Churasco sauce - a great option for meat!

When the restaurant serves simply delicious steak, one involuntarily wonders what the secret of such an original taste and aroma is. Professional chefs say: it's all about churasco sauce, which is one of the most popular in America. Southerners cannot do without it in cooking meat. Let us and we try to make it. It is quite simple, although not all of the ingredients can be found at hand. Churasco sauce is acidic and spicy; it goes well with pork or veal. Spicy, fragrant, simply delicious for all meat dishes! With this addition, the steak, for example, will sparkle with new, brighter colors.

churasco sauce

Churasco sauce: recipe

What does it consist of? We offer you several options for this seasoning. In truth, with a detailed study of the history of recipes, it becomes clear that Churasco is the name of Brazilian cuisine. It is a piece of fried meat under a spicy authentic sauce. By the way, resourceful developers of McDonald’s dishes took just such a seasoning as the basis for the “latest” additions to the menu, making some adjustments to the recipe, and offer their visitors to taste the usual hamburgers and rolls with churasco sauce. So, the first option.

Churasco Brazilian Sauce Composition

For preparation we need: medium lime, a couple of cloves of garlic, a bunch of fresh parsley and the same amount of basil, a spoonful of ground chili, a little caraway seeds, 100 g olive oil, 10 grams of salt and sugar, a glass of red dry wine and the same amount of vinegar wine (can be replaced with apple). By the way, experts say that the indispensable components of churasco sauce are: lime, hot pepper and red wine. The remaining ingredients, in particular herbs with spices, can be replaced to taste.

churasco sauce recipe

Simple cooking!

  1. We take greens with young stems and delicate leaves. We wash the branches in running cool water, dry them a little, chop finely with a knife.
  2. We clean and chop the garlic cloves, mix with chopped herbs and season with wine vinegar, adding the juice of one lime and chili pepper (preferably freshly ground). We stir all the ingredients thoroughly and let it brew for 30 minutes together.
  3. We transfer the infused mass to a blender, add paprika and black pepper, pour water and olive oil according to the recipe, add salt to our sauce, season it with caraway seeds and mix everything in a blender for 20-30 seconds.
  4. Now we pour the wine there, stirring the churasco sauce, pour it into the gravy boat and give it some more time to insist.

Like at McDonald’s

The exact proportions of the recipe are kept secret by the manufacturers. And that is understandable. But it became known that tomato puree and fruit syrup were added to the meat sauce. Note that the seasoning from McDonald's can be stored for a rather long time, and it remains only to guess what preservative additives are present in it. In our recipe, we can do without it, and replace the syrup with sugar dissolved in water. Piquancy with severity can be adjusted by reducing / increasing the number of spices and peppers. Perhaps the taste of Churasco according to this recipe will be slightly different, but at least harmless to the body.

churasco sauce composition


We will need: juice of one lime, fresh herbs, 50 grams of tomato puree, a couple of cloves of garlic, 20 grams of sugar, a spoon of chili, caraway seeds, nutmeg, a pinch of salt, half a glass of olive oil, two small spoons of ground paprika, a spoonful of ground black pepper, water and a little wine vinegar. Cooking, in principle, differs little from the first option. We cook everything in a blender - it’s faster and more convenient. And then let the meat sauce brew a little. Bon appetit to all!

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