What to do with an iron burn: first aid, effective methods of treatment, medical advice

Careless handling of household appliances results in injuries of varying severity. According to statistics, the lion's share of all injuries is a burn from an iron. Moreover, not only children are burned, but also adults. It is important to know what to do with an iron burn and how to provide first aid. Otherwise, untimely treatment can lead to serious consequences.

Burn severity

The degree of burns from the iron must be determined immediately. Since much of this depends on first aid.

  1. The first degree is minor damage to the skin. Redness, slight swelling and swelling are noticeable. Peeling or burning may appear on the skin.
  2. The second degree is characterized by all the above signs, but the appearance of watery formations of different sizes joins them.
  3. The third degree is a deep burn, tissue death on the affected area of โ€‹โ€‹the skin is noticeable.

Often, injuries of the first and second degree are observed in the victims. The third stage is the most dangerous and is rare.

Steam burn

You can get a burn not only after contact with the hot surface that the iron has, hot steam can also burn the skin severely. It is important to understand the severity of steam injuries.

steam iron

Only by this indicator can you find an effective way to treat burns.

So, a steam burn is classified into such degrees of severity:

  • 1st degree - redness on the damaged area of โ€‹โ€‹the skin, swelling, pain. However, such a burn disappears after 4-5 days.
  • 2nd degree - blisters appear on the affected skin, inside of which is a plasma fluid. Swelling and severe redness are noted. This burn usually disappears after 2-3 weeks.
  • 3rd degree - muscles are damaged, since heated substances get burned into the skin tissue during a burn. Then blisters appear, then they burst. In their place, damage is formed. The healing period is quite long, since there is an open wound on the arm. Due to sluggish healing, suppuration may appear.
  • The 4th degree is characterized by serious skin damage - carbonization. It is necessary to treat such a steam burn only in a hospital and under the supervision of a doctor.

The most dangerous degrees of steam burn are the third and fourth. According to statistics, if the area of โ€‹โ€‹skin lesion is about 10%, then a person is sent for specialized treatment to a hospital.

What to do with a steam iron burn yourself? First off, do not panic. Secondly, a strict procedure should be followed:

  • โ€œCleanโ€ the damaged area of โ€‹โ€‹the skin from jewelry, clothes, watches, etc. If necessary, use scissors to not further damage the skin.
  • Cool skin damaged by burns. Turn on the cold water tap and hold the scalded area under running for about 10-20 minutes.
burn with an iron what to do at home

As an alternative to cooling, ice if there is no water nearby. However, ice should be kept for no more than 5 minutes. Otherwise, ice can aggravate the condition of the skin, deadening the cells of the epidermis.

  • Be sure to treat the wound with an anti-inflammatory agent. For example, potassium permanganate is often used as an antiseptic to disinfect wounds. To prepare the solution, you need 1 g of the product and 150 g of water. Mix thoroughly and strain the resulting mixture through a gauze cloth. If this is not done, then crystals from manganese can get on the wound, respectively, the area affected by the burn will increase. If you are afraid to use this tool, then skip this step.
  • Treat the burn with a healing ointment, for example, Olazole.
burn your hands with an iron what to do
  • After you need to apply a bandage. Use a sterile bandage.
what to do with a burn of a finger with an iron

In no case should you grease the burn with oil or cream. These products create a barrier to the release of heat. Accordingly, the wound will heal for a very long time.

Finger burn with iron

A burn of a finger is no less serious injury, in which a limb from a hot object is superficially or deeply damaged. Often a finger burn is obtained by contact with a hot kettle, soldering iron, stove, steam, curling iron and iron.

deep burn

What to do if your finger burns with an iron? Specific first aid steps:

  • we cool the damaged skin under a stream of cold water for 10-20 minutes;
  • then gently pat dry with a cloth to dry;
  • disinfect the wound with a weak manganese solution or medical alcohol.

If a blister forms at the site of the burn, in no case should it be burst. Apply a bandage, and within 4-5 days, the liquid inside the blister will resolve itself.

First aid

If timely first aid is provided for a burn, serious complications can be avoided. So, if a burn with an iron, what to do at home?

