Kutuzov and Napoleon: a comparative characteristic (based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace")

The novel "War and Peace" is one of the most popular and famous works of the 19th century, not only in Russia, but throughout the world. It was recognized by domestic and European critics immediately after publication. All this is due to the incredible talent of Leo Tolstov, who created a multifaceted work that has no analogues in literature.

This article is dedicated to two characters of this incredible work. The focus of our attention will be Kutuzov and Napoleon, the comparative characteristics of which are of great ideological significance. The novel will not be correctly understood without understanding the role of these characters.

Creativity L.N. Tolstoy

Kutuzov and Napoleon comparative characteristic
The first work that brought Tolstoy fame was the collection Sevastopol Stories. It was based on the years of military service of the writer during the Crimean War.

However, the success did not prompt Tolstoy to begin writing, on the contrary, after a while he decided to engage in agriculture and left for Yasnaya Polyana. And already here, after marriage, the greatest and most famous works are born: “Anna Karenina”, “War and Peace”, “Kreutzer Sonata”, “Sunday”. At the same time, Tolstoy opened a school for children of all classes, including serfs, and created a special alphabet.

The life of the writer ends in 1910 at the railway station. All his life Lev Nikolaevich tried to comprehend the world and understand the role of man in it. His concept of personality in history is reflected in the characters of the novel "War and Peace" (Kutuzov and Napoleon). The comparative characteristics of these heroes fully reflect the attitude of the writer himself not only to the causes of great events, but also to the war itself, as well as to those who start it.

The novel "War and Peace"

War and Peace is an unprecedented novel. This unique work earned its success not only in the scope of the described historical events, but also in the way Tolstoy managed to present them. Secular techniques are replaced by battle scenes, the images of kings and emperors alternate with the image of soldiers. The writer depicts all aspects of Russian life, from cultural to military.

Kutuzov and Napoleon comparative characteristic table

Particularly skillfully Tolstoy approached the image of the characters, writing them down to the last detail and the smallest dash of character. Each hero is an original person with his own strengths and weaknesses. Including, Kutuzov and Napoleon, whose comparative characteristics are of primary interest to us, appear on the pages of the novel as completely different personalities. All their actions are quite natural and are associated with their character and understanding of the world.

Kutuzov and Napoleon: comparative characteristic

First of all, it should be noted that for Tolstoy, Kutuzov and Napoleon have a clear moral assessment, which determined the victory of one and the defeat of the other. In fact, the outcome of the war is the logical victory of justice over inhumanity.

Therefore, these heroes are opposed to each other, as only good to evil can be opposed. Their appearance, speech, character, manners, aspirations, experiences are completely different. Kutuzov and Napoleon have no common features in themselves, a comparative characteristic (quotes are presented below) only confirms this.

Role in History: Kutuzov and Napoleon

kutuzov and napoleon comparative characteristic composition
Tolstoy had his own understanding of historical processes. The great writer believed that the decisive role was assigned to the people, but the personality, however outstanding, was not able to change anything.

It is in this concept that the main contradiction between Kutuzov and Napoleon is concluded. The Russian commander is not trying to control, he understands that everything depends on the popular power, and his role is only to organize and inspire the soldiers. Bonaparte, on the contrary, considers himself the master of the situation. He imagines himself to be practically a god and does everything to fulfill his desire to become the ruler of the world. He does not care about the opinion of his people, Napoleon does not pay attention to his soldiers, he does not care about anyone but himself.

“Kutuzov and Napoleon: a comparative characteristic” - an essay on a similar topic can be started just by comparing the attitude of generals to their soldiers, as this also reflects their attitude towards their people. Affectionate, paternally caring Kutuzov and narcissistic, indifferent Napoleon - this is the main characteristic of these heroes.

Appearance of Kutuzov and Napoleon

Outwardly, Kutuzov and Napoleon are as different as they are internally. Kutuzov, guided in his actions by the wisdom of the people, is almost always calm, unhurried, simple in gestures and facial expressions. He often smiles, "old-fashioned" grumbling, open and devoid of any pretense. His slowness is associated with an understanding of what is happening, Kutuzov always knows how the battle will end and what the debate will lead to.

Kutuzov and Napoleon comparative characteristic table with quotes

Napoleon is completely different, his image is full of falsehood, pretense and posturing. He is small, fat, fussy. His smiles are unpleasant, and his speech is feigned.

As Kutuzov and Napoleon differ from each other, heaven and earth , the comparative characteristic (a table with quotes is presented below) only confirms this.

The character of Napoleon and Kutuzov

Kutuzova Tolstoy endows with folk, truly Russian wisdom. Patriotism, spiritual wealth, philanthropy and care are the main things in this character. He knows that war and death cannot be justified. Therefore, nature itself, embodied in popular power, is trying to prevent a disastrous beginning. Kutuzov feels his unity with the people, realizes himself only as part of a great whole and obeys the course of history.

Kutuzov and Napoleon comparative characteristic briefly

Napoleon, on the contrary, imagining himself an exceptional person, longs to certainly command what is happening. What different features in themselves embodied Kutuzov and Napoleon, a comparative characteristic (table below) confirms this. Bonaparte lives only for himself, he does not care about the number of victims and other people's losses, the main thing is to achieve his goal. Imagining himself the arbiter of fate, the French emperor continues to care about what he looks like. Tolstoy specifically taunts him, making it clear to the reader the pettiness and insignificance of Napoleon.

Kutuzov and Napoleon: a comparative characteristic. Quotation table


The face “plump, disfigured by a wound”, “glowed ever brighter with an old age smile”, “stepping heavily.”

"A limited, happy look from other people's misfortune," "round belly," "short legs ... fat thighs ...".

Attitude to his power

"One person cannot lead hundreds of thousands of people", "it is not the orders of the commander in chief that decide the fate of the battle ... but the elusive force, the spirit of the army."

"Power depends on glory, and glory on victories," Napoleon openly declares. "Power will fall if I do not base it on new glory and victories ...", "conquest will help to stay in my place."

Attitude of the people

The receipt of the title of commander-in-chief by Kutuzov “... produced general enthusiasm among the troops ... among the people. Russia was expecting new victories and new glory from Kutuzov. ”

“He expelled all ideas of freedom from ... his empire - utter silence reigned ... he wanted to rule everything, command everything”

Kutuzov and Napoleon comparative characteristic quotes


Clearly and unambiguously depicted Tolstoy Kutuzov and Napoleon. A comparative characteristic can be briefly expressed in one phrase: the opposition of good and evil. And he who embarked on the path of destruction does not deserve compassion or understanding. It is from these positions that Lev Nikolaevich depicts the battle of these two great men, with his inherent idealism.

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