The drug "Aprotex": instructions for use, description, reviews

Hemostatic or so-called hemostatic agents are especially often used in surgical practice. Thanks to such drugs, the doctor can stop the bleeding in time and thereby save the life of his patient.

aprotex instructions for use

Today, among the hemostatic agents, such a medicine as Aprotex is especially popular. Instructions for use, analogues, as well as side effects and contraindications of this drug will be presented a little below.

Description, composition, packaging and form of release

The drug "Aprotex", the instruction of which is contained in a package of cardboard, goes on sale in the form of a white lyophilisate powder, which is intended for the preparation of an intravenous solution.

The active element of this medication is aprotinin. As for the additional ingredients, lactose and sodium hydroxide are used as them.

You can buy the drug in bottles of 50 or 10 ml. One pack of cardboard usually contains 5, 1 or 10 bottles.

Pharmacological properties

What is aprotex drug? Instructions for use indicate that it is not only hemostatic, but also an antifibrinolytic and antiproteolytic agent.

The medication in question is capable of inactivating plasma proteinases of tissues and blood cells, which play a very important role during pathophysiological processes.

The effectiveness of this drug is due to its ability to block the activation of plasminogen and inactivate the proteolytic effect of plasmin.

aprotex instructions for use analogues

The antiprotease effect of Aprotex has a positive effect on various pancreatic lesions. Also, this drug slows down the processes of fibrinolysis, reduces the fibrinolytic activity of the blood and has a hemostatic effect in coagulopathies.

The ability of a medication to block the kallikrein-kinin system is especially often used in angioedema, as well as in the treatment and prevention of shock conditions.

Kinetic features

What are the kinetic characteristics of the drug Aprotex? Instructions for use informs that after its intravenous administration it is fairly quickly distributed in the extracellular space, and also accumulates in the liver for a short time.

Inactivation of the drug occurs in the digestive tract. In this case, the medication is partially destroyed in the kidneys and liver. This process is carried out under the influence of renal lysosomal enzymes.

Excretion of the active substance of the drug occurs within six hours.

Indications for use of lyophilisate powder

In what cases do you use the drug β€œAprotex”? Instructions for use informs that this drug is especially effective for:

aprotex ampoule instructions for use

  • pancreatic necrosis;
  • acute pancreatitis, prevention of postoperative pancreatitis, exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  • complications of thrombolytic therapy ;
  • hyperfibrinolytic bleeding of post-traumatic or postoperative origin (including during surgery on the lungs and prostate gland);
  • bleeding before, during labor and after (including embolism with amniotic fluid);
  • open heart surgery, when there is a need for the use of heart- lung machines ;
  • polymenorrhea;
  • postoperative mumps;
  • treatment and prevention of various forms of shock (for example, endotoxic, hemolytic, traumatic).


When should you not appoint aprotex lyophilisate? The instruction for use states that there are not very many contraindications for this drug. It should not be used when:

drug aprotex instructions for use

  • DIC;
  • individual hypersensitivity to aprotinin;
  • pregnancy (in the first and third trimesters);
  • breastfeeding.

With caution, this medication should be used for cardio-pulmonary bypass operations, deep hypothermia, the presence of allergic reactions (history), and the patient is undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass.

It should be noted that during pregnancy this drug is used only in the second trimester (for health reasons).

If it is necessary to prescribe a medication during lactation, then while breastfeeding it should be stopped.

Aprotex powder: instructions for use

Before using the drug, the contents of the vial should be dissolved in 2 ml or 20 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution (depending on the dosage).

So how should I use the drug "Aprotex"? Instructions, a description of the medication report the following schemes:

  • For the preventive purposes of postoperative pancreatitis, the daily dosage of this drug is 200 thousand Atre (jet, intravenous).
  • In acute pancreatitis, the drug is first prescribed in an amount of 200-300 thousand ATPE (slowly streaming, intravenously), and then drip intravenously - in the same dosage. The drug should be infused until the laboratory parameters and the clinic of the disease normalize.
    drug aprotex instruction
  • With bleeding of various origins, the initial dosage of the drug is 300 thousand ATPE, and the subsequent 140 thousand ATPE. The medication is administered intravenously jet every 4 hours until the normalization of hemostasis.
  • For the prevention of embolism (fatty), the initial dose of the drug is 200 thousand ATPE, and then every day in the same amount slowly intravenously. For children with hemostatic disorders, the drug is prescribed in an amount of 15 thousand ATPE per 1 kg of body weight.
  • The initial dose of the drug for shock conditions is 200-300 thousand ATPE. After that, every 4 hours, maintenance doses (intravenously, jet) of 140 thousand ATPE are used.
  • With topical administration of the drug, when there is a slight, but prolonged bleeding, the usual napkin is impregnated with aprotex solution in the amount of 75 thousand ATPE, and then applied to the lesion.

How should infusions be made with the drug Aprotex? Instructions for use (the medicine can be stored in ampoules for two years) reports that this drug should be administered in the supine position of the patient, slowly intravenously, in a stream or drip.

Adverse reactions

After the administration of the medication, the following adverse events may occur in the patient:

  • psychotic reactions, confusion, or hallucinations;
  • urticaria, conjunctivitis, pruritus, anaphylactic reactions or rhinitis;
  • tachycardia, decreased blood pressure;
  • nausea (for example, with rapid administration) or vomiting;
  • myalgia, bronchospasm;
  • thrombophlebitis at the injection site (especially with prolonged administration of the drug).
    drug aprotex instructions description

Cost and analogues of Aprotex

You can replace the medication in question with such means as Vero-Narcap, Gordoks, Aerus, Kontrikal, Ingitril, Trasilol 500000, Ingiprol, Traskolan and others.

You can buy this medicine at a price of 450-570 rubles per package number 10.


Many patients with chronic pancreatitis report that this medication is very effective. This tool quickly helps to stop the exacerbation and normalize the general condition of the patient.

Comparing this solution with Gordeks, experts point out that Aprotex is more effective. They also report that this tool is not intended for self-administration. Its introduction requires special skills, otherwise the patient may experience numerous unwanted effects.

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