How to fry chanterelles with potatoes? How to fry chanterelles with potatoes

Dishes with mushrooms and potatoes are loved by everyone who appreciates delicious, nutritious and wholesome food. As constituent ingredients, these products are included in various salads, stews and fries, pie fillings. However, in and of themselves, as it were, in a “duet”, potatoes and mushrooms constitute an excellent basis for wonderful dishes. With some of the most interesting recipes, we will introduce you now.

Ode to the chanterelles

The theme of our article is: "How to fry chanterelles with potatoes." Why exactly the chanterelles? Because mushrooms of this species are widespread in our forests and forest zones, the season of their collection falls on the best weather season - August. And the “hunt” for the red-yellow handsome turns into a fascinating walk in the fresh air. This is the first.

how to fry chanterelles with potatoes
Secondly, we are talking about how to fry chanterelles with potatoes because the fleshy flesh of the mushroom is really very tasty, perfectly preserved, insects and parasite larvae practically do not start there. That is, it is impossible to poison the mushroom, as well as confuse it with poisonous ones. By the way, thanks to these properties, as well as pleasant, with an admixture of fruit aroma, sour smell of chanterelles, Jewish cuisine classifies mushrooms as kosher, which means “high-quality”, “best”. And finally, why else are we talking about how to fry chanterelles with potatoes, and not another type of mushroom - they are amazingly delicious when fried, with onions and sour cream.

Simple cooking

Boil half a kilogram of jacket potatoes in salted water. Let it cool, then peel, chop with chopsticks and fry in a cast iron until golden brown. Take out the slotted spoon and put it on a sieve so that the glass has excess oil. Since we are considering how to fry chanterelles with potatoes, let's say a few words about preparing the mushrooms themselves. Rinse them thoroughly and with a sharp knife, scrape off the caps well. Cut off dark spots.

how to fry chanterelles with potatoes and sour cream
If the chanterelles are large, cut them into fairly large pieces. Leave smaller instances intact. Take 100 g of pork fat or just smoked lard, cut into large cubes and put in a preheated pan. When the fat melts, fry the onion, sliced ​​in half rings, in it, then put the chanterelles. Fry them in an open pan for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. After salt, sprinkle with pepper, reduce heat and cook for 15-17 minutes under the lid. At the last stage of how to fry the chanterelles with potatoes and onions, add cooked potatoes to the pan to the mushrooms, add a little heat and fry the food for another 10 minutes. Crush a few cloves of garlic, put in the roast, mix and remove from the stove. Serve the dish hot, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Chips - recipe number 2

Now we will discuss how to fry the chanterelles with potatoes and sour cream. This time cooked raw vegetables. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut into “petals” or cubes. The thinner the slices, the better they will be fried and covered with a crisp. During cooking, you can salt the food, but not much.

how to fry chanterelles with potatoes in a slow cooker
Now the chanterelles. Once washed and prepared, put in a pan and fry, stirring, until all the juice has evaporated. Then add vegetable oil, chopped onion and simmer until cooked. At the end, put a few tablespoons of sour cream, let the sauce boil on and off. Arrange the fried potatoes on the plates , on the side of the slide put the chanterelles and pour the sauce.

Recipe number 3

The next option on how to fry the chanterelles with potatoes and sour cream, is as follows. Cook potatoes in one pan. Sauté it until almost ready by adding salt. At the end, beat 2 eggs, fill them with potatoes, mix, cover and remove from heat. Take care of the mushrooms along the way. Wash them, let drain water. Grate, without sparing, the bottom of the pan with garlic, put a piece of butter in it, melt and fry the chanterelles in it.

how to fry chanterelles with potatoes and onions
Separate a medium-sized onion, chopped into small cubes. Then combine the onions and mushrooms and fry for another 35-40 minutes. At the end, pour half a glass of sour cream, salt, pepper, boil for 10 minutes and turn off the gas. Put the potatoes in the pan to the mushrooms, mix and serve hot on the table. You may ask why rub the pan with garlic cloves before frying the chanterelles with potatoes in sour cream. Everything is very simple. This trick helps give the dish a fabulous appetizing smell.

Cooking in a slow cooker

And here's a great recipe for how to fry chanterelles with potatoes in a slow cooker. To begin, soak the mushrooms for about half an hour in cold acidified water. Then cut into medium-sized pieces. In the "Baking" mode in sunflower oil, fry the chopped onion. When the frying becomes golden, put the mushrooms in it and fry in the “Baking” for another 20 minutes, occasionally stirring.

how to fry chanterelles with potatoes in sour cream
During the preparation of the chanterelles, prepare the potatoes: peel and cut into small cubes. Add it to the mushrooms, salt, sprinkle with spices. Select the “Baking” mode again and cook the dish for 40 minutes, stirring several times. Serve the dish hot, sprinkled with finely chopped garlic.

Mushroom caps with potatoes

If you scored large chanterelles in the forest, then you can cook an original dish that resembles “tobacco chickens”. Separate the mushroom legs from the hats, wash, dry. Each hat carefully, so as not to break, rub on both sides with salt. Chop the head of garlic and put a little in each hat. Sprinkle with pepper and roll in flour. Put the hats in the vegetable oil heated in the pan, cover with a lid of a size smaller than the pan (to squeeze them like a load) and fry first on one side, then on the other. Boil potatoes cut into 4 parts, fry it with onions. Cook separately the sour cream sauce, pour mushrooms on them and serve with potatoes.

Potato with lard and mushrooms

If you want to surprise your home, try this recipe. Surely the whole family will like it and will become your brand. Take about 200 g of salted fat, preferably with a meat layer. Cut it into strips and fry. Put a tablespoon of mustard, 4 diced onions and chopped celery root in the bacon. Sauté until light brown. Boil the potatoes in their uniforms, peel, cut into 4 pieces, add to the pan, stir, fry with a light “bake”. Now the mushrooms. From a half liter of beer, flour, 2 eggs and 50 g of grated cheese, prepare a “dough”, add salt and pepper. Dip the chanterelles into the batter (small and medium - whole, large - divided into parts) and fry until cooked. Combine mushrooms and potatoes in a large dish and place on the table. Extremely mouth-watering treat!

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