Children of Bezrukov Sergey: photos, names. Personal life of Bezrukov

Sergey Bezrukov is one of the few Russian actors whose image cannot be associated with any particular way or role. The exclusivity of Bezrukov as an artist is difficult to overestimate. However, his viewers are also worried about simple everyday problems. Does Bezrukov have children? This question, until recently, has interested many fans of the artist.

Bezrukov children


The famous Russian actor Sergei Bezrukov, a wife whose children now live in Moscow, was born there in 1973, on October 18. His father, Vitaly Sergeyevich, is an actor and director of the Moscow Theater of Satire. Mother, Natalya Sergeevna, a housewife, previously worked as a store manager. The boy was named Sergei in honor of the poet Yesenin, who was very much appreciated by the father of the future actor.

Since childhood, Bezrukov dreamed of becoming an artist. But parents reacted to this idea without much enthusiasm. However, the boy participated in the productions of school plays and studied with his father not to play, but to live the role on stage. For the first time, the future actor felt the experiences of the portrayed hero as his own at the age of fourteen, when he happened to play the role of Leonidik in the play "My Poor Marat". Sergei attended the ordinary Moscow general education school No. 402, loved to come to work with his father, and dreamed of continuing his work. Surely the children of Bezrukov will also be interested in the activities of their famous dad in theater and cinema.

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In 1990, Bezrukov received a certificate of secondary education and entered the Moscow Art Theater School on the course of O. P. Tabakov. According to Sergeiā€™s memoirs, Oleg Pavlovich never made any concessions to anyone and taught his students in advance the future hardships of acting. However, Tabakov was very kind to Bezrukov and strongly supported him. A talented young man graduated with honors. Who knows, maybe Bezrukovā€™s children will be just as successful at school?

Sergey Bezrukov wife children

Theatrical career

While attending classes at the Studio School, the actor began to play in the theater of O.P. Tabakov, where he was accepted for permanent work in 1994. Sergey was actively involved in theatrical productions. He played roles in such performances as "Passion for Bumbarash", "Biloxi-Blues", "Sailor Silence", "Anecdotes", "Crazy", "Overstocked barrel cask", "Star time in local time". For his successes in the theater field, Bezrukov was awarded many prestigious prizes. In addition to working with Oleg Pavlovich, the actor participated in the entreprise "Witch", "Temptation". He played in the theater. A.P. Chekhov Mozart in Amadeus and Maurice Tabret in Sacred Fire. In 1997, Sergei Bezrukov received the State Prize for the role of Yesenin in the production of "My life, or did you dream about me?", Played by him in the theater named after M.E. Ermolova. The image of the great Russian poet evokes trembling feelings in the father of the famous actor. Vitaly Sergeyevich attended every performance about Yesenin with the participation of his son for several years. In ā€œAmadeusā€ Sergey played Mozart with his mentor - Tabakov. The applause that the audience awarded Bezrukov was not inferior to those that went to his eminent teacher.

Work on television

For several years (1994-1999) Bezrukov voiced the characters in the television program "Dolls". In the program, latex images of then-Russian politicians played out scenes whose plot reflected current political events of the country at the time of the programā€™s release. The audience fell in love with ā€œPuppetā€, respectively, they became interested in their voice actor. According to the memoirs of Bezrukov, his favorite characters were Kulikov and Zhirinovsky - thanks to their bright personality it was easier to voice them. Work on television made Sergei more famous, but once the artist realized that his popularity was becoming somewhat one-sided. Therefore, after a few years, he left the program.

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The first work in the cinema

Of the early films in the movie, the actor himself singles out only the film "Chinese Service" directed by V. Moskalenko, where he managed to translate on the screen a complex and diverse image. There was also a role in the film "Crusader-2" by Mikhail Tumanishvili. Sergei claims that he is rarely satisfied with the results of his work in the cinema. He feels much more confident on the stage. Bezrukov really played a prominent role in the Azazel tape in 2001. The artist was convincing in the image of the state adviser to Brilliant Ivan Frantsevich.

Bezrukov children

The film "Brigade"

However, the film "The Brigade" made Bezrukov truly popular. For many people, the directorial choice of an actor for the role of Sasha Bely seemed strange. Sergei still embodied on the screen the images of bright, sunny people. How can this good-natured handsome man turn into a cruel bandit? But the filmmakers took a chance. The role was written specifically for Sergey. The script was designed in the style of a gangster action movie. The picture combines all the components of a successful action: an entertaining plot, vivid characters, real male friendship and mutual assistance, overcoming any obstacles.

Bezrukov made his hero unexpectedly human. The ambiguous actions of a guy who has taken the path of lawlessness and arbitrariness have become clear and close to a multimillion-dollar audience. The whole country was rooting for Bely and his brigade. By the power of his talent, Sergei managed to make an ordinary, in fact, a bandit a hero of our time.

Do Bezrukov have children

Variety of talent

No less striking success brought the actor the series "Plot". Here Bezrukov portrayed an honest and principled advocate of the law - the rural district police officer Kravtsov. The picture was called national, the leading actor was again worn on his hands. However, Sergei again surprised the audience and starred in Ryazanov's comedy "The Key to the Bedroom." A talented actor never wanted to get hung up on one successful role or especially a successful image. In 2004, he got the role of Vasily Stalin in the Moscow Saga. A year later, Bezrukovā€™s old dream came true - he played Sergei Yesenin in the movie. The film of the same name was released on the screens in 2005 and caused heated debate among viewers and critics. Some reproached the actor for distorting the image of the great poet. Around the same time, Bezrukov played the role of Yeshua in The Master and Margarita. And again caused an ambiguous reaction from his viewer.

Sergey Bezrukov wife children

Personal life

In 2000, the actor married Irina Livanova. The girl at the time of meeting a young man was already married to Igor Livanov and gave birth in a marriage to his son Andrei. Sergey Bezrukov, a family for whom children remained an unrealized dream, became interested in Irina. After joint filming in the film "Crusader-2", the actor sent the girl a note with his phone number and the word "Waiting." A bold gesture impressed Irina, and after much deliberation, she found an excuse to call Sergey.

The stormy joy of the young man convinced the girl of the seriousness of his feelings. Roman Livanova and Bezrukova developed in front of the ubiquitous press. Sergey made an offer of marriage to Irina in the dressing room of the Taganka Theater. The actor was captivated by the beauty and mind of the actress, as well as the fact that she did not know anything about his roles in theater and cinema and fell in love primarily as a person, and not as a promising and beloved artist.

Sergey Bezrukov family children

Children of Bezrukov

In October 2013, information appeared in the press that Sergei and Irina Bezrukov had long-awaited children. Rumors about this went back in 2012. "Was the baby born to the Bezrukovs?" - Asked excited spectators. However, only in 2013 there was reliable information about this fact. The father of the famous actor, Vitaliy Sergeyevich, without hiding his stormy joy, told the Ukrainian television channel that he had finally got grandchildren. Irina, 48, tried to conceive for several years, underwent artificial insemination for this, and her efforts were crowned with success. Bezrukovā€™s children, a boy and a girl, were born with blue eyes and blond hair. Vitaliy Sergeevich claims that his grandchildren are like him. Happy grandfather refuses to name the date of birth of the babies. Therefore, information about when the children of Sergey Bezrukov were born, photos of their cute faces will be available to the public only with the permission of the eminent actor.

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