BAA "Erakond": reviews of doctors, instructions for use, indications and composition

Is a dietary supplement such as Heracond effective? Reviews of doctors about the action of this drug will be presented below. In addition, you will learn about the indications of the drug in question, its method of application and therapeutic features.

erakond reviews of doctors

Supplement Form

In what form is a product such as "Heracond" made? Instructions for use, description, reviews state that the additive can be purchased in the form of a fine powder, capsules and aqueous solution. The latter form of the drug is particularly popular. A 40% aqueous solution is a thick, uniform, dark brown liquid with a subtle specific smell. It is available in dark bottles. During long-term storage at the bottom of the tank, the formation of a small precipitate is permissible.

The composition of the funds

What ingredients does the Erakond dietary supplement contain? Reviews, instructions for use (indications are listed below) report that this drug consists of a condensed plant extract of inoculated alfalfa. This substance is obtained from the terrestrial part of said grass by means of hydrothermobarometric extraction. This method allows you to extract unique natural storerooms of plant cells through the splitting of their shells, which in their structure and density resemble polymeric substances.

What other elements are included in the Erakond dietary supplement? Reviews of doctors report that the extract contained in this tool is a storehouse of vitamins (including vitamins H, A, B1, D, B5, B9, B6, B12, E, C, K, PP), micro and macro elements (including Ca, Mn, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, K, Na, Si, F), as well as amino acids (contains 8 essential amino acids), protein enzymes and proteins that break down and facilitate their absorption, isoflavonoids (including genisten and daidzein), chlorophyll, asparagine, lecithin, octaconazole, cumestrol, coumarins, alkaloids, saponins, estrogens, anthocyanins, immunomodulating poly saccharides, carbohydrates, monosaccharides, carbohydrates, humic substances, uronic and various organic acids.

Therapeutic Features

What is remarkable about this supplement? What do application reviews say about this? "Erakond", the composition of which was presented above, has a strong modulating effect on almost all parts of the human immune system.

Erakond instructions for the use of dietary supplements

This is due to:

  • antioxidants with a membrane stabilizing effect (that is, restoring cell membranes);
  • saponins with adaptogenic (i.e. anti-stress) activity, which maintain the balance of the intestinal flora and stimulate non-specific immunity ;
  • radio protectors (or the so-called humic substances), which have an ionosorbing effect, bind heavy metal ions and radionuclides;
  • stabilization of erythro- and myelopoiesis, as well as mobilization of lymphocytes from the depot;
  • stimulating the production of precursors, as well as enhancing the activity of mature immune cells;
  • flavonoids, which have a hepatoprotective effect and reduce the tone of smooth muscles.

The effects of dietary supplements

What are the biological effects of this supplement? What do the medical reviews say about this? "Heracond" has:

  • Detoxifying effect. The drug in question is able to neutralize various toxins (including man-made, medicinal, environmental, domestic, as well as alcohol).
  • Severe antifungal and moderate antimicrobial action. It should also be noted that this drug stabilizes the intestinal microflora.
  • Hypocholesterolemic and hypoglycemic effect. High molecular weight alcohols such as octacosanol and triacontanol lower lipids and cholesterol, and alkaloids reduce the amount of sugar in the blood,
  • Anabolic activity. Such components of the drug as isoflavonoids and cumestrol enhance the synthesis of cellular and tissue structures, as well as protein and various compounds, which are essential for normal functioning of the body.
  • Anti-inflammatory action. The agent in question inhibits the excessive release of cytokines. In addition, due to this action, there is a decrease in the overproduction of antibodies, which reduces the sensitization of polymorphic and nuclear leukocytes in GNT and HRT, as well as eliminates the processes of auto-toxicity and allergization.
    reviews on the use of erakond composition
  • Estrogen-like activity. Reviews on the use ("Herakond" is sold in almost all pharmacies) say that this tool is effective in hypoestrogenia, as well as in menopause and premenopause. Often it is used to prevent breast cancer. In addition, this tool significantly increases lactation in nursing women.
  • The ability to stimulate the adrenal gland function, as well as improve the structure of bone and cartilage, including with a disease such as osteoporosis. Also, this tool is actively used for pathologies of the spine and joints. In addition, it significantly accelerates the healing of various bone fractures.
  • Wound healing effect. Customer reviews of dietary supplements "Erakond" claim that the drug in question performs well with burns, injuries, various skin diseases (including neurodermatitis, psoriasis and eczema) and mucous membranes.
  • The ability to increase the vitality of a person. This happens through ensuring synchronism in the work of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems.

