Jess contraceptive: 100% confidence in tomorrow

Hormonal contraception is now available to every woman. Indeed, the choice of many modern ladies dwells on this particular method of preventing an unplanned pregnancy, since it is considered not only popular and fashionable, but also very effective.

The contraceptive "Jess" is a prominent representative of this pharmacological group. It is positioned as a universal hormonal drug with antiandrogenic and antimineralocorticoid action. It is important to clarify that these birth control pills, due to the presence of drospirenone in their composition, block androgen receptors, thereby reducing the dominant manifestations in the female body of hyperandrogenism. This means that against the background of such contraception, the condition of the skin improves significantly, in particular, signs of seborrhea, acne and acne pass, the sebum secretion normalizes, and male hair growth slows down. But this is not all, because this fourth-generation hormone promotes the productive removal of salts and fluids from the body, eliminating weight gain, reducing appetite and blocking the appearance of premenstrual syndrome. In addition, the hormonal drug has a beneficial effect on the sexual sphere of a woman, regulating the menstrual cycle and preventing the development of female diseases such as endometriosis, polycystic, etc.

From this we can draw an objective conclusion that the contraceptive "Jess" not only protects, but also is an excellent prevention of a number of pathologies that can worsen at any age.

Before taking any birth control pills, you need to consult a knowledgeable specialist who, in turn, will help make the right decision when choosing a method of contraception. Most women are afraid to use hormonal drugs, fearing the appearance of extremely undesirable side effects, but, as long-term medical practice indicates, their fears are very vain, because the manufacturing company minimized the risk of all kinds of anomalies and pathological phenomena.

So, if a woman still preferred hormonal contraceptives, "Jess" is an excellent option in the ratio of "price - quality". Each pack contains 28 tablets, 24 of which are dominated by ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone, and the remaining four are a kind of “dummy” that are used to regulate the regimen for taking this medication.

The contraceptive Jess is convenient to use. So, on the first day of the menstrual cycle, you should start taking this drug according to the attached annotation, where the dosage and the schedule for taking it daily and weekly are clearly defined. After 24 days, you should not stop the course, you should use inactive capsules, and then go on to the next contraceptive pack without a break. Thanks to systematic reception, the woman is provided with reliable contraception. "Jess" almost never gave a "malfunction."

However, despite such a high efficiency in the female body, taking any hormonal drug may be accompanied by the appearance of side effects. It is important to note that such cases are extremely rare, but still have a place to be. So, patients feel a violation of the digestive system, in particular, nausea and vomiting; migraine attacks and changes in emotional state are exacerbated, and some of them recorded a slight increase in weight, breast engorgement and periodic uterine bleeding.

If such anomalies did not disappear at an early stage of application, when the body only adapts to hormonal effects, then the contraceptive "Jess" should be canceled and a method of protection more sparing for its body should be found.

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