  1. We cool the burn place under a stream of cool water. This reduces swelling and slightly dulls the pain.
  2. Treat the wound with any antiseptic (Furacilin, hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine). If there was not a single antiseptic in the home medicine cabinet, then wash the affected area of โ€‹โ€‹the skin with soap and water.
  3. Lubricate the damage with an anti-burn agent, for example, Panthenol and Levomekolevaya ointment are effective.
  4. With the formation of blisters, the integrity of the skin is impaired. Put a bandage on top of the wound. So, you protect yourself from getting the infection in the wound.

To eliminate the pain syndrome, you can take any pain medication: Ibuprofen, Panadol or Paracetamol.

1st degree burn treatment

Often, when receiving a burn of the first or second degree, additional therapy is not required. It is important to know only what to do with an iron burn. In order to reduce pain and speed up the healing process, it is necessary to remember such treatment methods:

  • external treatment of a wound with an acidic solution of boron or a soap solution;
  • gently wipe the wound with a dry cloth and treat with medical alcohol;
  • apply a sterile dressing to the wound.

Doctors recommend drinking plenty of fluids to a burn victim.

2nd degree burn treatment

What to do with a burn with an iron of the second degree? Treatment is carried out similarly to the above method. However, when blisters appear from a burn with an iron, it is necessary to treat them with hydrogen peroxide.

It is forbidden to break the surface of the blisters. Such manipulations can only be performed by a doctor if necessary.

Treat blisters from burns twice a day. After some time, the blisters themselves burst, and the skin will soon become covered with a hard crust.

3rd degree burn treatment

Upon receipt of a third-degree burn, the victim is referred for inpatient treatment. This type of burn is a serious burn damage to the skin. Therefore, such therapy is carried out:

  • taking painkillers to eliminate pain shock;
  • anti-infection and anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed with the use of appropriate drugs;
  • detoxification of the body of the victim of a burn;
  • painkillers, wound healing and antibacterial ointments or sprays are necessarily applied to the surface of the wound.

It is important to provide first aid in case of a burn before treatment in a hospital.

If a child has a burn?

A common reason for getting a child burn is banal childish curiosity. However, it leads to a deplorable result.

burn with an iron in a child what to do

If a child burns with an iron, what should I do first?

  1. If there are no blisters on the skin, rinse under running cold water. If blisters form, rinse is prohibited.
  2. Treat the burn with Panthenol.
  3. Apply a bandage to the skin, pre-moisten it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Call a doctor or take your child to a health facility.

Only a specialist can correctly determine the degree of damage from a burn. If necessary, prescribe the necessary drugs.


In most cases, a burn from an iron is not harmful to health. However, what to do with a burn with an iron at home, you need to know. To speed up the healing process, you can use traditional medicine.

So, if you burn your hands with an iron, what can you do at home? Specific folk recipes:

  • In order to avoid the formation of small blisters, after first aid, put gruel on the affected area. To do this, grate fresh potatoes on a fine grater. Alternatively, you can use fresh beets. Fix this compress with a bandage and hold for about 60 minutes.
  • To reduce pain after washing the wound with cold water, you can pour a little baking soda on top.
  • The pain will subside immediately if glycerin is applied to the burn site.
  • Toothpaste relieves painful sensations. It must be applied in a thin layer to the wound. If the toothpaste contains mint or propolis, then the effect of pain relief will accelerate.
  • Aloe healing effect is exerted by aloe leaves. Remove a thin film from the leaf of the plant and apply it to the wound with the wet side.
what to do with a burn with an iron at home

Fix this โ€œplantโ€ compress with a bandage.

  • Immediately after a burn, apply a cabbage leaf to the affected area of โ€‹โ€‹the skin.

If the injury is complex, blisters have formed, then use a decoction of chamomile. They need to wash damaged skin three times a day. Chamomile will reduce pain due to the anti-inflammatory properties it possesses.

Do not be afraid to see a doctor. He will prescribe an effective method of treatment and accurately determine the degree of damage. Do not underestimate the burns received from the iron. Be careful when handling household appliances.

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