Method of application of dietary supplement "Erakond"

Reviews of doctors report that the drug in question should be taken orally during a meal. The solution must be dissolved in milk, warm water, juice, tea or kefir.

If you want to get a 10% medicine from a 40% liquid, then you need to take 1 share of a 40% dietary supplement solution and 3 shares of ordinary water. Let us give an example: to prepare 20 ml of a 10% medicine, 5 ml (that is, one dessert spoon) of Erakond dietary supplement and 3 teaspoons (or 15 ml) of boiled water should be used.

As for the drug in the form of capsules, it is prescribed to adults and children from 14 years old, two pieces twice a day during a meal.

The duration of taking the supplement in question is determined by the attending physician.

reviews heracond

"Erakond": instructions, indications for the use of dietary supplements

The drug "Herakond" can be prescribed for various diseases. But in order to achieve the desired result, this tool must be used only after consulting a doctor.

From how and under what conditions the mentioned supplement is prescribed, we will tell right now.

Digestive problems

How should β€œHeracond” be taken for foodborne infections ? Reviews of doctors say that in such conditions, dietary supplements are taken orally by 5-10 ml twice a day. The same dosage should be followed for gastrointestinal ulcers, esophagitis, enteritis, hypo- and hypersecretory gastritis, as well as for colitis.

With fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis of any origin, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, the drug is taken orally 5-10 ml three times a day for 1-2 months.

Respiratory tract diseases

In acute inflammatory diseases, dietary supplement "Erakond" is taken orally by 5-10 ml three times a day for 5-15 days.

With angina, the drug should be treated 4 times a day with the walls of the pharynx, as well as rinsing the cavity of the pharynx and mouth with a 10% solution up to 6 times a day after a meal.

In chronic and acute rhinosinusitis, a 10% solution must be instilled into the nose up to 6 times a day. In chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as bronchial asthma, it is recommended to do inhalation with a 1.5% solution twice a day using an ultrasonic inhaler.

reviews of people and the results of the application of bad erakord

Skin diseases and injuries

Is the supplement in question effective for skin diseases? Reviews about "Heraconda" (indications for the use of this drug are discussed in this article) say that this drug works well in chronic diseases such as neurodermatitis, psoriasis and eczema. In addition, it is often used for allergies, including rhinitis, lacrimation, itching, swelling, flushing of the skin and mucous membranes.

It should also be noted that dietary supplement "Erakond" is very often prescribed for bone fractures in order to accelerate adhesion. It is taken 5-10 ml three times a day, in a course of 10 days.

It cannot be said that the said supplement is highly effective in radiation injuries, burn wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores, purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues and the skeletal system (including osteomyelitis, abscesses, phlegmons, cellulite, trichophytosis and pyoderma).

Other indications

What other pathological conditions does β€œArakond” dietary supplement treat? This tool is very often prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system, and more specifically for the prevention of atherosclerosis, lowering blood cholesterol and increasing vascular elasticity. It is also used for cancer, for the removal of radionuclides, toxins, carcinogens and salts of heavy metals.

Erakond reviews instructions for use indications

Often dietary supplements "Erakond" is used for endocrine pathologies, including diabetes. In addition, it is used in urological and gynecological practice for diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys (including pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, cervical erosion, colpitis, bacterial vaginosis, and vaginal candidiasis).

With hemorrhoids, the agent in question is used in the form of a 10% solution for preparing warm baths and microclysters.

BAA "Erakond" performs well in infectious diseases, including tuberculosis. It is also particularly popular in dental practice. It is prescribed for gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontitis, for the prevention of caries.

Adverse reactions

Side effects of this drug were not identified. According to the instructions, this tool should be used with caution in gallstone disease. In addition, when taking large dosages in elderly people, nausea associated with the choleretic effect may occur. In this case, it is recommended to reduce the dose or completely cancel the intake of dietary supplement until the mentioned symptom disappears. Resume the drug should be with a lower dose, increasing it gradually.

User reviews and application results

BAA "Erakord" - an effective and efficient tool. This opinion is shared by many people who use it to solve problems with their health. According to consumer reports, this supplement works well in various diseases, including diseases of the digestive tract, blood vessels and heart. Also, this drug is very often used for topical use in dental practice, for injuries and skin diseases.

erakond instructions for use description reviews

As a result of using this tool, many patients got rid of cystitis and other urological problems.

As for doctors, they are also favorably inclined to this drug. Experts say that the supplement in question is good to use as an additional natural remedy for the main treatment method. Doctors also report that taking this dietary supplement almost never causes negative reactions. This is due to the fact that it contains only natural components.

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