Many people know about a disease such as thrush (candidiasis). This fungal infection most often affects the genitals in adults and the oral cavity in children. In more rare cases, ear candidiasis occurs. This disease is also called otomycosis. Such a pathology is much more difficult to treat than ordinary otitis media. Without treatment, otomycosis can lead to significant hearing loss. Next, we consider the causes, symptoms and methods of treating this disease.
The direct causative agent of otomycosis is the yeast Candida (Candida). This microorganism is conditionally pathogenic. Normally, it is present on human skin, the fungus shows its pathogenic properties only with a strong decrease in immunity.
The following unfavorable factors that can provoke the occurrence of candidiasis of the ear can be distinguished:
- purulent otitis media;
- ear injuries and scratches;
- long-term antibiotic treatment;
- operations on the organ of hearing;
- inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and maxillary sinuses;
- diabetes;
- administration of immunosuppressants: corticosteroids, cytostatics, drugs for chemotherapy of tumors;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- gastrointestinal diseases;
- pulmonary tuberculosis;
- HIV infection.
All these diseases and conditions lead to a weakening of the body's defenses and activation of the fungus. However, one must take into account the fact that Candida fungus loves moisture. Therefore, an increased risk of otomycosis is noted in those people whose working conditions are associated with exposure to water. These include dishwashers, laundry workers, as well as baths and saunas. The disease often develops among lovers of water procedures after water enters the ear.
In addition, the yeast actively grows in a sweet environment. Therefore, confectionery workers and patients with diabetes are often ill with otomycosis. The fungus can affect both the external parts of the hearing organ and the deeper ones. Therefore, the symptoms and treatment of candidiasis of the ear is largely dependent on the area of ββinfection.
Auditory canal lesion
If the affected area is limited to the external auditory canal, then the symptoms may be mild. Pain is often absent. The patient complains of discomfort, noise and stuffiness in the ear. The patient is disturbed by a severe intolerable itching in the ear canal.
If candidiasis is noted for a long time, then the patient more and more often lays a sore ear. Doctors often take this for ordinary sulfuric plugs and do a rinse. Due to exposure to moisture, the fungus grows even stronger and the symptoms of the disease worsen.
In advanced cases, the disease becomes chronic. The patient is disturbed by headache and fullness in the ear canal. If candidiasis of the ear has arisen due to otitis media, then a pain syndrome appears, increased discharge of pus and fever. Such symptoms indicate the spread of infection in the middle ear.
Middle ear
If the fungus affects the middle ear, then this is always accompanied by shooting pain. The patient feels knocks and other sounds in the ears. Discharge in the form of a white curd mass departs from the ear canal. In this case, there is no feeling of congestion and traffic jams in the ear, since the discharge has a liquid consistency. In severe cases, the integrity of the eardrum is violated. A fungal infection can pass to the skin around the auricle. There is a defeat of the epidermis on the chin, cheeks and neck.
Candidiasis after surgery
Sometimes candidiasis of the ear occurs after operations on the organ of hearing. For a long time after surgery, the patient has discharge from the ear canal. A postoperative wound does not heal for a long time. The use of antibiotics does not give any effect. The patient complains of noise and pain in the ear.
In children
Candidiasis of the ear in a child most often occurs before the age of 5 years. Children are especially sensitive to fungal infections, and their otomycosis is difficult. The baby's health is sharply deteriorating, the temperature rises. The child constantly touches a sore ear with his hands. Hyperemia of the skin of the face is noted.
White discharge, similar to lumps of cottage cheese, comes out of the ear canal. The auditory meatus and the auricle acquire a bluish tint and look swollen.
Otomycosis is treated by an otolaryngologist. First of all, a specialist examines the ear using an otoscope. With external damage to the ear, redness of the auditory meatus and white films, which can be easily removed, are noticeable. If a fungal infection affects the middle ear, then abundant white discharge is noticeable.
To confirm the diagnosis, a microscopic examination of the smear from the ear canal is performed. This analysis must be repeated after the course of therapy to verify the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.
Drug treatment
Ear candidiasis treatment begins with cleansing the ear canal from secretions. A solution of hydrogen peroxide is instilled into the ear, this helps to soften the mass. Then they are removed with a cotton swab. This procedure must be carried out daily, as the ears are quickly contaminated with cheesy discharge. The affected ear is not recommended to wet. In a humid environment, the fungus multiplies rapidly. During the adoption of water procedures and bathing, the ear canal should be plugged with a cotton swab and put on a rubber cap.
Ear candidiasis is treated with antifungal solutions and topical ointments. The following drugs are prescribed:
- Pimafucin;
- Exoderyl
- "Batrafen";
- Lamisil
- Candibiotic.
These drugs suppress yeast activity.
In severe cases, doctors recommend taking oral antifungal agents in tablets:
- Fluconazole;
- "Natamycin";
- Nystatin
- Intraconazole.
If the disease is difficult to treat, then the drug "Amphotericin-B" is prescribed intravenously. Simultaneously with antifungal therapy, the appointment of multivitamin complexes for strengthening immunity is indicated.
The patient is recommended to follow a diet during treatment. Sweets and pastries should be excluded from the diet. Glucose is a favorable environment for the propagation of fungi. It is necessary to try to consume as many dairy products as possible, as well as sour fruits and berries (lemon, cranberries, lingonberries).
Folk remedies
Alternative recipes for otomycosis can be used only as an addition to drug therapy. It is impossible to cure a fungal infection with home remedies alone.
Often, elderly people with inflammation of the ear instill boric alcohol into the ear canal. However, such a tool is far from always useful. Boric acid, of course, has bactericidal properties, but this drug cannot effectively cope with the fungus. In addition, boric alcohol causes burning sensation and other side effects, it can in no case be used in the treatment of candidiasis in the ear in a child.
Doctors recommend using the following remedies at home:
- Apple vinegar. This means process the auditory canal. Vinegar creates an unfavorable acidic environment for the fungus.
- Onion and garlic. From these vegetables you need to squeeze the juice and mix in equal parts. The tool is instilled in a sore ear at night.
- Celandine juice. It can also be used as an ear drop.
Otomycosis is a relatively rare disease. The fungus affects the ears only with a strong decrease in immunity. This pathology requires a fairly long treatment. It is very important to see a doctor as soon as possible before the infection has affected the deep parts of the ear and the eardrum. This will help maintain visual acuity.