The phrase "angina pectoris" is known to many people. And most of them use this expression to emphasize a person’s greed - “the toad crushes”. But only a few know that behind this phrase is hiding quite serious symptoms that characterize heart disease. We are talking about such an unpleasant phenomenon as angina pectoris. Symptoms and what medications to take with this pathology, we will consider in more detail.
What is angina pectoris?
Initially, we will analyze what constitutes a disease. What symptoms does a patient have with a diagnosis of angina pectoris and what medications to take to combat this ailment?
This pathology is a type of cardiac ischemia, in which there is an obstacle to the free circulation of blood. An unpleasant phenomenon can be observed in one coronary artery or in two. In addition, the patient has an attack, signaling a lack of oxygen.
Angina pectoris develops against the background of an imbalance of oxygen needed by the heart muscle and the amount that enters it. As a result of the lack of such an important component, metabolic disturbance occurs in it and its necrosis is observed.
The reasons for this situation can be hidden in a local violation of the blood supply (narrowing of the lumen of the arteries) or in a sharp and prolonged spasm of the vessels of the heart. A prolonged lack of oxygen can lead to serious consequences. In this case, the patient may develop a heart attack.
Causes of pathology
In order to prevent the development of serious consequences, it is necessary to take medications in case of heart angina in a timely manner. Symptoms, causes of pathology require a detailed study. Knowing them, you will be able to suspect a disease in a timely manner and provide assistance to the patient.
The main causes of angina are in the following factors:
- Obesity The more it is expressed, the higher the risk of developing angina pectoris.
- Smoking . A person who is overly dependent on tobacco exposes himself to a serious risk of illness.
- High blood cholesterol.
- Extreme emotional stress or nervous overload.
- Diabetes. Patients diagnosed with this disease are more prone to angina pectoris.
- Chronic stress
- Hypertension
- Hypodynamia (immobility).
- High blood coagulability, resulting in blood clots. They are known to clog the vascular lumen. It is thrombosis that leads to angina attacks and provoke myocardial infarction.
- Metabolic syndrome (high cholesterol in combination with hypertension and obesity).
- Thrombophlebitis or phlebothrombosis.
It is not necessary for a person to have all of the above factors. Even one of them is enough to develop angina pectoris.
All these reasons lead to the formation of pathology. But it may not bother the patient until it is provoked by certain situations.
As a rule, an attack of angina pectoris develops against the background of:
- physical activity;
- adverse weather conditions;
- emotional experiences.
Disease classification
There are several varieties of such a pathology as angina pectoris. Symptoms and what medications to take to the patient should be discussed with your doctor.
The classification below will help you understand what form of ailment you are dealing with:
- Stable angina pectoris. It arises only against the background of overvoltages. For pathology, 4 developmental classes are characteristic, which characterize the permissible level of load that can be tolerated by the heart.
- Unstable angina pectoris. It is also called progressive. The patient can sharply feel deterioration. In this case, there can be no provoking reasons. Doctors say that this type of pathology develops against the background of a crack in the heart vessel localized near an atherosclerotic plaque. A thrombus forms in the coronary arteries , interfering with the normal flow of blood.
- Vasospastic angina pectoris. The disease is manifested by local spasms in the cardiac arteries. The reason for the development of this pathology is a failure in the delivery of oxygen to the myocardium. As a result, an spasm characterizing angina pectoris develops. A similar ailment can occur at rest.
Functional classes of stable angina pectoris
As mentioned above, there are only 4 of them:
- The arising pain behind the sternum is paroxysmal. However, such phenomena are quite rare. Typically, their trigger is hard work at a fast pace.
- Chest discomfort appears when climbing stairs. Pain occurs in frosty weather when walking fast. An attack can provoke overeating.
- The pain appears even after a slow normal walk over short distances (about 100 m). Discomfort in the chest occurs after the patient leaves the warm room in the cold.
- The patient is not able to perform any physical activity. Even elementary activity can provoke an attack of angina pectoris. Discomfort can also occur at rest.
Stable angina
Distinguishing this form is quite easy. Consider what are the pathologies such as stable angina, symptoms and which medications to take to get rid of the clinical manifestations of the disease.
An ailment is capable of not manifesting itself until the time when provoking factors do not affect a person. But in case of physical or emotional stress, the patient develops an attack. This is the main symptom of pathology. Its appearance is always preceded by the same level of stress, in contrast to unstable pathology.
The duration of the attack is from 5 to 10 minutes. Any lengthening of the unpleasant state indicates unstable angina.
Another characteristic feature of this form of the disease is the relief of an attack. In case of stable angina pectoris, a patient needs to take a Nitroglycerin tablet. One pill is enough to save the patient from an attack. If we are talking about unstable angina, then one tablet will not eliminate the patient's heart pain.
Symptoms of an attack
We said above how to stop an unpleasant state. However, the patient should know that the pathology needs adequate therapy and only a doctor can prescribe medications for angina pectoris.
Symptoms of the attack are as follows:
- Severe sternal pain. Discomfort is constricting, constricting. The patient complains of a feeling of heaviness and burning in the chest.
