Dandruff appeared and itchy head: what to do?

Many people suffer from dandruff. These white flakes cause severe discomfort, spoil the appearance and provoke the appearance of itching. This condition requires special attention. After all, if dandruff appeared and the head itches, and besides, hair begins to fall out intensely, then we are talking about a fungal or skin disease that needs to be treated.

Causes of white flakes on the head

Before you get rid of discomfort, you must first find out what triggered the development of this ailment. When it occurs, you can not comb the scalp, otherwise it will form even more snow flakes.

To fix this problem, you need to know why dandruff appeared and the head itches. Hormonal disorders can provoke its occurrence. Such disorders lead to a malfunction in the production of sebum. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in the stronger sex, since male hormones lead to a thickening of the secretion of the sebaceous glands. In women, as a rule, this kind of problem occurs during pregnancy.

Diabetes mellitus, in which metabolic disorders occur, can cause head itching and dandruff. Such abnormalities in the body cause the development of immunodeficiency, damage to the nerve endings and blood vessels, as a result of which epidermal cells stop receiving sufficient nutrition. With diabetes, dry head and dandruff are often observed.

Quite often, peeling of skin particles on the head causes severe stress. During emotional outbursts, a person experiences psychological and physical discomfort. In the body, under stress, the work of many functions goes astray, the muscles become very tense, which provokes the appearance of white flakes and itching.

Do not be surprised that dandruff appeared and the head itches with an unbalanced diet. The lack of vitamins, especially group B, carotene and tocopherol, actively involved in the process of cellular metabolism of the skin, causes the development of this ailment.

A chemical burn or an allergic reaction can affect the occurrence of itching and dandruff. With increased sensitivity to some cosmetic preparations, the skin reacts instantly. Cells of the immune system attack the allergen, producing substances that, in turn, provoke enhanced keratinocyte synthesis.

Hair dye and other similar cosmetic products can cause a chemical burn, especially if used improperly. Such damage to the membrane leads to a burning of the scalp. In addition, many women after such procedures notice that they have dandruff, itchy head and hair loss.

Dandruff appeared and the head itches, hair falls out

Chronic intestinal diseases often cause white flakes, since the condition of the skin depends on this organ. These discomforts can occur if hygiene is not observed.

Scalp diseases

Irritation and burning often occur due to pathologies that cause injuries to the skin. Itching in such cases is not the only symptom, so the disease is easier to diagnose.

If dandruff appears and the head itches, the cause may be seborrhea. This pathology causes burning and itching of the skin. With this disease, the glands produce a lot of sebum, which leads to peeling, dandruff and irritation.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a very serious pathology of a chronic nature, it is almost impossible to cure on its own. Doctors prescribe a whole medical complex for this disease.

Psoriasis can cause severe itching of the head. You can get rid of the disease using shampoo from birch tar. True, he has a peculiar smell, but such a composition perfectly removes inflammation, cleanses the skin from dead particles and eliminates unpleasant sensations.

birch tar shampoo

If dandruff has appeared and the head is itching, then lice can become the cause of this discomfort. Pediculosis leads to irritation and burning. Due to the vital activity of these parasites, the skin is unbearably itchy. To combat them, special preparations for pediculosis are used.

Signs of dandruff

Common symptoms of exfoliation of skin particles include:

  • Dry or oily scalp. This pathological condition of the dermis becomes a consequence of metabolic disorders.
  • The appearance of white flakes on the hair, outerwear and comb.
  • Dull and brittle hair.
  • Itching and irritation of the epidermis.

As the disease progresses, spots and crusts of a yellowish-gray hue appear on the head, and skin flakes increase in size.

Dandruff appeared and itchy head: folk remedies

Hair loss and dandruff

The condition of the curls depends on the health of the skin of the head. Hair may begin to fall out during mental overwork. There are other factors that adversely affect the epidermis. Stress and bad ecology also lead to baldness and itching of the head. This pathology is called trichodinea, it develops against the background of overstrain of the muscles of the head. With this disease, it is recommended to perform a special massage that restores blood supply, stops the loss of strands, relaxes muscles and relieves itching.

Treatment of scalp in children

If dandruff has appeared and the child’s head is itching, then most often the cause of discomfort is pediculosis. After all, the skin of babies is very delicate, therefore they are susceptible to attack by lice. The presence of these parasites provokes the appearance of severe itching. Allergies, infectious and neurological diseases can also lead to similar problems.

