Pubic warts: causes, types, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Papillomas are warts or growths that appear on the skin and mucous membranes. Of particular danger are warts on the pubis and other parts of the genital organs, as they can have unpleasant consequences.


A wart popped up on his pubis

If we talk about the localization of papillomas on the genitals, then most often they are present in the following places:

  1. The area around the anus.
  2. Inguinal part and perineum.
  3. Pubis.
  4. Male reproductive organ and scrotum.
  5. Female labia, cervix and vagina.

be careful

Some types of papillomas can develop into cancers called melanomas, when they are detected, 82% of patients die within two years after the oncology. Quite often, it all starts with harmless warts, which especially do not cause inconvenience.

You need to be wary if warts appear frequently, perhaps one of them has the wrong DNA code, which will lead to the development of cancer. The greatest danger is growths in the groin and armpits.

Manifestations of intimate warts

Pubic flat wart

Papillomas that appear in the genital area have their own name - genital warts. These are growths on a thin stalk, resembling cauliflower or scallops of roosters. More common are multiple clusters of genital warts, less often single formations. Because of their location, such warts often get wet and become whitish. If inflammation occurs, then purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor is observed in their folds. Very rarely there is a flat wart on the pubis.

It is easy to damage a condyloma, as a result bright pink erosion and bleeding sites are formed on its surface.

Genital warts do not appear just like that, often concomitant diseases, usually sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and others, contribute to this.

Causes of papillomas

Pubic condylomas can appear due to many reasons, it is worth highlighting the most common of them:

  1. The beginning of an intimate life at an early age and the frequent change of sexual partners.
  2. The presence of the human papillomavirus in the body.
  3. Nervous breakdowns, depression, frequent stressful situations.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Dramatic weight loss or weight gain.
  6. The period of gestation.
  7. Taking hormonal birth control pills.
  8. Visiting crowded places - baths, saunas, pools.
  9. Viral diseases that significantly undermine the immune system.
  10. Prolonged use of the contraceptive spiral.

If the warts on the pubis do not bring problems, then this does not mean that they do not require treatment. It is necessary to increase immunity, since papillomas are activated against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses.

Papillomas of any type are considered contagious both for those around and for the person himself. The spread of the virus can be local or throughout the body, which leads to the appearance of new formations on the skin and mucous membranes.

Treatments for genital warts

Pubic warts in men

Treatment of warts in intimate places is prescribed only after examining the doctor and conducting some tests. Most often, a growth biopsy is performed, a study of the cellular composition of the wart, colposcopy, analysis for the PCR reaction. To exclude the nature of sexually transmitted diseases, a blood test is required. Consultation of such doctors will not be superfluous:

  • dermatoneurologist;
  • for women, it is a gynecologist;
  • proctologist;
  • urologist, especially for men.

After this, the papilloma is removed by a surgical method, a cryodestruction method or hardware destruction.

When choosing a method of removal, the following patient data is taken into account:

  • the prevalence of the disease;
  • age;
  • general health.

Drug treatment for pubic warts

Intimate warts treatment

It is easier to cope with single condylomas, for this you will need an 80-90% solution of trichloroacetic acid or the Solcoderm drug for cauterization. These agents have a strong necrotic effect, as a result, the cells become dehydrated, proteins and tissues are destroyed, and a chemical burn is obtained. After this, a dry wound surface is formed.

Before applying the medicine, the skin is protected by a layer of cream or petroleum jelly. The drug is applied to the growth with a glass spatula, after which the person feels itching and burning. Sometimes several such applications are needed to completely get rid of warts.

As complications, scars and ulcers may appear, so the doctor should monitor the entire procedure.

"Condilinus." This tool is applied to the wart in stages. As a result, the growth dries up and eventually disappears.

Hardware Removal

Warts appeared on the pubis

Removing warts in intimate places implies the use of such hardware techniques:

  1. Laser removal - when high laser temperatures kill the formation.
  2. The use of liquid nitrogen - papilloma freezes and disappears.
  3. Electrocoagulation - papilloma is excised by electric current.
  4. Radio wave therapy - a radio wave knife is used.
  5. The traditional way to remove papillomas with a scalpel.