- Pain can spread to the left arm, scapula, neck, throat. Very rarely discomfort covers the right side: the arm and the abdomen.
- The attack is preceded by loads: physical activity, emotional impact, cold weather on the street, strong wind. Most often, brisk walking leads to it, especially in bad weather conditions (heat, frost, wind), climbing stairs or overeating.
- Discomfort always manifests itself very sharply, acutely. The attack occurs suddenly, against the background of the greatest load.
- The duration of the attack, depending on the form, can last from 1 minute to 15.
The above clinic is a classic symptom of angina pectoris. However, there are also atypical signs characterizing ischemia of the heart. Consider them.
Atypical symptoms
How is such an ailment manifested? In some categories of people (most often this is observed in elderly people or persons with diabetes), pain during an attack may not be observed.
In these patients, angina pectoris makes itself felt in such a clinic:
- heart palpitations ;
- nausea;
- weakness;
- increased sweating.
Sometimes an attack can be generally asymptomatic. This pathology is called "silent" ischemia.
Often atypical angina is manifested by symptoms:
- Dyspnea. The phenomenon is observed on exhalation and inhalation. Its appearance provokes incomplete relaxation of the heart muscle.
- Sharp and severe fatigue caused by any load. The reason for this symptomatology is oxygen deficiency and insufficient contractile activity of the heart muscle.
- Pain discomfort. If it is present, it is able to give to the hand, scapula, teeth.
Such symptoms are called equivalents of angina pectoris.
Urgent Care
Of course, the following questions are most interesting (if angina is diagnosed): symptoms and which medications to take for pathology.
With the development of an attack, the following measures must be taken:
- Stop physical activity and sit comfortably, legs hanging down.
- Release the man’s neck and chest (unbutton his shirt, take off his tie).
- Provide fresh air.
- The patient needs to chew 1 Aspirin tablet.
- Then, a pill “Nitroglycerin” is placed under the patient’s tongue. This medication can be replaced by the following medications for heart angina: Nitrolingual (1 tablet) or Isoket (1 injection).
- If after 3 minutes the pain discomfort does not subside, then the dose must be repeated. However, you should know that more than 3 pills (injections) cannot be used during one attack.
- If headaches occur, the patient should be given an analgesic: “Baralgin”, “Analgin”, “Sedalgin”.
- In case of high pressure, the patient needs a fast-acting antihypertensive drug such as “Klofelin”.
- A rapid heartbeat will help normalize Anaprilin.
Complications of the disease
It is very important to take all the medicines for angina prescribed by your doctor. Since pathology can lead to very serious consequences:
- arrhythmias;
- ventricular tachycardia;
- cardiogenic shock;
- ventricular fibrillation;
- extensive myocardial infarction;
- atrioventricular block;
- congestive heart failure;
- pericarditis;
- pulmonary embolism.
Pathology treatment
They fight angina in two ways:
- Conservative treatment. Must be carried out throughout life.
- Surgery. It consists in restoring the necessary blood supply to the heart.
Consider what drugs are prescribed for angina pectoris, what to take to patients to improve their condition.
Conservative therapy consists of the following groups of medicines:
- Drugs that reduce thrombus formation: Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Thrombostop.
- Beta blockers. They reduce the oxygen demand of the heart muscle, restoring the necessary balance, and reduce the pressure and frequency of contractions. Recommended drugs "Metaprolol", "Bisaprolol", "Nebivolol", "Atenolol".
- Statins Reduce the concentration in the body of cholesterol. Prescribe medication "Simvastatin", "Atorvastatin."
- ACE inhibitor. Medications to prevent spasms of blood vessels. The effective medicines “Perindopril”, “Lisinopril”, “Noliprel”, “Enalapril”, “Sonoprel”.
- Calcium channel antagonists. Reduce heart consumption of oxygen. Prescribed drugs are Verapamil, Verogalid, Diltiazem.
- Nitrates. Contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, reduce the need for oxygen in the heart. Recommended medicines "Nitroglycerin", "Isosorbide".
Depending on the condition of the patient, the necessary medicines are selected:
- With angina pectoris and arrhythmias, antiarrhythmic drugs are included in the therapy. Most often, the drug Novocainamide is recommended.
- If it is necessary to prevent cardiogenic shock, pain medications are recommended: Talamonal, Omnopon, Morphine, Promedol, Fentanyl.
- Medicines for angina pectoris, heart attack, heart failure - these are most often fast-acting glycosides: Strofantin, Korglikon, Convallatoxin.
Disease prevention
Never treat a pathology such as angina pectoris yourself! Symptoms, treatment, and prevention of the disease should be discussed with your doctor. Self-medication with this pathology is very dangerous!
Preventive measures are quite simple and concluded in compliance with the "IHD rules":
- And - getting rid of smoking or inhaling tobacco smoke.
- B - more movements, activity.
- C - lose extra pounds, stand up to fight obesity.
Compliance with these simple recommendations will protect any person, regardless of gender and age, from the development of such a serious pathology as angina pectoris.