and inflammation appear, which are difficult to neutralize with the usual cosmetic methods;
- amyotrophy;
- excess weight;
- changes in the proportions of the female body - masculinization;
- coarsening of the voice (baryphony);
- hair growth throughout the body, even on the face;
- formation of bald patches on the head.
In addition, there are many more secondary symptoms, such as an increase in blood glucose, hypertension, decreased immunity, etc.
Excess weight
Obesity in women can cause ovarian hyperandrogenism described above. With this form of pathology, an increase in the level of estradiol is often recorded.
The doctors conducted a study according to which the following information was confirmed: both a high level of male hormone and estrogens forming under its influence have the most direct effect on the development of obesity corresponding to the male type.
Such processes are the cause of increased insulin dependence and a subsequent increase in the concentration of male hormone in the body of women suffering from the pathology described above. In some cases, androgens do not affect the weight of a woman through the central nervous system.
Mixed form
Doctors with a certain periodicity have to deal with the manifestation of several forms of hyperandrogenism. This situation is explained by the fact that at the same time there is a violation of the functions of the adrenal glands and ovaries.
The possibility of such a complication is important to consider when studying the danger of hyperandrogenism in women. In fact, this is what happens: the adrenal androgens, concentrating in the adrenal glands, thereby increase the level of male hormone in the ovaries. This process also occurs in the blood, which leads to increased production of luteinizing hormone. The latter, in turn, provokes the appearance of hyperandrogenic syndrome.
The appearance of a mixed form of pathology can be caused by severe injuries, brain intoxication, or a pituitary tumor.
Initially, the doctor should separate hyperandrogenism from other diseases against which it develops (acromegaly, Cushing's syndrome, liver disease, etc.). The next step is to determine the hormonal level. This procedure should be carried out on an empty stomach in the morning. Such an analysis must be performed three times, since the hormonal background at a high concentration of androgen is constantly changing.
Attention is drawn to the level of dehydroepiandrosterone, a high content of which will indicate adrenal hyperandrogenism. Urinary ketosteroids are also important. If its content goes beyond the norm, then it makes sense to suspect the development of pathology.
Treatment methods
Hyperandrogenism is too serious a problem to ignore the help of qualified doctors. And if we analyze the entire course of treatment, we can conclude that it is aimed at achieving 4 key goals:
- elimination of manifestations on the skin;
- normalization of the menstrual cycle;
- infertility treatment caused by anovulation;
- elimination and prevention of metabolic disorders associated with the underlying disease.
A diet for hyperandrogenism in women is prescribed in the case of a significant increase in weight. In this case, it is important to adhere strictly to all the recommendations of the doctor, only if this condition is met, you can get the desired result.
In most cases, those patients who intend to have a child are prescribed hormone therapy that can provide complete ovulation.
Women who do not plan a pregnancy undergo treatment, including oral contraceptives, and in some cases wedge-shaped excision of the ovaries.
Drugs for the treatment of hyperandrogenism in women are also actively used if the body is not able to neutralize a high level of androgen on its own. We are talking about such means as Metipred, Dexamethasone, etc. Surgical intervention can be prescribed if the pathology is provoked by a tumor.
The high concentration of male hormone in the female body is more than a serious problem, which often develops against the background of no less dangerous diseases. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, diagnosis and treatment must be carried out without fail.