"Cycloferon", liniment: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The Cycloferon liniment is a kind of interferon inducer having the structure of a liquid ointment. The tool is used for the systematic treatment of inflammatory skin diseases. This medication can be used as an independent medical tool or it can be included in a comprehensive therapeutic course. This drug is rightly referred to as universal antibiotics intended for external use.

liniment analogues

Composition and form of release

The presented drug is classified as an ointment-based antibiotic. This medicine has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. The medication stimulates the activity of local immunity cells and accelerates tissue regeneration processes. A milliliter of liniment contains about 50 mg of the active substance, which is meglumine acridone acetate, as well as auxiliary components that provide high-quality absorption of the ointment. The Cycloferon liniment is produced with a concentration of the active component of 5% in tubes of 5 and 30 milliliters.

In the early stages of a viral skin lesion, this medicine is able to suppress cell division of papilloma, cytomegalovirus and herpes. In addition to its excellent antiviral properties, the drug effectively copes with chlamydial infection and inhibits the growth of most bacterial microorganisms.

The Cycloferon liniment is released in the form of a transparent ointment that resembles a gel. The medicine does not have a specific smell. It is absorbed very quickly. After ten minutes, the active substances of liniment enter the epithelial surface, starting to actively produce a therapeutic effect.

analogues and substitutes

Drug cost

You can buy this medicine in any Russian pharmacy, its price ranges from one hundred fifty to two hundred rubles per tube. It depends on the region.

Indications and effect

Cycloferon ointment is advisable to use as the main drug in the presence of the following types of diseases in patients:

  • Against the background of herpetic infection at all stages of its development.
  • For all types of bacterial infections affecting the female genital organs.
  • With urethritis, which are distinguished by the destruction of the walls of the urinary tract and are accompanied by extremely strong pain during urination, even while in a calm state.
  • Against the background of sexually transmitted diseases of the genital organs, which have chlamydial, trichomonas or gonorrheal nature of origin.
  • In the presence of chronic gum disease in the form of periodontal disease or periodontitis, manifested in the form of persistent inflammatory processes, bleeding and halitosis.
  • For treating a wound surface that does not heal over an extended period of time.
cycloferon liniment instruction

Depending on the type of lesion of the epithelial cover, the attending physician determines the duration of treatment and the necessary dosage, which will be effective in a particular case.

Instructions for use

The application of the presented Cycloferon liniment is determined by the purpose of the appointment and the type of disease from which the particular patient suffers. The ointment can be used for external application, treatment of the oral cavity, or used as an intravaginal drug.

In order to get rid of a herpetic rash, the ointment is applied in a thin layer directly to the area of ​​localization of the rashes. The treatment of the affected skin continues for five days no less than twice. With a herpetic infection affecting the genital area, systematic therapy should be carried out for fifteen days without interruption. This is confirmed by the instructions for use to the Cycloferon liniment.

In case of balanoposthitis in men, patients are prescribed external treatment of the foreskin. To do this, apply a small amount of the drug on a gauze swab and daily wipe the head and epithelial tissue, which is located in a circle. The duration of treatment is ten days.

If there is a lesion of the gums in the form of periodontitis or periodontal disease, the liniment is first applied to the fleece, and then with the help of it, lubrication of the inflamed area is performed. The ointment must be evenly distributed over the gum. In the event that there are periodontal pockets with pus, then before using the liniment, you need to conduct an antiseptic mouthwash with a medicinal solution, which must be selected by the dentist.

Terms of treatment

Duration of treatment, as a rule, is from ten to fifteen days. The recommended dosage is 1.5 milliliters of liniment with an interval every twelve hours. If necessary, the patient can undergo a second course of antibacterial treatment.

linofin cycloferon analogues


Liniment "Cycloferon" has a number of contraindications, consisting in the following restrictions:

  • It is strictly forbidden to treat pregnant women.
  • Do not use this medicine to treat children under the age of fourteen.
  • If the patient has an individual intolerance to the active substances of the ointment, which can manifest itself in the form of acute allergic reactions. In this case, people may experience a skin rash, hives, itching, swelling of epithelial tissues, pain, and the like.
  • In the presence of a tendency to anaphylactic shock, which is the most severe form of allergy, when swelling of the laryngeal mucosa occurs in a matter of seconds, which makes the possibility of natural ventilation of the lungs lost.

According to the results of a medical examination, the doctor can detect concomitant pathologies of the body in the patient that exclude the possibility of using liniment as the main or auxiliary medication.

What else does the instruction for the Cycloferon liniment tell us?

cycloferon liniment instructions for use

Side effects from the use of a medication

The side effects that the ointment can cause include the following negative reactions:

  • The appearance of an allergy, which can be expressed in local irritation of epithelial tissues that have been treated with ointment. This is also possible if the medication was applied in close proximity to sensitive areas of the skin.
  • The appearance of a slight burning sensation is likely, which lasts for a dozen minutes after applying the drug to the surface of the skin.
  • The occurrence of short-term redness of the skin due to activation of local immunity, which involves filling the epidermis with red cells and an additional blood flow.

It should always be borne in mind that each organism is individual in its own way and it is likely that after a wound treatment with the Cycloferon-based liniment, a particular patient will have other side effects that were not recorded during clinical trials of the drug . In general, this ointment is well tolerated by most people if the recommended dosage is followed and medical appointments are followed.

Next, we move on to reviews of the Cycloferon liniment.

cycloferon liniment analogues and substitutes

Patient Reviews About This Drug

Patients who underwent therapy with liniment "Cycloferon" in their comments speak positively about the healing properties of this medication.

The favorable opinion of consumers is based on the fact that the ointment significantly accelerates wound healing, removing inflammatory processes and cleansing epithelial tissues of pathogenic microflora. Patients confirm that this medicine enhances the body's resistance as part of the fight against the most dangerous strains of viruses and bacteria.

As for negative reviews, they are found in small numbers and are mainly associated with improper use of the drug.

Now consider the analogues of this medical tool.

liniment instructions for use

Analogs of the liniment "Cycloferon"

There are a number of medicines that have the same pharmacological properties as Cycloferon. These are medical devices in the form of "Alokina-alpha", "Blastomunyl", "Gepon", "Glatimer" and others.

Analogs and substitutes for the Cycloferon liniment should be selected by a doctor.

Despite the identical chemical formula, self-use of analogues is not recommended. In the event that it was Cycloferon that was prescribed by the doctor, then it is necessary to take it, and not some other remedy. Otherwise, the absence of the desired therapeutic result is entirely possible.

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