How to cut a biscuit into cakes evenly: step-by-step instructions and recommendations

Sponge cake is the basis for many pastries, pastries and cakes. It is baked quickly enough, it turns out tall, lush and tender inside. Difficulties in housewives most often occur only when cutting a biscuit into cakes. Usually they do not look too smooth. As a result, the assembled cake looks messy and unappetizing. In our article, we will talk about how to evenly cut a biscuit into cakes. We’ll offer you several effective methods to choose from using a number of devices.

What to consider when cutting a biscuit?

The lush, tall, perfect biscuit cake that has just been taken out of the oven is not a guarantee that the cake will turn out to be just as beautiful. Firstly, it can come out dry, which makes it very difficult to cut it. Secondly, the cake may fall from the temperature difference. Therefore, in the cooking process, it is important to take into account all the points: how and when to get a biscuit, how to cut it.

how to cut a biscuit into 3 cakes evenly

The basis of any biscuit cake is eggs, sugar and flour. Additionally, other ingredients can be added to the dough: milk, vegetable or butter, baking powder, etc. The most difficult to cut classic biscuit, which has a porous texture inside. With an inept attempt to divide it into cakes, it crumbles or is pulled together by lumps. Along with this, oily and chiffon biscuits (based on butter and vegetable oils, respectively) are cut easier.

In addition, the quality of the finished cake layers depends on the diameter and height of the base, as well as their desired thickness. For comparison, a biscuit with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 7 cm is cut into three cakes much easier than a product baked in a 26 cm mold. How good the biscuit has cooled is also of no small importance. Before cutting it into cakes, he must "rest".

How to prepare a biscuit for slicing?

In the process of preparing the base for the cake, it is important to follow the recipe exactly. Moreover, the diameter of the mold and the length of time the biscuit is in the oven are of importance. The readiness of the product is always checked only in one way: by piercing the cake in the very center with a wooden skewer or match. If it comes out dry, then the biscuit is ready.

The cake pan is removed immediately from the oven. A minute or two of the product should stand on the table at room temperature. The biscuit should independently move away from the walls of the form. After that, the product must be turned upside down on the grill. After 10 minutes, the cake turns over to the opposite side and remains on the grill until it cools completely. So the air will circulate around the product, as a result of which it cools down faster. But thinking about how to cut a biscuit into even cakes is not the time.

Before cutting, the cooled product is wrapped in cling film and sent to the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Under such conditions, the biscuit will become more humid inside, and it will be easier to cut into cakes. Ideally, if the base remains in the refrigerator overnight.

The procedure for cutting a biscuit with a knife

This method is considered one of the most common. To cut a biscuit into cakes, you need to prepare a thin, long and sharp knife. Many housewives choose a special bread knife with a serrated edge for this. It is important to consider that the diameter of the product is not too large.

how to evenly cut a biscuit into cakes

So, how to evenly cut a biscuit into cakes with a knife? First of all, it is necessary to observe the following sequence of actions:

  1. Put the biscuit on a flat horizontal surface.
  2. Using a knife, make notches along the entire cutting line, taking into account the number of future cakes.
  3. Press the biscuit firmly with your hand on top.
  4. Rotating the product counterclockwise, cut it into cakes on previously made notches, making a movement of the knife towards itself.
  5. The knife should be held parallel to the surface of the table. Make sure that the cake is smooth, but not cone-shaped.

How to cut a sponge cake with a plate?

To use this method, in addition to dishes, it is necessary to have a detachable baking dish, or rather a ring from it. It will serve as a level. Using a detachable ring and several flat plates is the only sure way to evenly cut a biscuit into 3 cakes.

Actions are performed in the following sequence:

  1. A biscuit is laid out on a flat plate. The split ring goes down from above. The result should be that the product is on a plate, but inside the ring.
  2. From the bottom, substitute so many plates under the biscuit so that from above it protrudes above the ring by the required thickness of the cake.
  3. Holding the product with your hand, cut off the upper cake with a long and sharp knife, using the ring as a support.
  4. Substitute a few more plates below and cut off the next cake in a similar way.

Cutting a sponge cake at home with a thread

how to cut biscuit cake

This is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to get the perfect sponge cake for cake. How to evenly cut a biscuit into cakes using a silk thread (fishing line, guitar string), you can learn from the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Using a knife along the cut line, make notches. You can also use toothpicks. They must be stuck at the desired height around the entire circumference.
  2. Wrap the biscuit with thread, threading it into the cuts made with a knife.
  3. Cross the ends of the thread. Take them in different hands.
  4. Dilute the ends of the thread in opposite directions, cutting the biscuit in this way.
  5. If necessary, repeat the same steps with the second cake.

How to cut a biscuit into cakes with a string?

how to cut a sponge cake into cakes with a string

This device looks like a coat hanger for clothes with a string stretched inside. Its position can be changed depending on the desired height of the products.

How to cut a biscuit into flat cakes can be described in the following instructions:

  1. Lay the base for the cake on a flat horizontal surface.
  2. Set the string to the desired height.
  3. Squeeze the biscuit from above with your hand.
  4. Place the string knife on the legs next to the biscuit. Without tearing them off the table surface, cut the cake using sawing movements.
  5. In a similar way, cut off the following cakes.

How to use a slicer to cut a biscuit?

how and when to get a biscuit and how to cut it

This method is more suitable for professional confectioners, who often have to cut the product into cakes. Externally, the slicer resembles a split baking dish, but with parallel holes around the circumference. The biscuit is placed inside the split ring and cut into the desired number of cakes through the slots. The distance between the holes is 1 cm. This means that the question of how to evenly cut the biscuit into cakes can be solved very simply.

Another advantage of the slicer is that the ring is adjustable in diameter, which allows you to cut any size biscuits in it. The main thing is that the knife is long and sharp enough.

Chiffon Biscuit Recipe

how to cut a biscuit into flat cakes

This biscuit is ideally cut into several even cakes. It turns out to be soft and moist inside, so it does not require additional impregnation. Vanilla-lemon chiffon biscuit is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. The oven is heated to a temperature of 160 ° C.
  2. Flour (130 g) is sifted several times with sugar (80 g), a pinch of salt and a baking powder (1 ½ teaspoon).
  3. Yolks of room temperature (2 pcs.) Are combined with vanilla and lemon peel (on the tip of a knife), slightly warm milk (30 ml) and vegetable oil (65 ml). The resulting mass is whipped with a mixer to the state of lush and light foam.
  4. The yolk portion of the dough is mixed with the sifted dry ingredients.
  5. Proteins (4 pcs.) Combine with sugar (25 g) and beat with a mixer to steep peaks.
  6. Part of the protein is introduced into the yolk-oil mass and gently mixed with a spatula.
  7. The remaining proteins are added to the dough and combined with it in a similar way.
  8. The prepared dough is shifted into a split mold with a diameter of 26 cm.
  9. Biscuit is baked in a well-heated oven for 30 minutes.

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