One of the most delicious and at the same time the easiest to prepare delicacies is Bizet's cake, which contains two main components - egg whites and sugar. However, in order for the dessert to be perfect, you need to know some secrets.
Any housewife will be able to prepare Bizet's cake, the recipe of which you will find in this article, since it is very simple. The time spent on cooking and money on the purchase of ingredients is minimal. In order for Bizet to be tastier, it is advisable to make a filling for them. The amount of protein and sugar can be different, depending on the recipe.
How to make a Bizet cake?
To do this, you need to take 5 eggs and separate the squirrels from the yolks. Beat the whites with a mixer until foam appears. It must be very thick. The process will take 10-15 minutes. Gradually you need to pour a glass of sugar, thoroughly whipping it until it is completely dissolved and obtain a homogeneous composition. If desired, you can add lemon juice, vanillin or flavorings. Some housewives slightly add salt to Bizet. Using a pastry sleeve or syringe, squeeze the protein mass onto a sheet of parchment placed on a baking sheet. You can put walnuts (almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, etc.) in each Bizet cake for a change. In a preheated oven, place the baking sheet on the smallest fire. Cakes will be dried for about one and a half to two hours. Then you need to let them cool and separate from the paper, this will not be any difficulties.
To Bizet's cake was not dry, you must prepare the filling for him. There are a lot of recipes for filling. We will offer you 2 of them.
Following the first recipe, you need to put the pan on fire, which contains 130 g of milk. Put 6 tablespoons of sugar and bring the milk to a boil. Beat 5 yolks and 50 g of milk with a mixer. Boil the boiled milk in a thin stream in the yolks, put on a fire and bring the mixture to a boil. Then it needs to be cooled and vanilla added. Beat a packet of butter. When it becomes lush, pour the milk mixture in small portions, while continuing to whisk with a mixer. Grease the cooled cakes with the resulting cream and sprinkle them with chopped nuts.
You can cook another filling option. For example, using boiled condensed milk. To do this, we need a can of this delicious product. Put boiled condensed milk in a container and beat with a mixer until it brightens a little. Add 170 g butter, cut into pieces. Beat the cream until smooth. Lubricate the lower surfaces of the Bizet with them and mold both halves. Melt 35 g of chocolate in a small container in a water bath with the same amount of butter and a quarter cup of sugar. Stirring until smooth, pour the icing over the cakes on top with a thin stream.
Another equally delicious dessert is a honey cake. For its preparation, it is quite natural to need honey (a glass). How to make such a cake?
Mix a glass of flour and a pinch of ground cinnamon. Divide 5 eggs into yolks and squirrels. Beat the last with a mixer until a stable foam is formed. Mix half a glass of honey, half a glass of icing sugar, yolk and beat with a mixer. Pour in the little proteins and add flour with cinnamon. Mix well and put the resulting dough in small portions onto a greased baking sheet. Bake for about 15 minutes at 200 degrees. Cool the cakes, remove from the sheet and cut in half.
Mix 2 eggs and a glass of icing sugar, heat over a fire until this mass thickens. Melt half a glass of honey and mix with the mass. Beat a pack of butter with a mixer along with vanilla sugar and mix with the rest of the cream.
Melt 80 g of chocolate, mix with half a glass of icing sugar and 30 g butter. Warm this mass on fire until smooth. Cream the cakes and pour the icing on top.