Folk ways

Pubic flat wart

If a wart popped up on the pubis, then the most popular folk remedy for getting rid of papillomas is celandine juice. On its basis, medicines are even made for this ailment. Among other things, these products are also used for applying to a wart:

  • potato juice;
  • aloe;
  • fir oil.

They include chemical elements that are able to completely burn out the growth, like a chemical burn.

Here are some recipes for using folk remedies:

  1. With fresh celandine juice, you should regularly treat the wart, make sure that the liquid does not get on healthy tissues.
  2. To cope with the virus, apply a small drop of fir oil to the formation twice a day.
  3. Grind the leaves of Kalanchoe to the state of gruel and apply to the problem area in the form of a compress for 5-6 hours.
  4. Prepare tincture of propolis and lubricate genital warts 2-3 times a day.

Do not think that home remedies do no harm. It so happens that they have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, in order to prevent bad consequences, coordinate each prescription with your doctor.

Types of warts in intimate places

According to its external signs, warts on the pubis and other places can be divided into the following types:

  • spots or flat warts;
  • papules;
  • genital warts;
  • Bushke-Levenshtein condylomas;
  • intraepithelial neoplasia.

Despite such a variety of growths, most often on the pubis you can find a pointed or filiform wart. They are formed in the same way in both men and women. They are transmitted by contact or sexually. It is characteristic that threadlike formations or acrochords are more often diagnosed in older people after 35 years.

Preventive actions

Intimate warts treatment

If you do not want to face the problem of papillomas in intimate places, then keep your body clean and have a permanent sexual partner. Often these two recommendations are enough to never know what a pubic wart is.

In addition, the following useful tips will reduce the likelihood of papillomas forming anywhere:

  1. When acne appears in intimate places, never squeeze them.
  2. Do not touch other people's papillomas.
  3. Use methods of barrier contraception in intimate proximity.
  4. Do not use personal hygiene products that belong to other people.
  5. Every time you touch the papillomas, wash your hands with soap.
  6. If you get wounds or scratches, treat them with an antiseptic.

In addition, it is imperative to maintain a normal immune system. Take vitamins, including with fruits and vegetables. In addition, you should lead a healthy lifestyle. You can go in for easy gentle sports. It is very useful to be outdoors, to temper. This will help to prevent not only the occurrence of warts, but also to avoid many other diseases. Emotions should also be controlled, it is known that stresses serve as an impetus for the development of many diseases, so do not allow nerve stress. It is not for nothing that people believe that all diseases arise from nerves.

The effect of HPV on pregnancy

Warts on female intimate places

During the bearing of a child, all the woman's forces are aimed at the growth of a healthy baby, therefore the immune system is most vulnerable. If warts appeared on the pubis before pregnancy in single quantities, then in the current situation their increase in quantitative terms is not excluded. Intimate papillomas are accompanied by unpleasant vaginal discharge. This can happen with women who had no growths on the skin before pregnancy. In most cases, after the baby is born, everything returns to normal.

Many young women are wondering if there is a risk of papillomavirus infection for the baby. There is no such risk while the baby is in the womb, but during childbirth during the passage of the infected birth canal, the infection is transmitted to the baby, so doctors recommend that you undergo a full examination and treatment for HPV before pregnancy.

If warts on female intimate places appeared during the gestation period, then doctors are in no hurry to remove them. Especially if there is no discomfort. Removal of papillomas during pregnancy carries a certain risk to the fetus and the woman herself.

In this case, conservative maintenance therapy is carried out, aimed at increasing the body's defenses.

Thus, we can conclude that with the appearance of warts on the pubis in men and women, it is imperative to seek the help of a dermatologist. Self-medication is categorically unacceptable. It can lead to unpleasant consequences, given the fact that there is a risk of degeneration of the growth into a cancerous tumor.

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