It is necessary to treat the baby, depending on the reason that provoked the appearance of discomfort. It should be noted that not all drugs used by adults are allowed to be used for children. If these symptoms are found, you should first consult your doctor.

Treatment of dandruff in children

Dandruff appeared and the head itches, what should I do?

A drug or a special shampoo will help get rid of such a problem, but it is effective only in the early stages of the disease. The most popular drugs for eliminating itching, peeling and dandruff are:

  • Ketoral. This is a shampoo made on the basis of a 2% solution of ketoconazole. It should be used to combat persistent dandruff, accompanied by itching. The medicinal composition helps relieve irritation and peeling. Apply the drug to wet and clean hair, gently rubbing the scalp into the skin. Leave Ketoral to act for several minutes, then wash off.
  • "Sebozol." The main component of this shampoo is ketoconazole. He copes with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. The drug is applied to pre-washed scalp for 7 minutes. After time, it is washed off with warm water.
  • Nizoral is an antifungal shampoo that is used to eliminate and prevent seborrhea, pityriasis versicolor and dandruff. The drug relieves itching and peeling, in addition, completely eliminates the fungus. After washing the hair, a medicine is applied to the scalp and curls for 5 minutes.

During the use of medical shampoo, you can not apply to the hair other formulations: balm, mask or conditioner.

Dandruff appeared and itchy head: treatment

Other treatments

In addition, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body can cause dryness and itching of the scalp. Treatment in this case consists in taking special supplements to increase immunity. They must necessarily contain riboflavin, which stimulates the oxidative process and participates in fat metabolism.

If dandruff appears due to an allergy and the head itches, what should I do? Antihistamines are recommended. When itching and peeling occur after using cosmetics, “Diazolin”, “Zirtek”, “Zodak” and other drugs are prescribed.

Alternative Therapy

When dandruff appeared and the head itches, folk remedies will help to fix a similar problem. Healers often use onion peel, which is boiled for 1 hour. The resulting solution was filtered and cooled. With this tool, they wash their hair every day for 14 days.

Sea buckthorn oil helps restore damaged epidermal tissue of the head. To eliminate dandruff, extracts of orange, lavender, sesame or almond are used. These oily fluids must be applied to the hair roots a few hours before washing.

When dandruff appears and the head itches, everyone should know how to treat this phenomenon. To get rid of these unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to use a product based on lemon juice, sunflower oil and onions. In the vegetable there are sulfur, special acids and volatile. Such components effectively fight itching, seborrhea and dandruff.

You need to mix in equal proportions all the ingredients to obtain a mushy mixture. The tool is rubbed into the dermis of the head, wrapped in a towel and left for 35 minutes. Such a mask will burn a little skin. It can even be used to treat hair loss.

To eliminate inflammation and gently exfoliate the epidermis, aloe juice can be used. It has antibacterial and antifungal effects. The thick liquid of the agave must be applied in pure form on the skin of the head. Then it is washed off and medical shampoo is used.

Using broths

It is necessary to take measures if dandruff appears, the head itches and hair falls out. What to do with such a problem is of interest to many women. For medicinal purposes, you can use scrubs made at home. A small spoonful of salt or soda should be poured with herbal broth or water, stir and gently rub into the dermis. In the process of this procedure, dead particles of the epithelium are removed, blood circulation is normalized. You can resort to this method in order to eliminate dandruff.

If the skin is dry, then peeling based on ground coffee beans, oatmeal or clay is effective. It is best to use such a composition before washing your hair.

Daily herbal rinses will help get rid of dandruff and speed up metabolic processes. First, you should prepare a decoction of plantain, St. John's wort, nettle, chamomile and coltsfoot. Ready means just rinse the curls after washing.

Dandruff appeared and itchy head: causes

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Do not be upset if dandruff appears and the head itches. Treatment will quickly get rid of this ailment. Specialists with this problem recommend conducting:

  • Cryomassage with liquid nitrogen to improve hair condition.
  • Ozone therapy to normalize metabolic processes that favorably affect the structure of curls.
  • Darsonvalization to speed up local circulation.
  • Mesotherapy in the form of injections using minerals, amino acids and vitamins. This procedure allows you to quickly get rid of loss of strands and dandruff.
Why did dandruff appear and itchy head?

How to avoid itching and peeling?

When dandruff appears and the head itches, few know how to treat a similar problem. It is better not to allow its occurrence at all. During therapy, it is necessary to reduce the use of flour, fat and sweet. In addition, it is better to abandon bad habits. Every day you should drink about two liters of water so that the scalp does not dry out.

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