Why do alcoholics fail legs? The effect of alcohol on the human body

Why do alcoholics refuse their legs? Because in the body of people who abuse alcohol, serious changes begin. Immunity falls, the lungs fail, problems with the liver and kidneys appear. Pain in the limbs is also not unreasonable. If they swell, become numb, hurt - it means that pathological changes overtook them.

But what exactly is the reason? How do notorious changes occur? How harmful is the effect of alcohol on the body? This will be discussed now.


This is what a neurological disease called as a result of alcohol abuse is called. It causes a violation of the functions of peripheral nerves.

Why do alcoholics fail legs? Because alcohol and its metabolites have a toxic effect on the nerves. The consequence is a violation of metabolic processes that occur in nerve fibers.

why do alcoholics fail legs


The disease is detected in people of any age. There is only a slight predominance in women. The frequency of distribution averages 1-2 cases per 100,000 people. This is approximately 9% of all ailments resulting from alcohol abuse.

Sensory form of the disease

When answering the question of why alcoholics refuse feet, it is necessary to consider what types of polyneuropathy exist. The first type is touch. If a person is struck by this particular disease, he observes the following symptoms:

  • Pain localized in the distal extremities.
  • Feeling of burning, numbness and chilliness.
  • Segmental impairment of sensitivity.
  • Pain in the area of ​​large nerve trunks.
  • Cramps in the calf muscles.
  • Reduced or increased temperature sensitivity.
  • Acrocyanosis, hyperhidrosis, "marble" skin on the feet and palms, as well as other vegetative-vascular changes.
  • Deterioration of periosteal and tendon reflexes.
legs are swollen in an alcoholic

Motor form

In continuation of the topic regarding the question of why the legs of alcoholics fail, you need to talk about this type of disease. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Peripheral paresis, expressed to varying degrees.
  • Sensory impairment of a mild degree, affecting mainly the peroneal and tibial nerve.
  • Hypotension observed in the lower legs and feet.
  • Plantar flexion problems. It becomes difficult to get on your toes, rotate your feet.
  • Violation of metabolic processes and microcirculation.
  • Decrease or disappearance of Achilles reflexes. Strengthening and increase of the knee.
  • Loss of stability while walking.
  • Lack of coordination of movements.
  • Loss of joint mobility, their swelling deformation.

The effect of alcohol on the human body is large-scale. Muscle weakness appears quite quickly, forces literally leave the human body. Swelling, weakness appear. Muscles rapidly decrease in volume, and as a result, everything leads to atrophy.

Mixed form

An ailment of this type is also called sensory-motor polyneuropathy. If it is he who strikes the person, then the symptoms characteristic of violations of the two previous types make themselves known. Signs can be identified in the following list:

  • Complete loss of sensitivity to any temperature changes, pain and physical pressure coming from outside.
  • General discomfort. There is also acute, very severe pain in the legs, which only worsens at night.
  • Impaired musculoskeletal system. Muscles atrophy, bones deform.
  • Excessive dryness of the skin, which also becomes reddish. Also, pigmented spots often appear on them.
  • Cessation of sweat glands.

And all this is a consequence of the influence of alcohol on the human body. In advanced cases, the area between the fingers and the sole are covered with ulcers. Since the person no longer feels pain due to the pathology continuing to develop, they do not manifest themselves in any way. But nevertheless, inflammatory processes often lead to an irreversible consequence. And we are talking about amputation of a limb.

alcoholics anonymous Moscow

Atactic form

This ailment is often called peripheral pseudotabes. Very often, as a result of it, sensitive ataxia occurs. This is called a disorder of sensory perception of vibration and pressure, as well as the position of the body in space, which leads to various motor disorders and discoordination. Here are the consequences:

  • Disorder of coordination and gait.
  • Pseudoathetosis affecting the distal extremities.
  • Skeletal muscle hypotension.

In addition, the legs become swollen in an alcoholic, and later numbness appears. Distal extremities lose their sensitivity, reflexes disappear. If you perform palpation of the area where the nerve trunks are located, a person will feel pain.

It should be noted that this ailment has a certain similarity with the so-called dry spinal cord. However, atactic polyneuropathy is distinguished from this disease by a sudden, acute onset.

Other condition features

Talking about what kind of leg problems alcoholics may have, you need to pay a little attention to the other specifics that distinguish polyneuropathy.

The fact is that under such conditions, cranial nerves are often involved in the pathological process - vagus, facial, abducent and visual. If polyneuropathy is combined with memory impairment, paramnesia (memory impairment), weakened mental productivity, that is, there is reason to suspect Korsakov’s syndrome in a person.

And other pathologies can also take place. And therefore, the treatment of alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities must be made, taking into account the pathogenetic mechanisms of the onset and development of the underlying disease. Every clinical manifestation of alcoholism, existing dynamics, as well as the general condition of the patient in which he is at the time of the acupuncture session, are taken into account.

alcoholic leg problems

Mental effects

It was described above why alcoholics have sore legs. However, polyneuropathy is far from the only consequence that can lead to alcohol abuse. Not everyone remembers, but alcoholism causes a variety of personality disorders. The consequences are as follows:

  • The destruction of the emotional-volitional sphere.
  • Apathy and depression.
  • Attacks of aggression and hysterical seizures.
  • The appearance of suicidal tendencies.
  • Lapses in memory and intense deterioration in mental abilities.
  • The formation of schizoaffective psychosis.
  • Delirium tremens, scientifically called alcoholic delirium. Accompanied by hallucinations, vomiting, headache, anxiety.
  • Asthenic neurosis.

