Than starch can be replaced - secrets of success of good housewives

Lush homemade pancakes, the finest delicate pancakes, delicious airy cakes - each housewife has her own recipe for a special flour dish, which she will not exchange for any treasures of the world and wonders of overseas cuisine. The technique of preparing these little culinary masterpieces has been honed for years, and the memory of the most delicate biscuit, melting in your mouth, was guarded and cherished by guests and household after each dinner party or a cozy home breakfast with your family.

than starch can be replaced

It would seem that nothing can go wrong in this decades-old system, but life is full of surprises that tend to happen at the most inopportune moment. And if you can’t do without flour or sugar in making a delicious cake, it is quite possible without starch.

White light powder

In order to determine what starch can be replaced with, you need to understand why it is used at all. And you need this ingredient to complete the task is quite simple, but it is extremely important. The use of starch in the preparation of flour dishes is necessary to remove excess fluid, which can not only adversely affect the taste of baking, but also significantly spoil its appearance, which, of course, will not please any housewife. In addition, it is this ingredient that gives the dough that particular ductility, which allows the manufacture of products of various shapes and consistencies.

The relationship of starch and thin waist

Even if the preparation of your favorite buns was preceded by a long and painstaking shopping trip, as a result of which the above-mentioned ingredient was purchased, each housewife should ask herself the question: “Is it really necessary?”

Baking is a caloric affair, and extra centimeters on the waist and hips is troublesome. That is why you should not further burden your favorite pretzels and pancakes with the addition of starch. Oddly enough, this lightest white powder is able to play a rather cruel joke with a female figure with excessive use, and therefore it is worth considering what starch can be replaced. Moreover, there are plenty of options for this.

All ingenious is simple

If your dish does not constitute a material embodiment of high culinary delights, the most ordinary eggs, which can be found in almost any refrigerator on planet Earth, can serve as an excellent substitute. The viscosity of the test remains excellent, but the texture does not suffer at all.

how can starch be replaced

Eggs are exactly what starch can be used to make pancakes and fritters. You can not worry about excess moisture in the dough, and the taste of the final products of frying or baking will be more saturated and full. With just one egg, you can replace two tablespoons of starch - this is how you can easily solve the problem of lack of ingredients.

Sponge cake

The previously proposed option is great for fritters and pancakes, but for air cakes it is completely unsuitable. The question naturally arises: "How can starch be replaced in the preparation of biscuit dough?" Everything is simple - the most common wheat flour. The consistency will only get better, and you won’t have to worry about excess moisture.

Shortbread Cookies and Pies Melting in Your Mouth

What can replace starch in such cases? It seems that especially for such cases there is this little trick - coconut powder ground into powder. Of course, you should use this option only in sweet dough - a pie with cabbage or meat will be rather strange if you have a taste of "heavenly pleasure." However, in other situations, coconut flakes are an excellent choice in case of a sad “not meeting” with starch.

can starch be replaced

In this case, what can replace starch in salt dough? An ordinary decoy grinded with a coffee grinder. Whole grains can also be used, but in this case there is a chance of feeling them in the tongue, which will somewhat interrupt the excellent taste of delicious homemade pie.

Miracle in the sauceboat

In addition to cookies, muffins and pies, starch is also used in the preparation of sauces. Not only the desired (thick) consistency, but also an amazing nutty flavor, this culinary miracle, able to tone the taste of any main dish, will give the most ordinary flour, previously fried in a hot frying pan.

To the question: “Can starch be replaced in sweet sauces?” - in modern cooking there is only one answer - naturally. Ideal for this are thick cream or ordinary fat sour cream, which will provide not only the desired consistency of the product, but also its excellent, more delicate taste.

what can replace starch in baking

Modern cooking is a real storehouse of amazing secrets, time-tested and millions of housewives. Here you can easily find out how to replace starch in baking. The real treasures of cookery are open to any housewife, and in order to comprehend them, just ask.

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