Drama "Personal Preferences" - a spicy intrigue

Sacrifice a dream and watch in one breath - yes, this is just about this drama. The Korean series “Personal Preferences” captures the viewer’s attention with its non-banal plot right away, forcing it to cry and laugh.

personal preferences
The television series begins with an acquaintance with the main character, the naive Park Ge Ying, who lives in the huge house of her famous father and has a good taste as a designer. Flying in the clouds, she hopes that she is about to get married, but everything is going a little out of plan. Instead, financial difficulties arise in the way of the main character, a new gay neighbor appears and a full set of gloom and disappointment in life. But all bad ever ends, and black is replaced by white. Resentment passes, old love fades, and new life is in full swing. It is said that a woman behaves differently with different men. With one it withers and fades, and with another it blooms. This is about Park Ge Ying. Gradually, the girl changes, and the viewer is interested and pleased to watch this.


How does the viewer like to watch intricate love stories. Oh, those personal preferences! It is incomprehensible to the mind: he loves her, she loves the other, the other loves the third, the third loves the first. Such love triangles, and sometimes squares, never bother. On the contrary, the contemplator empathizes, worries and waits, well, when does one or another hero of the picture finally understand that happiness is near.

series personal preferences
Park Ge Ying is the perfect example of a heroine who does not see happiness right in front of her nose, does not notice the clues of fate. The girl, taking a new neighbor for a gay, instantly writes him to the rank of best friend, while not even thinking about a romantic relationship with a pretty guy. But the heart, as they say, cannot be ordered. Something pulls her towards him, something mutual comes from him. But these young hearts do not immediately recognize themselves and each other's feelings, because there are too many “buts” and secrets between them. But Jin Ho did not accidentally appear on her way. The intrigue is gradually growing, and the plot is unsteady balancing on the verge of melodrama and a real detective story.

Cupid affairs

personal preferences actors

In this cinema brainchild, you will not find hugs and passionate kisses that are familiar to us, as in American TV shows, there will be absolutely so many of them that you can count on your fingers, but what ... waiting for them to pass the series. And when they do happen, in the series "Personal Preferences" the actors modestly kiss without much passion with a certain number of repetitions of this take from different angles, so that you have time to be happy for them many times. And only after reviewing a few dramas, you understand that this is such a feature of Koreans: preference is not given to physical but spiritual relationships, the directors are not used to shooting depraved scenes, everything is very cute and modest, but so right! The drama "Personal Preferences" will surely appeal to a diverse audience of audiences for its ease and many comical, romantic episodes. Sometimes you often think that the denouement is already clear, but it wasn’t there! The plot is full of unexpected twists and does not cease to amaze.

Deceit and all-consuming love

When watching the movie “Personal Preferences”, the viewer will once again be convinced that the feminine charm and the little tricks that the insidious lovers of love go to do not always affect men, and no matter how young the girls try, it is often impossible to get another out of their hearts. Exactly as it happens, it is impossible to return a person whom you at the right time did not value, but having lost, realized his significance. So watch the series and take care of love!

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