The neglected stage ends with the formation of dementia. Dementia overtakes a person - he finally ceases to perceive and assimilate new information, his behavior is disturbed, emotional reactions are inadequate, and there are continuous lapses in his memory. Even in space, he can navigate with difficulty. Sometimes such people are not even able to remember the names of loved ones or simply recognize themselves in the mirror.

Physiological consequences

It is also necessary to tell about them. Failure of the legs with alcoholism is far from the worst result, although it is so hard to think. Prolonged drinking can be fraught with the development of diseases that can lead to disability or even death. These are the pathologies that affect the vast majority of body systems.

Ethanol affects neurons and the structure of the brain. Disturbed regulatory processes between the departments of the cerebral cortex. As a result, the activity of control centers decreases.

Ethanol also enters the brain. It dissolves the membrane of red blood cells, negatively affects their charge, which they need in order to repel each other. As a result, they stick together, a blood clot forms. Blood stops flowing to the tissues, which causes dehydration and oxygen starvation.

Paralysis of the lower extremities is a terrible consequence. However, alcoholism is also fraught with cerebral and myocardial infarction, hypertension, encephalopathy, acute epileptiform syndrome, Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s diseases. Often inveterate drunkards are diagnosed with oncogenic organ tumors and obstruction. And a very large number of alcoholics are faced with necrosis - the cells of their liver and pancreas simply die. Diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis may develop.

In general, to summarize, the body is simply depleted. The most deplorable result may be death.

the alcoholic's legs fail what to do

Treatment specifics

If an avid drinker constantly goes to the group “Alcoholics Anonymous” (in Moscow and other cities of Russia such communities are in large numbers), then he is ready to start treatment. One of the most popular methods of therapy is acupuncture, which implies exposure to human energy centers.

During the first course, the 7th and 8th points of the XI meridian are affected. It will help to cope with chronic intoxication of the body. Also, acting on these points, it will be possible to stop the pain syndrome, normalize all the functions of the autonomic nervous system, and also strengthen the immune system.

In the future, the effect is on corporal and auricular points. Be sure to point out with needles those areas that are above the affected areas of the limbs.

During the procedure, a person feels a slight movement of the current, numbness, pinching and burning, as well as slight discomfort.

They say that this is an effective method of getting rid of the negative consequences that leads to alcohol abuse. However, treatment should be meaningful - the patient should want to be healed. So, first, he will need to go to the group "Alcoholics Anonymous" in Moscow or in the city where he lives, and then proceed with therapy. By the way, it involves a combination of several approaches. Acupuncture is just one of them.

treatment of alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities


Now we should talk about the treatment of alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities. The main condition for recovery is a complete rejection of alcohol and a desire to be healed. Only in this way will it be possible to arrive at a result.

If we talk about medications, then to eliminate the pain syndrome, as a rule, use such means:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These are Meloxicam, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide and Diclofenac.
  • Antidepressants. Paroxetine and Amitriptyline help a lot.
  • Anticonvulsants. Of the drugs in this group, "Pregabalin", "Gabapentin" and "Carbamazepine" are prescribed.

Many of the medicines listed are completely incompatible with alcohol. Therefore, the rejection of it must be complete.

Help the body

So, it was briefly told about the specifics of therapy, which is necessary if the legs of an alcoholic fail. What to do besides acupuncture and taking medication? It is very important to provide the body with good nutrition. The only way to supply him with enough vitamins and nutrients. Here's what you need to take for this purpose:

  • Thiamine. First, intramuscularly, then in the form of tablets. You can replace this drug with Benfotiamine, a fat-soluble analogue. In recent years, it has been used precisely - this drug has a greater effect with a rather small dosage.
  • Folic acid.
  • Pyridoxine.
  • Xanthinol nicotinate, “Vinpocetine”, “Pentoxifylline”, “Emoxipin”. These drugs significantly improve the blood supply to peripheral nerves, and also facilitate venous outflow.
  • "Oktolipen", "Espa-lipon", "Tiogamma", "Berlition". These are alpha lipoic acid preparations, which are excellent antioxidants.
  • “Gliatilin”, “Solcoseryl”, “Semax”, “Tanakan”, “Bilobil”. These are neurotrophic and neurometabolic agents.
  • "Neuromidine." This drug improves neuromuscular conduction.

Also, hepatoprotectors are used to eliminate leg problems in alcoholics. They help normalize liver function. This is important, because otherwise it will be very difficult to ensure the absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract.

foot failure in alcoholism


Alcoholic polyneuropathy is an unavoidable consequence of excessive drinking. The disease sneaks up imperceptibly, but human life changes radically.

If you give up alcohol in a timely manner and begin rational treatment, then you can achieve recovery. But in other cases, pathological changes are irreversible.

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